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The Four Godly Thoughts Expanded

First Variation

In this variation of this meditation practice, imagine the class of creatures provided, and Pervade the entire class as you can envision it with your thoughts.

May all Beings Feel Friendly Vibrations.

Whether they walk on two legs

Or four legs

Or many legs

Or slither over the ground

Or burrow beneath the ground

Or swim

Or fly


Or Inniinvisible

Great or Small

Above, On This Plane, or Below

May they All Feel Friendly Vibrations

Repeat for Sympathetic Vibrations, Happiness at the Happiness’ of Others, and Objective Detachment

The Mahaggata Expansion

MAHAGGATA (Wide Gate) Expansion, Widespread, leading to Mahaggata Freedom of Mind

Sit down, flop forward, rise up erect, breath in 1, 2, 3, One Two Three Deep Deep Deep Satisfying Breaths, and, remembering to put a look of Satisfaction on your face, Let It All Go, and then, Pervade the World with Friendly Vibrations, beginning with an area of limited extent and repeating the incantation expanding the area in manageable increments, for example:

"May I feel Friendly Vibrations"

"May all beings in this Residence feel Friendly Vibrations"

"May all beings in this Town feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this County feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this State feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Nation feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Continent feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Hemisphere feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this World feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Solar System feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Galaxy feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in this Universe feel Friendly Vibrations."

"May all beings in the 10-Fold Universe System, 100-Fold Universe System, 1000-Fold Universe System, 10,000-Fold Universe System, 100,000-Fold Universe System, Thrice a 100,000-fold Universe System, and so forth, feel Friendly Vibrations, Sympathetic Vibrations, Happiness at the Happinesses of Others, and Objective Detachment."

Here is the Ancient Tradition:

1 area the size of the root [mula] of a tree . . . 2 mulas . . . 3 mulas

1 area the size of a village field (about 6 acres) . . . 2 . . . 3

1 area the size of a Kingdom . . . 2 . . . 3

an area like the sea-girt earth

Friendly Vibrations -- Third Expansion

May all beings feel Friendly Vibrations.

Whether they reside in Niraya Hells,

Or Animal Bodies

Or Ghostly Realms

Or Demonic Forms

Or as Men (MANUSA)

Or with the Four Kings of the 4 Directions

Or with the Gods of the Chamber of the Three and Thirty

Or in Yama’s Paridise

Or with The gods of the Heaven of Delight

Or with The Gods of Creation

Or with The Gods of Manipulation

Or in the Brahmaparisa

Or in the Paradise of Maha Brahma

Or in the Abhassara Realm

Or in the Subhakinna Realm

Or in the Asanna Realm

Or in the suddhavasa Realms: Aviha, Attappa, Sudassa, Sudassi, and Akanittha






May they all Feel Friendly Vibrations, Sympathetic Vibrations, Happiness at the Happiness’s of Others, and Objective Detachment.

Mike Olds at BuddhaDust dot org
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Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:02 PM

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