Sets of the Pali Canon in English Translation and in Pali (Tipi.taka)

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  1. Pali Canon in English Translation, Set
    38 books in total (set for members)
    Set ISBN 422 9  £792.00   « Add to Basket »

    Books included:
    The Book of Analysis
    The Book of Discipline 6 Volumes Set
    The Book of Gradual Sayings 5 Volumes Set
    Buddhist Psychological Ethics
    Conditional Relations 2 Volumes Set
    Connected Discourses 2 Volumes Set
    Designation of Human Types
    Discourse on Elements
    Dialogues of the Buddha 3 Volumes Set
    Elder's Verses 2 Volumes Set
    Group of Discourses, 2nd Edition
    The Itivuttaka
    Jataka or Stories of the Buddha's former Births 3 Volumes Set
    Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
    Minor Anthologies, Vol. III
    Minor Readings and the Illustrator of the Ultimate Meaning
    The Path of Discrimination
    Peta Stories
    Points of Controversy
    Vimana Stories
    Word of the Doctrine

    For information on how to become a member please go to the Membership page.

  2. Pali Canon in English Translation, Set
    43 books in total (set for non-members)
    Set ISBN 425 3  £990.00   « Add to Basket »

    Books included:
    The Book of Analysis
    The Book of Discipline 6 Volumes Set
    The Book of Gradual Sayings 5 Volumes Set
    The Book of Kindred Sayings 5 Volumes Set
    Buddhist Psychological Ethics
    Conditional Relations 2 Volumes Set
    Designation of Human Types
    Discourse on Elements
    Dialogues of the Buddha 3 Volumes Set
    Elder's Verses 2 Volumes Set
    Group of Discourses, 2nd Edition
    The Itivuttaka
    Jataka or Stories of the Buddha's former Births 3 Volumes Set
    Middle Length Sayings 3 Volumes Set
    Minor Anthologies, Vol. III
    Minor Readings and the Illustrator of the Ultimate Meaning
    The Path of Discrimination
    Peta Stories
    Points of Controversy
    Vimana Stories
    Word of the Doctrine

  3. Pali Canon in Pali (Tipi.taka), Set
    57 books in total
    Set ISBN 423 7  £1,155.00   « Add to Basket »

    Books included:
    Anguttara-nikaya 6 Volume Set
    Apadana (2 Vols in one)
    Buddhavamsa and Cariyapitaka
    Dhammapada (von Hinueber & Norman, eds.)
    Dhammapada Index
    Dhatukatha with Commentary
    Digha-nikaya 4 Volumes Set with Index
    Jataka with Commentary 7 Volumes Set
    Kathavatthu 3 Volumes Set with Index
    Khuddakapatha with Commentary
    Majjhima-nikaya 4 Volumes Set
    Niddesa 3 Volumes Set (Mahaniddesa, Cullaniddesa, Index)
    Patisambhidamagga (2 Vols in one)
    Patthana 2 Volumes Set
    Puggalapannatti & Commentary (2 Vols in one)
    Samyutta-nikaya 6 Volumes Set
    Theragatha / Therigatha
    Vimanavatthu and Petavatthu
    Vianya-pitaka 6 Volumes Set with Index