
There are two categories of members, sponsoring and ordinary. All members may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, and purchase any of the Society's publications direct from the Society at the current rate of discount, which is 20%. Members receive the rules of the Society and an annual letter. Members with email addresses are sent notification of new publications (unless they request not to).

Sponsoring membership:
£22 for one year or £88 for five years.

Sponsoring members also receive free (and post-free) one volume each year. Note that The Paali-English Dictionary, A Dictionary of Paali (Part I), The Paali Tipi.taka Concordance, and The Dictionary of Paali Proper Names cannot be chosen as free books.

Ordinary membership:
£11 for one year or £44 for five years.

Ordinary membership confers no rights to receive publications free (or post-free).
Application for Membership to:

The Pali Text Society
c/o Gazelle
White Cross Mills
Lancaster LA1 4XS
If you wish to become a member of the Pali Text Society, please print the application form,
and post it to us. Thank you.
Alternativly, you also can print a text version of application form