






Kira - An Indeclinable used in reference to a report by hearing. It seems, 'is said.

Nihita - pp. of ni + dhà, bear. Deposited, laid aside, set apart

Kàlamakaüsu - Kàlaü + akaüsu - died. Sing. Kàlamakàsi

Sàpateyyaü - property, wealth, provisions.

Vaõõa-pokkharatàya - beauty of complexion.

Devaccharà - celestial nymph.

Ratana + ttaya + màmikà - devoted to the Triple Gem.

Pàdaparikattaü - state of wife.

Vibhavaü - wealth.

Pati + kulena - husband's clan.

Kevalaü - only.

Tato paññhàya - from that time, thence forth.

Nivàsaü gaõhi - took shelter.

Potakaü - colt.

Pañijaggàhi - nourish, tend, look after.

Pu¤¤a + karaõassa - Dat. to one who is doing merit.

Vidhametvà - having vanquished, having defeated.

Yannånàhaü - How, if I.

Màlake - in the enclosure, yard.

Ugghosesi - shouted.

Maü + anuggaha - have compassion on me.

Soõõa + màlàhi - with garlands of gold.

Nabhasà - through the sky.

Mahiüsu - revered.

Tato + ppabhuti - from that time.

Nagara + upavane - in the wood near the city.

Nibandhaü - frequently.

Devassa + anuråpaü - suitable to the Deva (King).

Bhane - a term of address used by superiors to subordinates.

Nil´- hidden.

Gahana + sajjà - ready to seize.

Nivatti - stopped.

Paõhiyà - with the heel.

Sa¤¤aü + datvà - giving a sign.

Vegaü janetvà - accelerating the speed.

âkàsaü ullaïghi - rose to the sky.

Sandhàretuü - to bear.

Parigalitvà - having glided off, slipped.

Tiracchànagatà - animals.

Mantvàna - considering, thinking.

Sutta-ppabuddho - risen from sleep.

Màtugàmà - women.



Janapada - country

Nad´ + t´ raü - river bank.

Gabbhin´ + itth´ - pregnant woman.

Kammaja-vàtà - pains of childbirth.

Vijàyituü-asakkont´ - unable to give birth.

Pipàsità + amhi - I am thirsty.

Karuõàyanto - pitying.

Laddhà + assàsà - having obtained consolation.

Katipaya - few

Pañicca - on account of.

âhiõóanto - wandering.

Sandhiü chinditvà - making a break - broke into the house.

Pacchàbàhaü - hands on the back.

Gàëhaü bandhitvà - binding tightly.

âgantuko - guest, foreigner, visitor.

ânàpesi - ordered.

âghàtaññhànaü - place of execution.

Sa¤jànitvà - recognising.

Hadaya - heart.

Muhuttena - in a moment.

Asaddhahanto - not believing.

Tassa-agghaõakaü - its value.



Duggato - poor man.

Bhatiyà - by wages.

Tuññha-haññhe - pleased and delighted.

Pamudite - rejoiced

Dakkhiõeyyà - worthy of gifts.

Jinorasà - the Sons of the Buddha.

âvaññhito - settled.

Saüsàro - Existence.

Khalu - indeclinable, indeed.

Kalyàõa-vimukka - opposed to good.

Kasirena - with difficulty.

Kapaõo - poor.

D´ no - miserable.

Anàëhiyo - destitute.

Sàdhu + sammate - regarded as good.

Maõóapaü - hall.

âyàsena - with trouble.

Pàyàsaü - milk porridge.



Devasikaü - adv. daily.

Dànaggaü - alms-hall.

Vutte - loc. of vutta, from vada, to speak. When said, on being said.

Garahanti - from 'garaha' to condemn, despise.

Ruciü - taste, desire, likes.

Anucchavkha-kiccàni - anu + chavi - ka = according to one's skin, i.e., befitting, proper, suitable. Kiccàni, deeds, actions, duties.

Ativiya - adj. thoroughly.

Jànanti - know, from ¤à, to know, Jàna is substituted for ¤à.

Tesu vicàrentesu - loc. absolute. When they inquire.

Cittaråpaü - lit. according to the mind, i.e., as they liked or according to one's heart's content.

Parivisituü. - from pari + visa - to feed.

Upadhàrenti - nom. feminine singular present participle of upa + dhara, to hold, take up. Reflecting.

òhapesi - Aorist causal of ñhà, to stand. Placed.

Veyyàvaccaü karonti - perform duties, render service.

Sotàpannà - sota, stream; àpanna, entered. Stream - Winner, the first stage of Sainthood.

Patikulaü - husband's family.

Sakadàgàmiphalaü - Fruit of Ones - Returner, the second stage of Sainthood.

Tathàråpena aphàsukhena - some such illness.

âtura - ill.

âhàråpacchedaü - lit. food - cutting, i.e., starving.

Pakkosàpesi - Aorist causal of pa + kusa = caused to be called; summoned.

Vippalapasi - from vi + pa + lapa, to speak. Speak confusedly, babble.

Kàlamakàsi - lit. did the time i.e., died.

Uppannasokaü - arisen grief. Uppanna is the p.p. of u + pada, to go.

Adhivàsetuü - inf. of adhi + vasa = to bear.

Asakkonto - pres. participle of sakha, to bear. Being unable.

Sar´ rakiccaü - lit. bodily duties, i.e. funeral ceremonies, obsequies.

Kàretvà - Causal past participle of karu, to do.

Rodanto - pres. part. of ruda, to lament, wail.

Assumukho - assu, tears; mukha, face = tearful face.

Kàlakatà - lit. time done i.e., dead.

Ekaüsikaü - adv. certain.

Hirottappasampannà - hiri = shame, modesty; ottappa = fear; sampannà = endowed with.

Paccupaññhàpetuü - inf. of pati + upa + ñhà, to gather up.

Matà - p.p. of mara, to die.

Kathitaü - p.p. of katha, to speak; said, uttered, spoken.

Mahallikattà - abstract noun. Being old.

Nibbattà - p.p. .of ni + vatu born.

Pecca - Ind. p.p. of pa + i, to go. Having gone.

Katapu¤¤o - the doer of good.

Gatà - p.p. of gamu = gone.



Verena - by anger.

Sammanti - are pacified - samu.

Sanantano - ancient law - Sanaü + suffix tana.

Agàraü - house.

Du + channaü - ill - thatched.

Vuññhi - rain.

Samativijjhati - penetrates through - saü + ati + vijjha.

Pecca - hereafter.

Kamma - kiliññha - defiled actions.

Modati - rejoices - muda.

Visuddhiü - purity.

Tappati - is tormented - tapa.

M´ yanti - die - m´ .

Maghavà - a name given to Sakka, the king of the devas.

Pasaüsanti - praise - pasaüsa.

Garahito - is denounced, blamed - garaha + ta.

Adhisessati - will lie - adhi + si.

Chuddho - thrown away.

Apeta - vi¤¤àõo - bereft of consciousness.

Ni + atthaü - useless.

Kaëingaraü - charred log.

Bhamaro - bee.

Aheñhayaü - without injuring.

Paleti - flies - pala.

Vilomàni - defects.

Avekkheyya - should reflect - ava + ikkha

Kayirà - would make - kara.

Màlàguõe - different garlands.

Maccena - by man.

Ma¤¤ati - thinks - mana.

Selo - rock.

Eka - ghano - one - solid.

Vàtena - by wind.

Sam´ rati - is shaken - saü + ira.

Samiddhiü - prosperity.

Sa - so, he.

Saõgàme - in the battle field.

Jeyya - would conquer - j´ .

Tasanti - tremble - tasa.

Haõeyya - should kill - haõa.

Ghàtaye - should cause to kill - haõa.
