Current Projects in Paali Studies

The Pali Text Society wishes to put a list of current projects connected with Paali studies on its Web site. The purpose of this Web page is to enable scholars and other people interested in Paali to know what is being prepared. This should help avoid duplication in research. Areas of interest include editions of Paali texts, translations of Paali texts, and linguistic studies of Paali.

People are invited to send a short statement of their work to the Pali Text Society. They may indicate if they are interested in hearing from people working on similar projects (in which case an address should be included in the statement). Addresses will not be given out unless we are authorized to do so.

The following books are currently projects of the Pali Text Society:

  1. Mahaasuttas, the final volume is being prepared by Mr Peter Skilling.

  2. Sa"ngiitiyavaµsa, edition and translation by Dr Charles Hallisey.

  3. Masahiro Kitsudo's Paali Printed Texts Printed in Sinhalese, Dr Oskar von Hinueber is handling the translation from Japanese of this.

  4., Dr Ole Pind is working on an edition of the Paali text.

  5. Kalyaa.nii inscription, the Paali text and translation to be prepared by Jason Carbine.

  6. Itivuttaka Commentary translation by Dr Peter Masefield.

  7. Pi.takat Samuin: (a Burmese text on Paali texts, authors, and translators), Peter Nyunt is translating.

  8. Therii-Apadaana, edition and translation by Dr Sally Cutler.

  9. Dr Justin McDaniel is analyzing and translating various Nissaya, Vohara, and Namasadda Manuscripts from Laos and Northern Thailand. He also studies protective Pali Yantras and Mantras from Central Thailand. You can contact him at

  10. The Pali-English Dictionary has been put on the Web as part of a program being run in Chicago by Dr James Nye. See University of Chicago site.

  11. The papers of T.W. and Caroline Rhys Davids and the papers of I.B. Horner in the Oriental Faculty Library of the University of Cambridge have been catalogued. They can be consulted on their Web site.

  12. Dr Grace Burford (Prescott College, Arizona, USA) is researching the life and work of I.B. Horner in order to write a biography of her. She would appreciate to hear from anyone with relevant information and can be contacted through the PTS.

  13. Mr Christian Lammerts is involved in the following projects:
    (1) Pali, Burmese, Mon Dhammathat (Dhammasattha): an integrated catalogue of manuscripts in Burma;
    (2) An edition and English translation of the Dhammavilaasa Dhammathat, ca. 1174 C.E.
    Please contact him at

  14. Venerable U Ravika (Burma) is doing a study of Kalyani Pali Inscription based on Mon sources. Here is the Acrobat version of the Synopsis.

  15. Venerable Vannasiri is preparing a translation of the Pa.thama-Paaraajika-Ka.n.da of the Samantapaasaadikaa. Go here for the Acrobat version of the Synopsis.

  16. Eisel Mazard is preparing an edition of the, with full text in both Burmese & Sinhalese script, incorporating the earlier work of Mason, Senart, and Vidyabhusana into a general grammatical textbook, that will include a translation and notes on variations. He can be contacted through the "Palistudy" list, a Yahoo group on Pali grammatica.

  17. Venerable Udagama Dhammaseeha Thero (Australia) is translating a section of the Papancasudani Pali MN commentary into English. Here is the Acrobat version of the Synopsis. You can contact him at