1. Vikkamabáhu, Vikkamabhuja, Vikkantabáhu. Surnames of King Kassapa VI. See Kassapa (21).

2. Vikkamabáhu. Son of Vijayabáhu I. and Tilokasundarí. He had two wives, Sundarí and Lílávatí (Cv.lix.32, 49f). He was made Adipáda by Vijayabáhu I., and, when his son Gajabáhu was born, the king gave the province of Rohana for his welfare. Vikkamabáhu lived there with Mahánágahula (Cv.lx.88f) as his capital. When Vijayabáhu died, some of Vikkamabáhu’s relations, Jayabáhu and the three sons of Mittá (Mánábharana, Kittisirimegha and Sirivallabha) conspired to keep him out of the succession, but he defeated them in various battles and took possession of the capital Pulatthipura, losing, however, Dakkhinadesa and his former province of Rohana (Cv.lxi.2f). A year later his enemies again rose in revolt, led by Mánábharana, and, as Vikkamabáhu advanced to Kalyaní to fight them, Víradeva, of Palandípa (q.v.) landed in Mannára, and his attention was diverted. In the first engagements, Vikkamabáhu was defeated by Víradeva and forced to flee to Kotthasára, but Víradeva was later defeated and slain at Antaravitthika. From then onwards Vikkamabáhu and the three sons of Mittá (see above) lived each in his province, but became unpopular both with the sangha and the laity owing to their greed and lust. Following the death of Jayabáhu and the Queen Mittá, Vikkamabáhu appears to have been acknowledged king (Vikkamabáhu II.); and it was evidently as such that the birth of his nephew, the prince who after became Parakkamabáhu. I., was reported to him. Vikkamabáhu had two sons, Mahinda, and Gajabáhu, but asked that his nephew should be sent to the court; this request, however, was not granted (Cv.lxii.58f). Vikkamabáhu reigned, till his death, for twenty one years (1116 1137 A.C.), and was succeeded by his son Gajabáhu. Cv.lxiii.18.

3. Vikkamabáhu. Son of Gajabáhu and brother of Colagangakumára. Cv.lxx.238.

4. Vikkamabáhu. Younger brother of King Kittinissanka. He became king on the death of Vírabáhu I., but reigned for only three months (in 1196 A.C.), after which he was slain by Codaganga. Cv.lxxx.28.

5. Vikkamabáhu. The king who succeeded Parakkamabáhu V. He was himself succeeded by Bhuvenakabáhu V. Cv.xci. 1, 3; he seems to have reigned for eighteen years (1347 75 A.C.). See Cv. Trs. ii.212, n.2.

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