An epithet constantly used in connection with Ajátasattu.

Buddhaghosa explains it* by saying that Videhí here means a wise woman and not the Videha lady, because Ajátasattu's mother was the daughter, not of a king of Videha, but of a Kosala king. (E.g., J.iii.121; iv.342; she was called Kosaladeví   e.g., J.ii.403).

* Vedehiputto ti, vedehíti panditá dhivacanam etam; pandititthiyá putto ti attho (SA.i.120); cf. DA.i.139.

According to the Nirayávalí Sútra, (Jacobi, Jaina Sutras, SBE.xxii. Introd., p.xiii) there was, among the wives of Bimbisára, Callaná, daughter of Cetaka, a rájá of Vaisáli, whose sister Trisálá was the mother of Mahávíra. She was also called Sríbhadrá.

According to the Tibetan Dulvá (Rockhill: Life of the Buddha, 63f), Ajatasattu's mother was Vásaví, daughter of Simha of Vaisáli. It was foretold that Vásaví's son would kill his father.

Cf. Vedehiká, Vedehamuni.

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