
Apocryphal Birth Stories,
2 volumes:
Vol. I, tr. I.B. Horner and P.S. Jaini, 1985;
Vol. II, tr. P.S. Jaini 1986
Set ISBN 233 1    £64.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 151 3    £36.30   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 152 1    £36.30   « Add to Basket »
The Burmese recension of a collection of 50 Jaataka stories current in South-East Asia. Although some of the stories are based upon those in the Paali Jaataka, they are not regarded as canonical. (Date and author unknown.)
Translation of Pa~n~naasajaataka.

As It Was Said, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. II.

Basket of Conduct, see Minor Anthologies, Vol III.

The Birth Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas,
tr. Ven. H. Saddhatissa, 1975
ISBN 089 4    £20.90   « Add to Basket »
Sinhalese version of a collection of stories about the ten future Buddhas beginning with Metteyya. (Possibly 14th century C.E.)
Translation of Dasabodhisattuppattikathaa (published together with the text).

The Book of Analysis,
tr. Ven. U Thittila, 1969, 1988
ISBN 030 4    £38.50   « Add to Basket »
Second book of the Abhidhamma-pi.taka, in which certain topics central to the Buddha's teachings are the subject of technical analysis.
Translation of Vibha.nga.

The Book of the Discipline,
6 volumes,
tr. I.B. Horner:
Vol. I (1938, 1992),
Vol. II (1940, 1993),
Vol. III (1942, 1993),
Vol. IV (1951, 1993),
Vol. V (1952, 1993),
Vol. VI (1966, 1993)
Set ISBN 254 4    £143.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 037 1    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 038 X    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 039 8    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. IV ISBN 040 1    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. V ISBN 044 4    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. VI ISBN 049 5    £26.70   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Vinaya-pi.taka: (Vols. I-III) Suttavibha.nga; (Vol. IV) Mahaavagga; (Vol. V) Cuulavagga; (Vol. VI) Parivaara.

The Book of the Gradual Sayings,
5 volumes:
Vol. I (1932, 1989, 1995),
Vol. II (1933, 1992, 1995), tr. F.L. Woodward;
Vol. III (1934, 1988, 1995),
Vol. IV (1935, 1989, 1995), tr. E.M. Hare;
Vol. V (1936, 1994), tr. F.L. Woodward
Set ISBN 255 2    £94.60   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 014 2    £21.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 015 0    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 016 9    £21.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. IV ISBN 017 7    £21.70   « Add to Basket »
Vol. V ISBN 018 5    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
The fourth collection of the Sutta-pi.taka containing short discourses arranged to a numerical system. Most of the discourses follow a stereotyped formulaic presentation and many can be found elsewhere in the canon.
Translation of A.nguttara-nikaaya.

The Book of the Kindred Sayings,
5 volumes:
Vol. I (1917, 1993),
Vol. II (1922, 1990), tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids;
Vol. III (1924, 1992, 1995),
Vol. IV (1927, 1993),
Vol. V (1930, 1994), tr. F.L. Woodward
Set ISBN 256 0    £90.20   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 004 5    £22.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 007 X    £16.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 010 X    £17.60   « Add to Basket »
Vol. IV ISBN 011 8    £22.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. V ISBN 012 6    £22.00   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Sa.myutta-nikaaya.

ed. & tr. James Gray, 1892, 2001
ISBN 395 8    £14.80   « Add to Basket »
The story of the commentator Buddhaghosa (c. 15th century C.E.)
Translation published with the text.

The Buddha's Last Days: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Mahaaparinibbaana,
translated by Yang-Gyu An, 2003
ISBN 405 9    £16.00   « Add to Basket »

Buddhist Legends,
tr. E.W. Burlingame, 1921, reprinted as 3 volumes 1990, 1995
Set ISBN 057 6    £53.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 328 1    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 329 X    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 330 3    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
This anonymous commentary is basically a collection of stories, of which about sixty are shared with the Jaataka Commentary, chosen to introduce, contextualise and explain the verses of the Dhammapada. It was apparently composed in Sri Lanka and its date is unknown.
Translation of Dhammapada Commentary.

Buddhist Psychological Ethics,
tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1900,
3rd edn. reprint 1993
ISBN 062 2    £27.00   « Add to Basket »
The first volume of the Abhidhamma-pi.taka is a compilation from various sources analysing and classifying the phenomena (dhammaa) that comprise all mental and material conditions.
Translation of Dhammasa.nga.nii.

The Casket of Medicine,
tr. Jinadasa Liyanaratne, 2002.
ISBN 403 2    £13.75   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Bhesajjama~njuusaa (Chapters 1-18), the only extant Paali medical text book containing information on medicines and illnesses. (13th century C.E.)

Chronicle of the Buddhas, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. III.

Chronicle of the Thuupa, see Thuupava.msa.

The Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning,
tr. I.B. Horner, 1978
ISBN 069 X    £31.90   « Add to Basket »
Commentary on the Buddhava.msa ascribed to Buddhadatta. (5th century C.E.)
Translation of Buddhava.msa Commentary.

The Commentary on the Verses of the Theriis,
tr. William Pruitt, 1998
ISBN 363 X    £25.80   « Add to Basket »
Commentary on the Theriigaathaa by Dhammapaala. (6th century C.E.?)
Translation of Theriigaathaa Commentary.

Compendium of Philosophy,
tr. S.Z. Aung and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1910, 1979, 1995
ISBN 000 2    £22.50   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Abhidhammattha-sa.ngaha.
Other translation: Summary of the Topics of Abhihamma (with commentary).

Conditional Relations,
tr. Ven. U Narada, 2 volumes:
Vol. I (1969, 1992),
Vol. II (1981, 1993)
Set ISBN 257 9    £74.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 028 2    £37.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 264 1    £44.00   « Add to Basket »
Translation of part of the Tika-pa.t.thaana.

Connected Discourses of the Buddha,
tr. Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, 2 volumes, 2002.
Set ISBN 381 8    £40.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 382 6    £25.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 383 4    £25.00   « Add to Basket »
Translation of the Sa.myutta-nikaaya. For sale to members only.

Cuulava.msa Translation,
tr. Mrs C. Mabel Rickmers, 2 volumes, 1929, 1930, reprinted as
one volume 1973
ISBN 013 4    £24.50   « Add to Basket »
Continuation of the Chronicle of Ceylon (Mahaava.msa) dealing with the period from the 12th to the 19th centuries C.E.
Translation of Cuulava.msa from the German translation by Wilhelm Geiger.

Darlegung der Bedeutung,
übersetzt von Bhikkhu Nyanaponika, 1942; bearbeitet von S. Bretfeld und R. Knopf, 2005
ISBN 404 0    £40.00   « Add to Basket »
Kommentar zum Dhammasa.nga.nii von Buddhaghosa. (5. Jh.n.Chr.)
Übersetzung des Atthasaalinii.

The Debates Commentary,
tr. B.C. Law, 1940, 1989
ISBN 019 3    £18.70   « Add to Basket »
Short but informative commentary which is an important source for the history of Buddhism. (5th century C.E.?)
Translation of Kathaavatthu Commentary.

A Designation of Human Types,
tr. B.C. Law, 1922, 1992
ISBN 009 6    £11.00   « Add to Basket »
The fourth volume of the Abhidhamma-pi.taka, although it appears to be the earliest of the Abhidhamma texts and contains many statements about the "person" (puggala) found elsewhere in the Sutta-pi.taka.
Translation of Puggalapa~n~natti.

Dhammapada, see Word of the Doctrine and Minor Anthologies, Vol. I.

Dialogues of the Buddha,
3 volumes:
Vol. I (1899, 1973, 1995), tr. T.W. Rhys Davids;
Vol. II (1910, 4th edn. 1989, 1995), tr. T.W. and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids;
Vol. III (1921, 1991, 1995), tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids)
Set ISBN 258 7    £57.20   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 033 9    £21.50   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 034 7    £21.50   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 035 5    £20.00   « Add to Basket »
The first collection of the Sutta-pi.taka containing the long discourses of the Buddha. A number of the suttas expound important doctrines, e.g. the Mahaanidaana-sutta (15) and Mahaasatipa.t.thaanasutta (22). In several, the Buddha discusses the views and doctrines of the brahmanic religion and various contemporary religious schools and philosophies, e.g. the So.nada.n.da-sutta (4) and the Saama~n~naphala-sutta (2).
Translation of Diigha-nikaaya.

tr. H. Oldenberg, 1879
ISBN 384 2    £16.00   « Add to Basket »
The first extant attempt to put together history and legend in verse and to make a continuous chronicle about Sri Lanka.
Translation published together with the text.

Discourse on Elements,
tr. Ven. U Narada, 1962, 1977, 1995
ISBN 025 8    £16.75   « Add to Basket »
The third volume of the Abhidhamma-pi.taka gives a detailed and systematic analysis of the elements of physical phenomena.
Translation of Dhaatukathaa.

Dispeller of Delusion,
tr. Bhikkhu ~naa.namoli, revised by L.S. Cousins, Nyanaponika Mahaathera and C.M.M. Shaw, 2 volumes, 1987, 1991
Set ISBN 345 1    £52.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 155 6    £28.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 291 9    £28.90   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Vibha.nga Commentary.

Elders' Verses, prose
tr. K.R. Norman, 2 volumes:
Vol. I (1969, 1990),
Vol. II (1971, 1992, 1995)
Set ISBN 259 5    £41.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 029 0    £22.50   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 031 2    £22.50   « Add to Basket »
The eighth and ninth texts of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, these are collections of poems ascribed to elder monks (theras) or nuns (theriis) respectively. Many of the verses are accounts of religious experiences, some of which also achieve a high poetic standard.
Translation of Theragaathaa and Theriigaathaa.

Epochs of the Conqueror,
tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1962, 1978
ISBN 027 4    £19.50   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Jinakaalamaalii.

Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma, see Summary of the Topics of Abhidhamma.

The Expositor,
tr. Pe Maung Tin, 2 volumes, 1920, 1921, reprinted as one volume 1976
ISBN 070 3    £31.90   « Add to Basket »
Commentary on the Dhammasa.nga.nii by Buddhaghosa. (5th century C.E.)
Translation of Atthasaalinii.

Further Dialogues of the Buddha.
Translation of the Majjhima-nikaaya. No longer for sale.
Copies may be obtained from
Books on Demand, UMI, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, U.S.A.

The Great Chronicle of Ceylon,
tr. Wilhelm Geiger assisted by Mabel H. Bode, 1912,
reprinted with Addendum by G.C. Mendis, 1980
ISBN 001 0    £23.00   « Add to Basket »
Chronicle based on earlier Sinhalese material, blending history and legend and relating the history of Sri Lanka from a Buddhist viewpoint.
Translation of Mahaava.msa.

The Group of Discourses,
2nd ed., tr. K.R. Norman (with notes), 2001
ISBN 303 6    £32.50   « Add to Basket »
Fifth text of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, consisting mainly of verses, apparently compiled from a number of sources. Two chapters of the Suttanipaata are mentioned by name in other Paali canonical texts, and the commentary upon them is also included in the canon. It is apparent that this text contains some of the oldest Paali poetry we possess.
Translation of Suttanipaata.
Paperback edition (without notes): The Rhinoceros Horn.

The Guide,
tr. Ven. ~Naa.namoli, 1962, 1977
ISBN 024 X    £24.20   « Add to Basket »
Treatise setting out methods for interpreting and explaining canonical texts, similar in content to the Pe.takopadesa and used by Buddhaghosa and other commentators. (Possibly 1st century B.C.E.
Translation of

The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning, see The Minor Readings.

The Inception of Discipline,
tr. N.A. Jayawickrama,1962, 1986
ISBN 045 2    £21.40   « Add to Basket »
Introduction to the Vinaya-pi.taka Commentary relating the history of Buddhism up to the establishment of the Vinaya-pi.taka in Sri Lanka.

In Praise of Mount Samanta,
tr. A. Hazlewood, 1986
ISBN 153 X    £15.10   « Add to Basket »
Poem describing the life of Gotama Buddha and including the story of his three visits to Sri Lanka and imprinting of his footprint on Samantakuu.ta. (14th century C.E.)
Translation of Samantakuu.tava.n.nanaa.

The Itivuttaka,
tr. Peter Masefield, 2000
ISBN 386 9    £13.20   « Add to Basket »
Fourth book in the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, it consists of 112 short discourses written in a mixture of prose and verse.
Translation of Itivuttaka.

The Jaataka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births,
ed. E.B. Cowell, 6 volumes 1895-1907 and Index 1913, all reprinted 1990,
now in 3 volumes:
Vol. I, tr. R. Chalmers, and Vol. II, tr. W.H.D. Rouse;
Vol. III, tr. H.T. Francis and Vol. IV, tr. W.H.D. Rouse;
Vol. V, tr. H.T. Francis, Vol. VI, tr. E.B. Cowell and W.H.D. Rouse, and Index volume
Set ISBN 260 9    £83.60   « Add to Basket »
Vols. I/II ISBN 053 3    £30.50   « Add to Basket »
Vols. III/IV ISBN 054 1    £30.50   « Add to Basket »
Vols. V/VI ISBN 055 X    £30.50   « Add to Basket »
Tenth book of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, it consists of verses embedded in stories of the former births of Gotama Buddha.
Translation of Jaataka with Commentary (only the poems are part of the canon).
For a translation of the introduction see The Story of Gotama Buddha.

tr. James Gray, 1894,1981
ISBN 114 9    £15.40   « Add to Basket »
Ornate poem, in a variety of metres, telling the story of the Buddha from his former birth as Sumedha up to his parinibbaana. (12th century C.E.)
Translation published together with the text.

tr. W.B. Boll­e, 1970
ISBN 050 9    £15.00   « Add to Basket »
This Jaataka is unique in the Paali collection in containing an archaic type of prose regarded as canonical. It consists of a collection of stories and verses dealing with the wickedness of women.
Translation published together with the text.

tr. J.J. Jones, 3 volumes:
Vol. I (1949, 1987),
Vol. II (1952, 1976),
Vol. III (1956, 1983)
Set ISBN 261 7    £70.40   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 041 X    £25.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 042 8    £26.40   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 043 6    £26.40   « Add to Basket »
Translation from the Sanskrit.

Manual of a Mystic,
tr. F.L. Woodward, Appendix by D.B. Jayatilaka, 1916, 1982
ISBN 003 7    £15.70   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Yogaavacara's Manual.

The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha,2nd ed., tr. Bhikkhu Nanamoli, Bhikkhu Bodhi, 2002.
ISBN 400 8    £30.00   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Majjhima-nikaaya. For sale to members only. Other translation: Middle Length Sayings.

Middle Length Sayings,
tr. I.B. Horner, 3 volumes:
Vol. I (1954, 1993, 1995);
Vol. II (1957, 1989, 1994);
Vol. III (1959, 1993)
Set ISBN 262 5    £69.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 020 7    £25.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 021 5    £25.90   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 022 3    £25.90   « Add to Basket »
The second collection of the Sutta-pi.taka containing 152 suttas including some of the best known sermons in the Paali canon, e.g. Alagadduupamasutta, A.ngulimaala-sutta and Mahaasiihanaada-sutta.
Translation of Majjhima-nikaaya.

Milinda's Questions,
tr. I.B. Horner, 2 volumes:
Vol. I (1963, 1990),
Vol. II (1964, 1991)
Set ISBN 263 3    £38.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 046 0    £21.20   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 047 9    £21.20   « Add to Basket »
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Naagasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapa~nha.

Minor Anthologies, 4 volumes:
Vol. I (1931, 1997), tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids;
Vol. II (1935, 1985), tr. F.L. Woodward;
Vol. III (1975), tr. I.B. Horner;
Vol. IV (1974, 1993), tr. I.B. Horner
Set ISBN 352 4    £55.00   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 350 8    £16.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 036 3    £16.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. III ISBN 072 X    £15.10   « Add to Basket »
Vol. IV ISBN 073 8    £12.10   « Add to Basket »
Translations of:
Vol. I : Dhammapada (Verses on Dhamma) and Khuddakapaa.tha (The text of the Minor Sayings). Other translations of Dhammapada: Word of the Doctrine; and of Khuddakapaa.tha: The Minor Readings.
Vol. II : Udaana (Verses of Uplift) and Itivuttaka (As It Was Said). Other translations: The Udaana, The Itivuttaka
Vol. III : Buddhava.msa (Chronicle of Buddhas) and Cariyaapi.taka (Basket of Conduct).
Last two books of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka. In the Buddhava.msa Gotama Buddha relates, in verse, the lives of the 24 Buddhas who preceded him, and his former actions in relation to those Buddhas. The Cariyaa-pi.taka also relates stories in verse of Gotama Buddha in former lives, this particular collection being used to illustrate his mastery of the ten perfections.
Vol. IV : Vimaanavatthu (Stories of the Mansions) and Petavatthu (Stories of the Departed). Other translations (with the commentaries): Vimaana Stories, Peta Stories.
The sixth and seventh books of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka. The Vimaanavatthu text consists of 83 stories describing the former meritorious actions that have led to individuals being reborn as gods enjoying life in celestial mansions (vimaanas). The Petavatthu consists of 51 stories about departed ones (petas) who suffer because of bad action in former lives.

The Minor Chronicle of Ceylon, see Cuulava.msa Translation.

The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning,
tr. Ven. ~Naa.namoli, 1960, 1991
ISBN 023 1    £21.50   « Add to Basket »
The first book of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, but probably the latest to be included in the collection. It consists of nine short texts, only one of which is not found elsewhere in the canon. It was possibly compiled as a handbook for novices. The commentary is traditionally attributed to Buddhaghosa. (5th century C.E.)
Translation of Khuddakapaa.tha with Commentary. An earlier translation of the Khuddakapaa.tha is found in Minor Anthologies, Vol. I.

The Path of Discrimination,
tr. Ven. ~Naa.namoli, Introduction by A.K. Warder, 1982,
1991, new edn. 1997
ISBN 349 4    £35.70   « Add to Basket »
Twelfth book of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka attributed by the commentary to Gotama Buddha's disciple Saariputta. This text is later than much of the canon and attempts to explain in a systematic way how understanding of the Buddha's basic teaching can lead to enlightenment.
Translation of Pa.tisambhidaamagga.

The Path of Purity,
tr. Pe Maung Tin, 3 volumes, 1923, 1929, 1931, reprinted as one
volume 1975
ISBN 008 8    £41.20   « Add to Basket »
One of the most influential Paali texts, this compendium of Buddhist doctrine and metaphysics is the most important book written by Buddhaghosa. It provides a systematic exposition of Buddhist teaching and is also a detailed manual for meditation. (5th century C.E.)
Translation of Visuddhimagga.

tr. K.R. Norman, 2001,
ISBN 392 3    £13.70   « Add to Basket »
Rules of the bhikkhus and bhikkhuniis with Paali and English transaltion on facing pages.
Translation published together with the text. Also available in paperback.

Peta Stories,
tr. U Ba Kyaw and P. Masefield, 1980
ISBN 075 4    £41.25   « Add to Basket »
Seventh book of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka. This is a collection of stories about beings who are suffering because of evil deeds performed in a former life.
Translation of Petavatthu Commentary. The 1894 edition of this text by E. Hardy is no longer available from the PTS.

Pi.taka Disclosure,
tr. Ven. ~Naanamoli, 1964, 1979
ISBN 026 6    £28.00   « Add to Basket »
Treatise setting out a method for explaining and expanding the teaching of the Buddha. (Possibly 2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Pe.takopadesa.

Points of Controversy,
tr. S.Z. Aung and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1915, 1993
ISBN 002 9    £21.50   « Add to Basket »
The fifth book of the Abhidhamma-pi.taka is the only canonical text attributed to an author and given a composition date by the tradition. It consists of a discussion of heretical statements that are refuted in favor of orthodox Theravaadin beliefs.
Translation of Kathaavatthu.

Psalms of the Early Buddhists,
verse tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids: The Sisters, 1909 and The Brethren, 2nd edn. 1937, reprinted as one volume 1980
ISBN 076 2    £42.60   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Theragaathaa and Theriigaathaa.

Stances des Theri,
tr. D. Masset, 2005
ISBN 417 2    £14.00   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Theriigaathaa.

Stories of the Buddha's Former Births, see The Jaataka

Stories of the Departed, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. IV.

Stories of the Mansions, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. IV.

The Summary of the Topics of Abhidhamma and Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma,
tr. R.P. Wijeratne & Rupert Gethin, 2002
ISBN 412 1    £19.80   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Abhidhammatthasa.ngaha and Abhidhammatthavibhaavinii, a manual covering the whole field of Abhidhamma in a condensed way, published together with one of the commentaries on it. (10th and 11th century C.E.)
Translation of the Abhidhammatthasa.ngaha and Abhidhammatthavibhaavinii. Other translation of the Abhidhammatthasa.ngaha: Compendium of Philosophy.

The Suutra of Golden Light,
tr. R.E. Emmerick, 1970, revised edn. 1990, 1992, new edn. 1996
ISBN 348 6    £13.75   « Add to Basket »
Also available in paperback.
Translation of Suvar.nabhaasottamasuutra from Sanskrit. The Pali Text Society does not publish an edition of the Sanskrit text.

tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1971
ISBN 052 5    £22.00   « Add to Basket »
Chronicle by Vaacissara dealing with the construction of the Mahaathuupa by the Sinhalese ruler Du.t.thagaama.nii in the first century B.C.E. (13th century C.E.) Translation published together with the text.

The Teaching of Vimalakiirti,
tr. S. Boin, 1976, 1994.
ISBN 077 0    £45.60   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Vimalakiirtinirde§a from the annotated French translation by E. Lamotte of Chinese and Tibetan sources. The Pali Text Society does not publish an edition of the original text.

The Udaana,
tr. P. Masefield, 1994
ISBN 311 7    £21.50   « Add to Basket »
Third text of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka, it consists of a collection of 80 "solemn utterances" made by the Buddha on special occasions. Most are in verse accompanied by a prose account of the circumstances that led to their being given.
Translation of Udaana. An earlier translation is also found in Minor Anthologies, Vol. II.

Udaana Commentary,
tr. P. Masefield, 2 volumes, 1994, 1995
Set ISBN 344 3    £52.80   « Add to Basket »
Vol. I ISBN 316 8    £29.10   « Add to Basket »
Vol. II ISBN 317 6    £29.10   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Udaana Commentary.

Verses of Uplift, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. II.

Vimaana Stories,
tr. P. Masefield, 1989
ISBN 272 2    £41.25   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Vimaanavatthu Commentary. The 1886 edition of this text by E.R. Gooneratne is no longer available from the PTS.

Vinaya-pi.taka Commentary, Samantapaasaadikaa Baahiranidaana,
tr. N.A. Jayawickrama,1962, 1986
see The Inception of Discipline

Word of the Doctrine,
tr. K.R. Norman, 1997
ISBN 335 4    £19.25   « Add to Basket »
Translation of Dhammapada, one of the most popular Buddhist texts, many of the verses of which have parallels in the texts of other Buddhist schools and in non-Buddhist sources. It is a collection of verses arranged according to their subject matter and is the first Paali text to have been edited in Europe. It is the second book of the Khuddaka-nikaaya of the Sutta-pi.taka and this edition uses all the latest research. The 1914 edition by Ven. Suriyagoda Sumangala is no longer available from the PTS.
Also available in paperback.
Translation of Dhammapada. Other translation in Minor Anthologies, Vol. I.

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