
For ASCII version of diacritical marks for Pali and Sanskrit used on this site,
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  1. Concordance of Buddhist Birth Stories,
    L. Grey, 1990, 3rd edn. 2000
    ISBN 380 X    £27.50   « Add to Basket »

  2. A Dictionary of Paali, Part I, A-Kh
    Margaret Cone, 2001
    ISBN 394 X    £27.50   « Add to Basket »

  3. Dictionary of Paali Proper Names,
    G.P. Malalasekera, 2 volumes, 1937, 1938, reprinted in 3 volumes 1997
    ISBN 362 1    £111.00   « Add to Basket »

  4. English-Pali Dictionary,
    Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, 1955, 1992, 1995
    ISBN 060 6    £13.75   « Add to Basket »

  5. Paali A.t.thakathaa Correspondence Table,
    Sodo Mori et al., 1994
    ISBN 312 5    £15.40   « Add to Basket »
    A table of page-to-page correspondences between the various printed editions of the Paali commentaries.

  6. Pali-English Dictionary,
    T.W. Rhys Davids and William Stede, 1921-25, reprinted 1992,1995
    ISBN 059 2    £23.00   « Add to Basket »
    See also University of Chicago site.

  7. Paali Tipi.taka Concordance, 3 volumes:
    Vol. I (A-O), 1955;
    Vol. II (K-N), 1973, 1995;
    Vol. III (P Baaraa.naseyyaka), 1993
    Set ISBN 375 1    £195.80   « Add to Basket »
    Vol. I ISBN 266 8    £68.00   « Add to Basket »
    Vol. II ISBN 267 6    £86.90   « Add to Basket »
    Vol. III ISBN 308 7    £62.70   « Add to Basket »
    Listed by F.L. Woodward and others. Arranged and edited by E.m. Hare, K.R. Norman, A.K. Warder, Mrs N. Warder, Ven. H. Saddhatissa, Ivo Fiser.