
VOCABULARY: Pali-English























Abhibhavati - (Abhi + bhå) overcomes.

Abhibhå - m. conqueror.

Abhidhamma - m. Higher Doctrine.

Abhigacchati - (abhi + gamu) goes near to.

Abhijànàti - (abhi + ¤à) perceives.

Abhikkamati - (abhi + kamu) goes forward.

Abhimaïgala - n. great festival.

Abhimukha - facing towards.

Abhi¤¤à - f. higher knowledge.

âcariya - m. teacher.

âdara - m. affection, esteem, care.

âdàya - p.p. having taken.

Adhibhåta - p.p. mastered.

Adhigacchati - (adhi + gamu) attains, acquires.

Adhipati - m. chief, master.

Adhisessati - (adhi + si) will lie upon.

Adhis´ la - a higher morality.

Adhis´ ta - adj. very cold.

Adhitiññhati - (adhi + ñhà) stands upon.

Adhivasati - (adhi + vasa) dwells in.

Agà - (gamu) went.

âgacchati - (à + gamu) comes.

âgatasamaõo - m. monastery.

Aggi - m. fire.

Aha - n. day.

Ahaü - pro. I.

âhàra - m. food.

âharati - (à + hara) brings.

Aja - m. goat.

Ajà - f. she-goat.

Ajja - ind. to-day.

âkàsa - m. sky.

Alikavàd´ - m. liar.

âma - ind. yes.

Amacca - m. minister.

Amba - n. mango.

Ambara - n. garment.

Amhàkaü - pro. our.

Amu - Pro. this, that, such.

Aïguli - f. finger.

A¤¤a - adj. another

Annada - giver of food.

A¤¤atara - adj. certain.

Antevàsiko - m. pupil.

Antima - adj. last.

Anu - pre. like, after, along, under.

Anugacchati - (anu + gamu) follows.

Anulomato - in accordance with.

Anunàyaka - m. sub-chief.

Anupubbaü - in due course.

Anuràja - m. successor.

Apa - pre. from, away from.

âpabbata - n. as far as the rock.

Apagacchati - (apa + gamu) goes away.

âpana - n. shop, market.

Apara - adj. other, western, subsequent.

Aparaõha - m. afternoon.

Apasàlàya - from the hall.

Apavàda - m. abuse, blame.

Api - ind. over, near to.

Apidhàna - n. cover, lid.

Appa - adj. little, few.

Appamàda - m. earnestness.

Arahanta - m. Arahat.

âràma - m. temple, garden.

âroceti - (à + ruca) informs, tells, announces.

ârogya - n. health.

Asàdhu - m. bad man.

âsana - n. seat.

Asi - m. sword.

Asikaëaho - m. swordfight.

As´ ti - eighty.

Assa - m. horse.

Assà - f. mare.

Añavi - f. forest.

Ativiya - adj. very.

Atigacchati - (ati + gamu) overcomes.

Atikkamati - (ati + kamu) transgresses.

Atisundara - very beautiful.

Atithi - m. guest.

Atta - m. soul, self.

Attha - m. matter, meaning, good.

Aññha - eight.

Aññhàdasa - eighteen.

Aññhama - eighth.

Aññhi - n. bone.

Avabhodha - m. understanding.

Avacarati - (ava + cara) traverses.

Avaharati - (ava + hara) takes away.

Avajànàti - (ava + ¤à) despises.

Avakkamati - (ava + kamu) descends.

Avama¤¤ati - (ava + mana) looks down upon.

âvuso - ind. friend, brother.

Aya - n. iron.

Ayomaya - made of iron.

âyu - n. age.



Bahudhà - in many ways.

Bàla - m. young.

Bàlatà - f. childhood.

Bàlatta- n. ignorance.

Balavantu - m. powerful.

Bandhumantu - m. he who has relations.

Bhagavantu - m. The Blessed One.

Bhagin´ - f. sister.

Bhajati - (bhaja) associates.

Bhaõati - (bhaõa) speaks, recites.

Bhaõóa - n. goods, article.

Bhaõóàgàrika - m. treasurer

Bhante - ind. Lord, Reverend Sir.

Bhariyà - f. wife.

Bhàsà - f. language.

Bhàsana. - n. speech.

Bhattu - m. husband.

Bhàtu - m. brother.

Bhava - n. existence.

Bhavati - (bhå) becomes.

Bhàveti - (bhå) cultivates, develops.

Bhaya - n. fear.

Bhikkhu - m, mendicant, monk.

Bhikkhun´ - f. nun.

Bhinna - p.p. broken.

Bhå - to be.

Bhujaga - m. snake.

Bhu¤jitukàma - wishing to eat.

Bhåmi - f. ground.

Bhu¤jati - (bhuji) eats, partakes.

Bhåta - n. being.

B´ ja - n. seed, germ.

Brahmacàr´ - m. celibate.

Buddha - m. The Enlightened One.

Buddhadesita - preached by Buddha.

Bujjhati - (budha) understands.



Cakkhu - n. eye.

Canda - m. moon.

Carati - (cara) wanders.

Catuttha - fourth.

Cattàë´ sati - forty.

Catu - four.

Catuddasa - fourteen.

Ceta - n. mind.

Cha - six.

Chatta - n. umbrella.

Chaññha - sixth.

Ciraü - indec. for a long time.

Corabhayaü - n. fear from thief.

Corayati - (cura) steals.

Coreti - (cura) steals.

Cuddasa - fourteen.



Dakkhiõa - south.

Dàna - n. alms, giving, gift.

Daõóa - n. stick.

Daõó´ - he who has a stick.

Dàraka - m. child.

Dàrikà - f. girl.

Dàru - n. wood, fire-wood.

Dàrumaya - wooden.

Dasa - ten.

Dàsa - m. servant.

Dàsi - f. servant-maid.

Dàtu - m. giver.

Dàyaka - m. supporter.

Deseti - (disa) preaches.

Deti - () gives.

Deva - m. god.

Devi - f. goddess.

Deyya - that which should be given.

Dhamma - m. Law, Truth, Doctrine.

Dhammacàri - m. righteous one.

Dhammadhara - m. versed in the Dhamma.

Dhammasàlà - f, preaching hall.

Dhammatà - f. nature.

Dhammavàd´ - m. speaker of the Truth.

Dhammika - righteous.

Dhana - n. wealth.

Dhàvati - (dhàva) runs.

Dhenu - f. cow.

Dh´ tu - f. daughter.

Dhitimantu - m. courageous one.

Dhovati - (dhova) washes.

Dhunàti - (dhu) destroys.

Dibbati - (diva) enjoys.

D´ gha - adj. long.

Dinakara - m. Sun.

D´ pa - n. light, lamp.

Disà - f. quarter, direction.

Diññhadhammo - m. Saint.

Divasa - m., n. day.

Dosa - m. hatred.

Du - pre. bad, difficult.

Duddama - difficult to tame.

Duggati - f. evil state.

Duhitu - f. daughter.

Duranubodha - difficult of comprehension.

Dutiya - second.

Dvàdasa - twelve.

Dvi - two.

Dvikkhattuü - twice.



Eka - one, certain, some.

Ekàdasa - eleven.

Eëaka - m. goat.

Eva - ind. just, quite, even, only.

Evaü - ind. thus.



Gacchati - (gamu) goes.

Gahapati - m. householder.

Gàma - m. village.

Gàmato - gone to the village.

Gamaka - m. goer.

Gamana - n. going.

Gàmatà - f. collection of villages.

Gaïgà - f. river.

Gantukàma - wishing to go.

Gàrayha - blamable.

Gati - f. state.

Ghara - n. home, house.

Ghaña -m. pot, jar.

Ghosana - noisy.

Gilàna - m. sick person.

G´ ti - f. song.

Go - m. bull.

Gotrabhå - n. Sanctified one.

Guõavantu - m. virtuous one.



Harati - (hara) carries.

Hattha - m. hand.

Hatthi - m. elephant.

Hatthin´ - f. she-elephant.

Have - ind. indeed, certainly.

Hi - indec. indeed.

H´ yo - ind. yesterday.



Icchati - (isu) wishes, desires.

Idàni - ind. now.

Idha - ind. here.

Ima - this.

Itara - adj. different, the remaining.

Ito - ind. hence. ago, from here.

Iva - ind. like.

Isi - m. sage.



Janaka - m. father.

Janan´ - f. mother.

Janatà - f. multitude.

Jaya - m. victory.

Jàyati - (jana) arises, is born.

Jeññha - eldest.

Jetu - m. conqueror.

Jeyya - elder.

Jinàti - (ji) conquers.

J´ vati - (j´ va) lives.



Ka - pro. who, which?

Kadariya - m. miser.

Kammaja - born of kamma.

Kampati - (kampa) shakes, wavers.

Kaõha - black.

Kaniññha - adj . youngest.

Kaniya - adj. younger.

Ka¤¤à - f. maiden, virgin.

Kapi - m. monkey.

Kàraka - m. doer.

Karaõa - n. doing.

Karan´ ya - that which should be done.

Kassaka - m. farmer.

Katama - pro. what, which?

Kata¤¤å - m. grateful person.

Katara - pro. what, which?

Kattu - m. doer.

Kattukàma - wishing to do.

Kavi - m. poet.

Kàyika - bodily.

Khàdati - (khàda) eats, chews.

Khaggavisàõakappa - m. like a rhinoceros.

Khajja - eatable.

Khaõati - (khaõa) digs.

Khanti - f. patience.

Khetta - n. field.

Khippaü - ind. quickly.

Kh´ ra - n. milk.

Khuddaka - adj . small.

Kiü - ind. why? what? pray.

K´ ëati - plays.

Kodha - m. anger.

Kodhana - irritable.

Koñi - f. hundred lakhs.

Kuddàla - m., n. spade.

Kujjhati - (kudha) gets angry.

Kumbhakàra - m. potter.

Ku¤jara - m. elephant.

Kåpa - m. well.



Labhati - (labha) receives.

Lakkhaü - lakh.

Lekhana - n. letter.

Likhati = (likha) writes.

Lobha - m. greed.

Loka - m. world.

Lokahita - beneficial to the world.

Lokika - worldly.

Loõika - mixed with salt.



Maccha - m. fish.

Maccu - m. death.

Madhu - m. honey.

Magga - m. road.

Maggika - m. traveller.

Mahanta - adj. big.

Mahes´ - f. queen.

Majja - n. intoxicant.

Majjhima - adj . middle.

Màlàkàra - m. garland-maker.

Mama - pro. my, mine.

Mana - mind.

Màna - n. pride.

Ma¤ca - m. bed.

Maõi - m. jewel.

Manomaya - mental.

Manusatta - n. manhood.

Maraõa - n. death.

Màsa - m., n. month.

Màtula - m. uncle.

Màtulàn´ - f. aunt.

Mayhaü - pro. .my, mine.

Medha - adj . wise.

Medhàv´ - m. wise man.

Medhàvin´ - f. wise woman.

Mitta - m., n. friend.

Mukha - n. face, mouth.

Muni - m. sage.

Mutti - f. deliverance.



Nagara - m. city.

Nàgarika - urban.

Nàma - n. name, mind.

Namo - ind. honour.

Narapati - m. king.

Nàr´ - f. woman.

Nara - m. man.

Nàtha - m. lord, refuge.

¥àti - m. relative.

Nattu - m. nephew.

¥àtu - m. knower.

Nàvà - f. ship, boat.

Nàvika - m. navigator.

Nava - nine.

Navama - ninth.

Navuti - ninety.

Netu - m. leader.

Niràhàra - without food.

N´ ca - mean, low.

Nicaya - n. accumulation.

Nidahati - (ni + daha) lays aside.

Nidhàya - ind. p.p. having left aside.

Nigacchati - (ni + gamu) goes away.

Nigama - m. town, market

N´ harati - (n´ + hara) takes away, removes.

Nikkhamati - (ni + kamu) departs.

Nikkhaõati - (ni +khaõa) buries.

N´ la - adj. blue.

N´ rasa - sapless, tasteless.

N´ roga - healthy.

Nis´ dati - (ni + sada) sits.

Nittaõho - arahant (Desireless One).

Nivattati - (ni + vatu) ceases.



Odana - m. rice, cooked rice.

Ojà - f. essence.

Osadha - m. medicine.

Osadhasàlà - f. dispensary.

Ovàda - m. advice.



Pabala - very strong.

Pabbata - m., n. rock.

Pacati - (paca) cooks.

Pacchàbhattaü - after meal.

Pacchima - west.

Pàda - m,. n. foot

Paharati - (pa + hara) strikes.

Pakkamati - (pa + kamu) sets out, goes away.

Pakkhipati - (pa + khipa) throws in, puts in.

Pàëibhàsà - f. pàëi-language.

Pana - ind, but, however, further.

Pa¤ca - five.

Pa¤cadasa - fifteen.

Pa¤cadhà - fivefold.

Pa¤cama - fifth.

Paõóita - m. wise man.

Pa¤ha - m. question

Paõ´ ta - noble.

Pa¤cama - fifth.

Paõõarasa - fifteen.

Pa¤¤à - f. wisdom.

Paõõàkàra - m. present.

Paõõàsa - fifty.

Pàpa - n. evil.

Pàpaka - adj . evil.

Pàpakàr´ - m. evil-doer.

Pàpuõàti - (pa + apa) arrives.

Para - adj. other, different.

Parà - ind. away, aside, back, opposed to.

Paràbhava - m. decline, ruin.

Paràjaya - defeat.

Parakkamati - (para + kamu) strives.

Pari - pre. around, about, complete.

Pariccheda - m. limit, extent, chapter.

Paridahati - (pari + daha) puts on.

Paridhàvati. - (pari + dhàva) runs about.

Parikkhipati - (pari + khipa) throws around.

Parisuddha - complete purity.

Pasattha - good.

Pàtaràsa - m. morning meal.

Patati - (pata) falls.

Pañhama - first.

Pàñhasàlà - f. school.

Pati - m. husband, lord.

Pati - pre. again, against, back, towards.

Patideti - (pati + ) gives in return.

Pañikkamati - (pañi + kamu) retreats.

Pañilekhana - n. letter in reply.

Pañilomaü - backwards.

Pañipadà - f. course, conduct, practice.

Patiràja - hostile king.

Patiråpaü - counterfeit, suitable.

Pañisotaü - against the stream.

Pañivadati - (pañi + vada) answers.

Pàto - ind. early in the morning.

Pavisati - (pa + visa) enters.

Pàya - n. water, milk.

Payàti - (pa + ) goes forward.

Payojana - n. use, need.

Pema - m. attachment, love.

P´ ta - adj. yellow.

P´ ñha - n. chair, bench.

P´ ti - f. joy.

Pitu - m. father.

Potthaka - n. book.

Pubba - adj. first, foremost, eastern.

Pubbaõha - m. forenoon.

Pucchati - asks.

Påjeti - offers.

Pu¤¤a - n. merit, good.

Pu¤¤akàr´ - m . good-doer.

Puppha - n. flower.

Purato - ind. in the presence of.

Puratthima - east.

Putta - m. son.

Puttika - he who has sons.



Ràja - m. king.

Raja - n. dust.

Rajatamaya - made of silver.

Ràjin´ - f. queen.

Rakkhati - protects.

Ratha - m. cart. chariot.

Rathakàra - charioteer.

Rati - f. attachment.

Ratta - adj. red.

Raññha - n. country, kingdom, realm.

Ratti - f. night.

Roga - m. disease.

Rukkha - m. tree.

Rundhati - (rudhi) obstructs.



- she.

Sabba - all.

Sobbadà - ind. everyday.

Sabba¤¤å - m. All Knowing One.

Sabbaso - in every way.

Sabbathà - in every way.

Sacca - a truth.

Sadà - ind. always.

Saddhà - f. faith, devotion, confidence.

Sàdhu - m. good man.

Sàdhu - adj. good.

Sàdhukaü - ind. well.

Sahàya - m. friend.

Sàlà - f. hall.

Samàgacchati - (saü + à + gamu) assembles.

Samaõa - m. holy man, ascetic.

Sambuddha - self-enlightened.

Sameti - meets together.

Sàm´ - m. husband, lord.

Sammà-Sammbuddha - m. Fully Enlightened One.

Sammukha - face to face with.

Saü - pre. with, together, self.

Saïgha - m. collection, The Order.

Saüharati - (saü + hara) collects.

Saïkhipati - (saü + khipa) condenses.

Saïkilissati - (saü + kilisa) is defiled.

Sara - n. lake.

Saraõa - n. refuge.

Satta - seven.

Sahassaü - thousand.

Sataü - hundred.

Sattadasa - seventeen.

Sattama - seventh.

Saññhi - sixty.

Sattati - seventy.

Satthu - m. teacher.

Sàyamàsa - m. evening meal, dinner.

Senà - f. army.

Seta - adj . white.

Seññha - adj. excellent, chief.

S´ la - n. morality, precept, virtue.

S´ ladhanaü - wealth of virtue.

Sira - n. head.

S´ ta - adj . cold, cool.

Siyà - would be.

So - pro. he.

Soka - m. grief.

Soëasa - sixteen.

Sotu - m. hearer.

Sovaõõamaya - golden.

Su - pre. good, well, thoroughly, excess.

Subhàvita - p.p. thoroughly practised.

Såda - m. cook.

Sudubbala - very weak.

Sudesita - well preached.

Sugati - f. good or happy state.

Sujana - m. good man.

Sukara - easy to do.

Sukhita - adj. happy, healthy.

Sunakha - m. dog.

Suõàti - (su) hears.

Suve - ind. tomorrow.



Tadà - ind. then.

Taëàka - n. pond pool.

Tama - n. darkness.

Taõhà - f. craving.

Tapa - n. asceticism, control.

Tarati - (tara) crosses.

Taruõa - adj . young.

Tàsaü - f. their.

Tassa - m., n., pro. his.

Tassà - f. pro. her.

Tatiya - third.

Tava - m., f., n., pro. your.

Teja - n. majesty.

Terasa - thirteen.

Tesaü - m., n., pro. their.

Ti - three.

Tiõa - n. grass.

Tiüsati - thirty.

Tumhàkaü - m., f., n., pro. Plu. your.

Tuyhaü - m., f., n. pro. Sing. your.



Ucca - adj . high.

Ucchindati - (u + chidi) cuts off.

Udaka - n. water.

Udaya - m. rise, beginning.

Uggacchati - (u + gamu) rises.

Ukkhipati - (u + khipa) throws upwards.

Uõha - adj. hot.

Upa - pre. near, towards, next.

Upàdàna - attachment, clinging.

Upadhàvati - (upa + dhàva) runs up to.

Upagacchati - (upa + gamu) goes near.

Upagaïgaü - near a river.

Upakaóóhati - (upa + kaóóha) drags down.

Upakaõõa- into the ear.

Upanagaraü - near a city, suburb.

Uparàja - m. viceroy.

Upàsaka - m. devotee (male).

Upasàkhà - minor branch.

Upasaïkamati - (upa + saü + kamu) approaches.

Upàsikà - f. devotee. (female).

Ura - n. shoulder.

Uttara - adj. higher, superior, northern.

Uttarati - (u + tara) ascends.



- ind. either, or.

Vàcà - f. word.

Vàceti - (vaca) reads, recites.

Vadati - (vada) speaks.

Vadhå - f. young wife.

Vanavàsa - residence in the forest.

Vandati - (vanda) salutes.

Vaõõa - m. appearance, colour, praise.

Vapati - sows.

Vassa - m., n. year, rain.

Vattha - n. cloth, raiment.

Vattu - m. talker.

Vaya - n. age.

Vàyamati - strives, tries.

Vejja - m. doctor, physician.

Vibhava - m. power, free from existence.

Vicarati - (vi + cara) wanders about.

Vicchindati - (vi + chidi) cuts off.

Vigata - separated.

Viha¤¤ati - perishes.

V´ hi - m. paddy.

Vikkhipati - scatters.

Viloma - reverse.

Vimala - stainless.

Vimukha - averted.

Vimutti - f. perfect release.

Vipassati - (vi + passa) sees clearly.

V´ saü - twenty.

Visama - uneven.

V´ sati - twenty.

Visikhà - f. street.

Visoka - sorrowless.

Visujjhati - (vi + sudha) is purified.

Viya - ind. like.

Vuddha - adj . old.

Vyàkaroti - (vi + à + kara) expounds.



- pro. who, which, that.

Yàcaka - m. beggar.

Yadà - ind. when.

Yàgu - m. rice-gruel.

Yasa - n. glory.

Yathàbalaü - according to strength.

Yathàkammaü - to order.

Yathàsatti - according to one's ability.

Yathàvuddhaü - according to seniority.

Yàva - ind. till, so long.

Yàvadatthaü - as one wishes.

Yàvaj´ vaü - till life lasts.

Yogga - suitable.
