1. Vimaladhammasúriya. King of Ceylon (1592 1604 A.C.). For his father, etc., see Cv. Trs.ii. 227, n.1. He succeeded Rájasíha I. and ruled in Sirivaddhanapura. He built a temple for the Tooth Relic in the capital* and, having sent an embassy to Rakkhanga, obtained a chapter of monks under Nandicakka to re establish the Order in Ceylon. He built the Ganthamba vihára and held there a ceremony of ordination. He was succeeded by his cousin Senaratna, whom he persuaded to leave the Order that he might assume the duties of kingship (Cv.xciv.6ff).

* He seems to have made a special casket for the Relics, which Kittisirirájasíha later overlaid with gold; Cv.c.21; Cv. Trs.ii.276, n.1.

2. Vimaladhammasúriya. King of Ceylon (Vimaladhammasúriya II., 1687 1707 A.C.). He was the son of Rájasíha II. He held festivals in honour of the Tooth Relic and the Footprint at Sumanakúta and, sending an embassy to Rakkhanga, obtained thirty three monks, headed by Santána Thera, to reorganize the Order in Ceylon. He was succeeded by his son, Narindasíha. Cv.xcvii.1ff.

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