
佛教網路站的分類: 由於網路科技的提昇,架站容易,操作簡單,使用者日多等原因,投入網路的人越來越多, 使得佛教網路站也越來越多,以致於網路站的分類已成為一重要的主題了! 然而,並沒有很多人注意到這問題,是以今天有必要提出討論。 雖然,網路的檢索功能很強,幾乎打上任何的詞字,就可以找到想要的主題。 網路站資料庫的整理,除了提供良好的檢索功能外,也應能有很好的排列整理系統,使用者 可簡易的依此找到自己想要的資訊; (如 Yahoo 除了 關鍵字檢索外也提供 分類檢索) 就如現今的圖書館,除了提供電腦檢索外,也應有良好的分類上架系統一樣! 筆者先就網路分為中文與外文兩類: 中文主要是以使用華文為重點 包含臺灣、大陸、香港、馬來西亞、新加坡、美國等地 使用華語為主的網址。 外文則為除了華語之外的其他語文 如 英文、德文、法文、日文 等 因為華語的站不多,較無法分類,故先從外文區開始介紹: 目前提供佛教網路連線的服務站很多,然其分類法不外是: 1. 依字母排序 2. 依地區排序 3. 依性質排序 分類排序者大約有: 1. Yahoo ... 2. JBE ... 3. HSUNG PENG 4. Australia U. 5. ... 在這些分類法中 以澳洲大學的佛學網路的分類最為清楚 今舉例說明之: 在二百多個佛教站中,可大分為五大類: 1. 總類 2. 語文 3. 宗派 4. 分期 5. 功能 而這五大類又可細分為(因為二百多站並不算多,故不能像圖書分類般的分類,因此 不是很完整、也不盡理想): 1. 總類 佛學--總類 2. 語文 中文 韓文 3. 宗派 日蓮宗 淨土宗 真言宗 天台宗 瑜伽 禪宗 4. 分期 初期佛教 上座部--南傳佛教 金剛乘--藏傳佛教 西方佛教 5. 功能 佛教經典輸入與翻譯計畫 其他佛教電子資源 佛學資料庫 佛教電子雜誌等 佛教團體 * 佛學研究機構 其他宗教網路資源 經由上項的細分選項之後即可進入個別的站址,選擇自己想看的站進入而遨遊其中。 由於佛教站相當多,不可能全部介紹,本文僅擇要就這些站中較值得探詢的站址做一些 簡介, 當然,難免有些主觀的成見,讀者不仿?於閒餘時間進入其他各站仔細探訪, 一定會有所發現! 1. 總類 佛學--總類 就像一般圖書分類的總類一樣, 澳洲大學也把總類置於第一位置上, 而總類的站有: 2. 語文 中文 韓文 ============================



目錄 一. 前言: 二. 網路簡介:臺灣地區網路現況與佛教資源 三. 佛教網路資源:佛教資訊與網路資源的運用 四. 取得佛教資源的方法:如何從網路上找到你要的佛教資訊 五. 分門別類篇:佛學資料與檔案傳輸等方式的使用 WWW, BBS, NEWS, FTP, E-MAIL, GOPHER 等 六. 新手入門篇:電腦資訊與佛教教學的運用與入門 七. 設備篇:網路連線與電腦設備 需求書 八. 建言:對臺灣佛教界的展望 *. 附錄 (相關的網路資源)

======================================== 英中文; 以澳洲大學的佛學網路為例: Buddhism - General(佛學--總類) Chinese(中文) Korean(韓文) Early Buddhism (初期佛教) Nichiren(日蓮宗) Pure Land(淨土宗) Shingon(真言宗) Tendai(天台宗) Yogacara(瑜伽) Zen - Ch'an - Son - Thien(禪宗) Theravada(上座部--南傳佛教) Vajrayana(金剛乘--藏傳佛教) Western Buddhism(西方佛教) Buddhist Texts Input/Translations Projects(佛教經典輸入與翻譯計畫) Buddhism Gopher, FTP & Chat-Rooms Resources(其他佛教電子資源:Gopher, FTP 等) Buddhism & Buddhist Studies databases(佛學資料庫) Buddhism/Buddhist Electronic Newsletters ; Journals(佛教電子雜誌等) Buddhist Organisations(佛教團體)) Other Religions' Networked Resources(其他宗教網路資源) Buddhist Texts Input/Translations Projects 佛典資料庫與輸入計畫: Electronic Buddhists Text Intitiative (Hanazono U, Japan) IRIZ'S EBTI TAIPEI MEETING 其他佛學研究機構 International Association of Buddhist Studies UCB Buddhism Program [University of California at Berkeley]. Berkeley Buddhist Research Center (U.Calif.,Berkeley, USA) Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics (Virginia U, USA) --------------------------------- 中文 以澳洲大學的佛學網路為例: 佛學--總類 中文 韓文 初期佛教 日蓮宗 淨土宗 真言宗 天台宗 瑜伽 禪宗 上座部--南傳佛教 金剛乘--藏傳佛教 西方佛教 佛教經典輸入與翻譯計畫 其他佛教電子資源 佛學資料庫 佛教電子雜誌等 佛教團體 其他宗教網路資源 佛典資料庫與輸入計畫: 其他佛學研究機構 Hsuan Peng hp13@cornell.edu Cornell University --------------------------- first version: Nov. 14, 1994 last update: Apr. 27, 1995 A. USENET Newsgroups: B. E-mail Subscription Lists: C. Files available for anonymous FTP / gopher: D. World-Wide Web (WWW): E. Bulletin Board System (BBS): F. Software/Database: G. Buddhist-related books and supplies: H. Others: ** References: ----------------------- talk.religion.buddhism FAQ Subject: 5.01 Some Internet sites Subject: 5.02 Online scriptures and related material Subject: 5.03 Sites mostly devoted to specific practices Subject: 5.04 Other sites of possible interest Subject: 5.05 Mailing lists Subject: 5.06 Electronic journals Subject: 5.07 Newsgroups Subject: 5.08 A random selection of books Subject: 5.09 Bookstores, etc. Subject: 5.10 Bulletin Boards, etc. Subject: 5.11 Meditation Centers Subject: 5.12 Overlapping interests ======================================================== 三. 佛教資訊 與 網路運用 (一)佛教資訊網路的分類(定義) 網路的資源很多,今以與佛教有關的網路資訊為主: 佛教資訊網路的分類: 以目前國內外網路資源分類 1. 佛教資訊 2. 佛學資料 3. 佛教網路資源 佛教網路的性質: 提供佛教資訊的服務性質(非營利性質) 1. 教界活動訊息 2. 學術研究資訊 3. 經典輸入應用 4. 遠距教學服務
佛教資訊網路的分類(應用) 電子佛學資源分為: 1. 網路佛學資源 2. 非網路資源 如 製成 CD-Rom 之佛教經典 等 可從網路得到何種佛學資料? 1. 網路佛學資源 工具類 教學類 資源類 訊息類 說明: 工具類 網路檢索 圖書檢索 教學類 臺大佛學中心: 佛學語文教學系列 資源類 中興大學大藏經資源 其他佛教資源 訊息類 活動消息 佛教資訊 2. CD-Rom 佛學資源 (非網路資源,但可從網路得到訊息) 經藏 辭典 工具 其他
舉例說明 如: 佛學圖書查詢: (書籍、論文、期刊) 1. 英文 2. 中文 3. 日文 1) 臺灣 1) 央圖 2) 美國 2) 臺大 3) 歐洲 3) 大陸、香港 4) 日本 ... 4) 佛研所 ... 例: 臺大佛學研究中心:佛學圖書檢索系統 (二) 當代佛教資訊的取得: 1) 國外 2) 國內 WWW (World Wide Web) E-mail (Electronic Mail) BBS NetNews (or Newsgroup) FTP Gopher (三) 佛教網路資源的功能與作用 1. E-mail 佛學討論 2. 佛教圖書資訊的查詢 3. 圖像,影片的觀賞 4. 梵唄,經頌/錄音、錄影 5. 開示,演講/錄音、錄影 6. 梵巴藏經典原文及翻譯 7. 文獻原件 8. 佛教字典的運用 9. 多國語言(梵、巴、藏、及漢英日歐等語言)教學與查詢 10. 國內外佛教網路資源連線 11. 各佛學院所簡介與連線 12. 佛教文獻罕用字與梵巴藏羅馬字轉寫的造字區服務 13. 其他 .... (四) CD-ROM 與 藏經 1. 漢文大藏經 2. 巴利藏 3. 藏文 4. 梵文 1)臺灣 1)泰國 1)美國 1)美國 2)南韓 2)錫蘭 3)日本 4)大陸 (五) 以上的資源又可分為兩大類: 1. 漢文類 (含漢字 如 中文(繁簡體)、日文、韓文等 CJK系統) 2. 英文類 (含其他歐語 如 德語、法語等) 以澳洲大學的佛學網路為例:


    Buddhist Texts Input/Translations Projects

    Electronic Buddhists Text Intitiative (Hanazono U, Japan) IRIZ'S EBTI TAIPEI MEETING
    其他佛學研究機構 International Association of Buddhist Studies, UCB Buddhism Program [University of California at Berkeley]. Berkeley Buddhist Research Center (U.Calif.,Berkeley, USA) Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics(Virginia U, USA)
    四. 佛教資源的取得:如何從網路上找到你要的佛教資訊
    如何從網路上找到你要的佛學資料 ┌─────────────────────┐ │ 電 腦 網 路 上 的 中 文 佛 教 資 源 │ └─────────────────────┘ 敬請使用臺大佛學研究中心的 WWW HOME PAGE!!! ◎ 撥接式 BBS 方面: 禪學區(台北轉信): 現況報導:一些關於禪的簡單問答。 代表站台: Friday: (02) 896-6208 ◎ InterNet 方面: □ BBS 中興大學天樞 BBS (bbs.nchu.edu.tw)生活佛教板(buddhism): 現況報導:此板為 TANet 上最先成立的佛教板。 有學長 post 經典,偶爾有基礎佛法問答, 連線宗教板的佛教相關精采信件亦會複製至此板。 板主: KTurbo.bbs@bbs.nchu.edu.tw  □ WWW(以下站台皆可互相聯繫) 佛教電腦化藏經閣( 簡介:此項工作亦已得到中佛青理事長淨耀法師的初步同意, 已有《人類手冊》、電腦閱藏班(《雜阿含》)與 北佛青的活動看板等。 架設者 E-mail: wmc@iiidns.iii.org.tw □ Gopher 中央數學東坡 gopher(dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw)佛教區(/buda) 簡介:佛教經典系列檔案、佛典電子化相關訊息。 經典系列包含:佛教經典,佛教論典,白話論著, 白話佛經,十方咒輪集,精彩討論等。 聯絡人: budmgt@math.ncu.edu.tw □ FTP 中央大學數學系東坡 FTP(dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw)/buddhism 目錄 簡介:經典系列的最新檔案,近百幅佛教相關圖型檔等。 聯絡人:budmgt@math.ncu.edu.tw (資料提供: 邱大剛)
    如何從網路上找到你要的佛學資料 (二) 圖書資料檢索 OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog 線上公用目錄 特點: 一. 彌補本地圖書館查詢系統之不足 二. 評估館藏 三. 特殊資料庫的查詢與使用 四. 測試、評估、比較其他OPAC系統的功能 國內外名單: =============================
    八. 建言:對臺灣佛教界的展望
    對臺灣佛教界的展望 應加速臺灣佛學研究的現代化: 臺灣的佛學研究院所不論成本多高都要讓佛學現代化, 因為今日不做明天就太遲了。 原因: 1. INTERNET 從Internet 上可以得到很多的資源,及相關的佛學資料。 2. Word Wide Web -- WWW 可以很簡單提供圖像,聲音,文字等資訊, 而且操作很簡便。 3. Discussion Lists 經由電子郵件,可以參加各種的討論,並獲得資料。 4. 網路教學 也可以在網路上開放教學頻道, 讓有興趣的學者或學生參與。 5. CD-ROM 各種大藏經的製作、佛典的應用、佛教文獻、藝術、等的保藏與流通。 ======================== 附錄:佛學網路資料站 圖書檢索: 明宇圖書查詢系統 圖書資料庫查詢系統Infomrix Database 新聞局書香文化廣場--新書檢索
    佛學圖書檢索: 臺大佛學研究中心 佛學圖書檢索系統 佛學檢索資源(含字典類):
    ================================ talk.religion.buddhism FAQ -- Part 3 of 3 Subject: 5.01 Some Internet sites Subject: 5.02 Online scriptures and related material Subject: 5.03 Sites mostly devoted to specific practices Subject: 5.04 Other sites of possible interest Subject: 5.05 Mailing lists Subject: 5.06 Electronic journals Subject: 5.07 Newsgroups Subject: 5.08 A random selection of books Subject: 5.09 Bookstores, etc. Subject: 5.10 Bulletin Boards, etc. Subject: 5.11 Meditation Centers Subject: 5.12 Overlapping interests ------------------------------ Subject: 5. Resources of possible interest to Buddhists This list is offered mainly as a service to those who do not have (or have not yet learned how to use) the powerful search capabilities available through some resources on the Internet. If you have a Web browser, you are better off generating a list yourself, using a service such as Lycos . Such a list will be more up to date, and you will not be constrained by the FAQ maintainer's tastes. The FAQ maintainer attempts to visit listed Net sites once in a while to be sure that links are still valid, but it is not possible to monitor all listed sites on a regular basis. If you become aware of changes, please send email to the FAQ maintainer so that the FAQ can be updated. Much of the information in this collection is a condensed version of Hsuan Peng's excellent (and much more comprehensive) list. See 5.01. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.01 Some Internet sites The Number One nifty site has to be the Coombs Virtual Library, at the Australian National University. It has links to all sorts of stuff, plus a wealth of information of its own related to a vast range of traditions and topics. Access To Insight/DharmaNet Home Page Australian BuddhaNet Home Page Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign Buddhist Internet Pointers (Hsuan Peng's resource list) A bunch of stuff in Chinese, including some sutra texts. Some sources have nice GIFs. Most of this needs special software (the cognoscenti tell me it's in BIG-5); for info on Chinese language, see 5.04. Cornell AsiaLink The /teaching/AAR_courses/ subdirectory contains materials related to courses taught at Cornell on Zen and the Lotus Sutra. Dharma Electronic Files Archive (DEFA) Journal of Buddhist Ethics resource list Mind Only Cafe - under construction This seems to be intended as a site for information about Yogacara. Currently it has some information about Asanga. Material on Vasubandhu is promised soon. Sitting meditation sites Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network Zen centers (a good worldwide list) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.02 Online scriptures and related material Dhammapada Heart Sutra Mahamangala sutta (Should be all on one line. Sorry for splitting it, but wrapping seemed even worse.) Parinirvana Sutra A variety of miscellaneous items (e.g., several sutta translations in the BPS Wheel series) are available from DEFA. See section 5.01. Claude Huss has made a number of Jodo Shinshu texts available at his White Path Temple site . Material in English, Japanese and Chinese (last two require special display software). Includes an English translation of the Tannisho. For the serious specialist, the entire Tipitaka and Atthakatha (plus a few miscellaneous items such as the Milindapanha) are available on CD-ROM in Thai and Romanized Pali, via Mahidol University in Thailand and its American representatives. This material is *not in English*. Package includes software for display and cross-referencing. More info: . Some Tibetan materials are available on CD-ROM from the Asian Classics Input Project at Princeton. More info: . EiHeiJi Temple plans to issue a commemorative Dogen CD-ROM (in Japanese, special display software needed). More info: FAX +81-776-63-3894. A number of transcription projects are associated with the Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative. There is an EBTI Web page at the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ): . ------------------------------ Subject: 5.03 Sites mostly devoted to specific practices Pure Land (Jodo Shinshu) (Shin Buddhist Network) (Shin Buddhist Resource Center) (White Path Temple -- Jodo Shinshu) Nichiren (Kempon Hokke Shu) (Nichiren Shoshu) (Soka Gakkai International) Karma@cybernetics.com (email for alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren FAQ) Theravada (NCF Buddhism Home Page in Ottawa) tbm@usa.net (email for info on Theravada Buddhist Ministries) Vajrayana (Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics) (Dzogchen Foundation/Lama Surya Das) (Nyingma Centers) (Karma Kagyu home page) (Tsurphu Foundation -- the other Karma Kagyu home page) (Shambhala Community home page - Trungpa Rinpoche) (Osel Shen Phen Ling -- Missoula, Montana) Zen (alt.zen FAQ) (zen@sunsite - includes faq for alt.zen) (DharmaWeb) (Chogye Zen home page) (Dongguk University Buddhist Web Page) (Zen Hospice Project) (International Research Institute for Zen at Hanazono U., Kyoto) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.04 Other sites of possible interest alt.buddha.short.fat.guy -- we don't know who they are, but we like them El Dupree's Tex-Mex Cantina and Sports Bar home page Asian Art Asian WWW resources China -- some online resources (the country) (the language) Fonts (Klingon fonts!) especially the asian-computing/ and tibetan-archive/ subdirectories. In particular, the asian-computing/ subdirectory contains WPSKRIT2.EXE, a self-extracting ZIP file with bit-mapped HP Laserjet-compatible Times Roman fonts w/diacritics for Sanskrit and Japanese, and drivers for Word Perfect 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 (warmest thanks to Jamie Hubbard for making this resource freely available on the Net). Human Languages Page International Institute for Asian Studies (Web page is in English) (gopher menu is in Dutch) Internet -- some online resources (not for the faint of heart) Japanese Translation (Honyaku home page) Mac newsreader that supports killfiles (freeware) Philosophy -- some online resources Various things in Sanskrit, mostly non-Buddhist (e.g. the Mahabharata) Usually no indices -- you'll have to feel your way around based on filenames, which tend to be fairly informative. Tibet (Free Tibet home page) early Tibetan mandalas (scanned images) Big JPEG files, slow loading. Be patient. Tibetan dictionary for DOS Be patient; this FTP site (in St. Petersburg!) allows only 5 anonymous users at a time. Issue the following FTP commands to download the two dictionary-related files: binary get t.arj ascii get t.readme Read t.readme before doing anything else. To un-archive t.arj, get a copy of ARJ242B.EXE from or another site. This is a self-extracting version of the ARJ archive utility; just type ARJ242B and it will set itself up (it is preferable to do this in a separate subdirectory). The dictionary *must* be installed in a directory named \T (note that this directory is 'off the root' -- you will need to create \T if a directory of that name does not yet exist, and you may need to move files if you already have a directory named \T). Type arj e c:\t\t.arj \t *.* to extract the complete set of dictionary files (this assumes that you are installing the dictionary in c:). Note: this dictionary is shareware, *not* freeware; if you plan to use it, Jim Valby asks for a contribution of $15. His address is in the t.readme file. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.05 Mailing lists Bodhi News - Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign To subscribe, send a short message to bodhi@uiuc.edu. Buddha-L - An academic Buddhism discussion group To subscribe, send the command: sub buddha-l your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu. Buddhist - An academic Buddhism discussion group To subscribe, send the command: sub buddhist your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@jpntuvm0.bitnet. buddhist-philosophy - For general discussions of Buddhist philosophy To subscribe, send the command: sub buddhist-philosophy your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@think.net. DailyZen - A daily dose of Zen wisdom To subscribe, send a message with your full name to mAmund@iac.net. Include the word "DailyZen" in your subject line. Dharma-talk - Forum for discussions, information, announcements To subscribe, send the command: sub dharma-talk your_email_address to majordomo@saigon.com. EABUD - Eastern American/East Asian Buddhism To subscribe, send the command: sub eabud your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu. Indology - An academic discussion group on early Indian language etc. To subscribe, send the command: sub indology your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@liverpool.ac.uk. Jodo Shinshu To subscribe, send the command: sub a-shinshu-forum your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@netcom.com. Tibet-L To subscribe, send the command: sub tibet-l your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu. Universal Zendo To subscribe, send an email request to zendo-request@nuance.com. World Tibet News To subscribe, send the command: sub wtn your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@vm1.mcgill.ca. Zen To subscribe, send the command: sub zen your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@think.net. ZenBuddhism-L To subscribe, send the command: sub zenbuddhism-l your_email_address to majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.06 Electronic journals Australian National University CLEAR-MIND - Tibetan Buddhist Newsletter GASSHO - Electronic Journal of DharmaNet International This is a general Buddhist journal -- not dedicated to a specific practice International Journal of Tantric Studies Journal of Buddhist Ethics To subscribe to the Journal Abstract, send e-mail to jbe-ed@psu.edu specifying "JBE Subscription" in the Subject Line (NOT Mail Body!). Still Point (online newsletter of Dharma Rain Zen Center) Winds (online newsletter of the Shin Buddhist Resource Center) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.07 Newsgroups There are many USENET newsgroups that deal with political, religious, interfaith, philosophical and other topics that a reader of t.r.b. could conceivably be interested in. Here is just a small selection: alt.magick.tyagi soc.culture.china soc.culture.taiwan alt.meditation soc.culture.japan soc.culture.thai alt.philosophy.taoism soc.culture.korean soc.culture.vietnamese alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan soc.culture.laos soc.religion.eastern alt.zen soc.culture.nepal talk.politics.tibet alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren alt.religion.nichiren.shoshu.news If you can't find a group on your local system, you may still be able to read it via or elsewhere. If you want to have a newsgroup carried on your local system, talk to the news adminstrator for the local system. Do not email the FAQ maintainer; he can't help. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.08 A random selection of books Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, by Nyanatiloka (3rd revised and enlarged edition). Colombo: Frewin (1972). An edition is also published by AMS Press (1983). Entering the Stream: An Introduction to the Buddha and his Teachings, ed. by Samuel Bercholz and Sherab Chodzin Kohn. London : Rider (1994). This is the companion volume to the film "Little Buddha." A superb anthology of short writings from a number of different viewpoints. Very accessible to those who have only a casual interest in Buddhism, while also containing much of value for serious students of the teaching. The Middle Length Discourses of The Buddha (Majjhima Nikaya), trans. by Bkikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi. Boston: Wisdom Publications (1995). ISBN-0-86171-072-X. Those living in Asia can get the Asian Edition from the Buddhist Publication Society in Sri Lanka. Mindfulness in Plain English, by Henepola Gunaratana. Boston: Wisdom (1993). The Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga), by Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa, trans. by Nyanamoli (3rd edition). Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society (1975). An edition is also published by Shambhala. This is still probably the best meditation text ever written for someone who wants a comprehensive overview of orthodox Buddhist meditation techniques. (Warning: this book is not a casual read.) The FAQ maintainer suggests starting with Vol. 2, unless you want to be an expert on kasina disks. A Survey of Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Methods through the Ages, by Sangharakshita (6th edition). London: Tharpa (1987). A rich and wide-ranging study written by someone who is familiar with all of the major schools (as well as the Western intellectual tradition). Thus I Have Heard: The Long Discourses of The Buddha (Digha Nikaya), trans. by Maurice Walshe. Boston: Wisdom Publications (1987). ISBN-0-86171-030-4. What the Buddha Taught, by Walpola Rahula. A beautifully clear introduction to Buddhist doctrine, written by a Sri Lankan scholar. Very intelligible, even to non-Buddhists. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki. New York: Weatherhill (1970), reprinted in 1980. Anthologized in _Entering the Stream_. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.09 Bookstores, etc. Buddhist Book Service P.O. Box 9677 Washington, DC 20016 Phone 01-946-7560, or 202-832-9393 The Buddhist Bookstore (good source for Jodo Shinshu) 1710 Octavia Street San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone 415-776-7877 Buddhist Publication Society (mainly Theravada) P.O. Box 61 54, Sangharaja Mawatha Kandy, Sri Lanka Pali Text Society 73 Lime Walk Headington Oxford OX3 7AD England Phone +44-1865-742125 Fax +44-1865-750079 PTS is "the" source for critical texts and translations of many works in the Theravada canon. U.S. distributor: Wisdom Publications. Shambhala Sun: Creating Enlightened Society (bimonthly) 1345 Spruce St. or: 1585 Barrington St, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302-4886 Halifax, Nova Scotia USA Canada B3J 1Z8 email: shambsun@ra.isisnet.com Phone: 902-422-8404 Fax: 902-423-2750 Snow Lion Publications South Asia Books P.O. Box 502 Columbia MO 65205 Phone 314-474-0116 Fax 314-474-8124 Tricycle: The Buddhist Review tricycle@echonyc.com Vihara Book Service (good source for Theravada) 5017-16th St. NW Washington DC 20011 Phone 202-723-0773 Ajit Wettasinghe has created a text file version of the VBS book list. If you would like a copy, send an email message to ajitw@aol.com. Wisdom Publications (good source for Vajrayana) 361 Newbury Street Boston, MA 02115 Phone 800-274-4050, 617-536-2305, FAX 617-536-1897 U.S. distributors for Pali Text Society ------------------------------ Subject: 5.10 Bulletin Boards, etc. Access To Insight Pepperell, MA 1-508-433-5847 John.Bullitt@metta.ci.net Bodhi-Line phone service A telephone information service providing information about Buddhist centers in New York area, including centers' locations, schedules of classes and meditation sessions, and a list of books, tapes and other materials. All services offered by the Bodhi- Line are free of charge. Just dial (212) 677-9354. For more information about Bodhi-Line, contact Michael Wick at Buddhist Information Service of New York, 331 E 5th Street, New York, NY 10003. Tel: (212) 777-3745. Fax & voice mail: (212) 677-9354. The Bodhi Tree Boise, ID 1-208-327-9916 Body Dharma Online Berkeley, CA 1-510-234-9431 Barry Kapke, sysop dharma@netcom.com Mount Kailas Cambridge, MA 1-508-921-0482 Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network 1920 Francisco, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94709 gary.ray@tigerteam.org ------------------------------ Subject: 5.11 Meditation Centers California Vipassana Center P.O.Box 1167, North Fork, CA 93643 Telephone (209) 877-4386 Fax (209) 877-4387 Cambridge Insight Meditation Center 331 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone (24hr info): (617) 491-5070 Northwest Vipassana Center c/o Scott Corley 17045 - 33rd Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98155 Telephone (206) 367-9336 Southwest Vipassana Meditation Center c/o Cathryn Lacey P.O.Box 190248, Dallas, TX 75219 Telephone (214) 521-5258 Vipassana Support Institute 4070 Albright Los Angles CA 90066 310 915-1943 Vipassana Meditation Center P.O.Box 24, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Telephone (413) 625-2160 Fax (413) 625-2170 Washington Buddhist Vihara Ven. Dhammasiri 5017-16th St. NW Washington DC 20011 Phone 202-723-0773 Zen Center of Los Angeles 923 S. Normandie Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006-1301 ------------------------------ Subject: 5.12 Overlapping interests Gay/Lesbian: International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los Angeles sponsors various services. Email nunk123@aol.com for info. Maitri Dorje is an association of Gay & Lesbian Buddhists and practitioners of other meditation traditions in NYC. Email Bill for info. Women: There are conferences on Women and Buddhism, on both BodhiNet and DharmaNet. For info on BodhiNet (and Tiger Team Network), send email to gary.ray@tigerteam.org. For info on DharmaNet, send email to dharma@netcom.com (Barry Kapke). Buddhists in 12-step programs: If you are on AOL, see the folder AA and Buddhism. Otherwise email BODHI123@aol.com for more information. If anyone knows of other resources appropriate for listing here, please send email to the FAQ maintainer. ========================================== Hsuan Peng hp13@cornell.edu Cornell University --------------------------- first version: Nov. 14, 1994 last update: Apr. 27, 1995 A. USENET Newsgroups: B. E-mail Subscription Lists: C. Files available for anonymous FTP / gopher: D. World-Wide Web (WWW): E. Bulletin Board System (BBS): F. Software/Database: G. Buddhist-related books and supplies: H. Others: (1) Bodhi-Line phone service: A telephone information service providing information about Buddhist centers in New York area, including centers' locations, schedules of classes and meditation sessions, and a list of books, tapes and other materials. All services offered by the Bodhi-Line are free of charge. Just dial (212) 677-9354. For more information about Bodhi-Line, contact Michael Wick at Buddhist Information Service of New York, 331 E 5th Street, New York, NY 10003. Tel: (212) 777-3745. Fax & voice mail: (212) 677-9354. ** References: Blackstad, Mark (mblacks@indyvax.iupui.edu), "Buddhist Related Books and Supplies", insight mailing list, Oct. 24, 1994. Chen, Ying (ying@hal.cs.uiuc.edu), "Introduction to Discussion Groups for Buddhism in the Network", Bodhi News, Sept. 27, 1994. Xu, Dong (xu@lisboa.ks.uiuc.edu), "New Electronic Buddhist Resource on InterNet", Bodhi News, May 10, 1994. ====================== Hsuan Peng hp13@cornell.edu Cornell University --------------------------- first version: Nov. 14, 1994 last update: Apr. 27, 1995 A. USENET Newsgroups: (1) alt.meditation (2) alt.meditation.transcendental (3) alt.philosophy.zen (4) alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren (5) alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.shoshu.news (6) alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan (7) alt.zen (8) soc.religion.eastern (9) talk.religion.buddhism B. E-mail Subscription Lists: (1) Bodhi News: Edited by Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign. Send a short message to bodhi@uiuc.edu to subscribe. (2) BUDDHA-L: An academic buddhism discussion group. Send the following command: SUBscribe BUDDHA-L your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu. (3) BUDDHIST: Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies. Send the following command: SUBscribe BUDDHIST your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@jpntuvm0.bitnet to subscribe. (4) DailyZen: A mailing list that contains a daily dose of Zen wisdom. Each day members receive a single Zen story, koan, or quote. Send a short message with your full name to Michael C. Amundsen at: mAmund@iac.net to subscribe. Be sure to include the word "DailyZen" in your subject line. (5) Dharma-talk: An international forum for discussions, exchanges of information regarding Buddhism and for announcements of Buddhist related events. Send the following command: subscribe dharma-talk to majordomo@saigon.com to subscribe. (6) EABUD: Mailing list for Eastern American/East Asian Buddhism. Send the following command: subscribe eabud your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu. (7) Insight (IMS): produced by the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Mass. Send the following command: subscribe insight to majordomo@pioneer.ci.net to subscribe. (8) JBE: An on-line Journal of Buddhist Ethics, published by Penn State University and Goldsmiths College, London. To subscribe to the Journal Abstract, simply send an e-mail message to: listserv@psuvm.psu.edu Leave the "Subject" field blank. In the body of the message should contain the following: sub jbe-l your_firstname your_lastname You will then receive information and the addresses of the Journal's sites in the USA, Europe and Australia. Published material is available through WWW, Gopher and FTP. For further information contact the editors at jbe-ed@psu.edu. (9) Jodo Shinshu: A forum in which issues specific to Jodo Shinshu are discussed. Send the following command: subscribe a-shinshu-forum to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe. (10) Purdue Buddhist Society: Send a short message to buddhism@mentor.cc.purdue.edu to subscribe. (11) Universal Zendo: A discussion group about Zen Buddhism with an emphasis on practice rather than scholarship. Send the following command: SUBscribe ZENDO your_firstname your_lastname to Zendo-Request@lysator.liu.se to subscribe. (12) Winds: A monthly newsletter of the Shin Buddhist Resource Center. Send the following command: subscribe to-winds to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe. (13) ZenBuddhism-L: Send the following command: SUB ZenBuddhism-L your_e-mail to Majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au to subscribe. (14) Various lists at think.net: Send the following command: sub your_firstname your_lastname to listserv@think.net, where is one of the following: buddhist-philosophy chinese-philosophy taoism zen C. Files available for anonymous FTP / gopher: (1) Buddhist Gopher: gopher://gopher.teleport.com/11/users/davidc/traditions/Buddhist (2) Buddhist Studies (SUNY Albany): A collection of several Buddhism literature. gopher://uacsc2.albany.edu/11/sunyp/sunypcat/spcbud (3) Buddhist Studies Facility (Australia): This archive has quite a complete list of the resources on internet. ftp://coombs.anu.edu.au/coombspapers/otherarchives/electronic- buddhist-archives/ gopher://coombs.anu.edu.au/16/Buddhist Studies\Practice E-Journals/ gopher://cheops.anu.edu.au/11/ResearchFacilities/BSF (4) Buddhist sutra archive (in Chinese): This is a gopher site which currently contains eight sutras and some zen poems. gopher://dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/11/buda (if use gopher, type: gopher dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw 70) note: need Chinese environment for display. (5) CLEAR-MIND - Tibetan Buddhist Newsletter: ftp://ftp.cic.net/pub/e-serials/archive/alphabetic/c/clear-mind gopher://gopher.cic.net:2000/11/e-serials/archive/alphabetic/c/ clear-mind (6) Journal of Buddhist Ethics: ftp://ftp.cac.psu.edu:/pub/jbe/ (USA) ftp://ftp.gold.ac.uk/pub/jbe/ (Europe) (7) Sunsite Buddhism Information Bank: Buddhism information (DEFA and Tantric Studies): gopher://president.oit.unc.edu/11/.pub/academic/religious_studies/ Buddhism Image Bank: gopher://president.oit.unc.edu/11/.pub/academic/religious_studies/ Buddhism/Tantric_Studies/Iconography Meditation: gopher://president.oit.unc.edu/11/../.pub/academic/medicine/ alternative-healthcare/meditation (8) The Awareness Technique (TAT): TAT is an approach to finding one's inner consciousness. TAT consists of three books, the first chapters of which are not copyrighted and may be freely retrieved from the Internet via FTP or gopher. ftp: ftp.std.com Book 1, Chapter 1 (Multi-Level Awareness) /books/Awareness/b1-1.txt. Book 2, Chapter 1 (Multi-Plane Awareness) is file b2-1.txt Book 3, Chapter 1 (Perfecting The Spirit) is file b3-1.txt Or gopher to gopher.std.com and select Booksellers, then The Awareness Technique. D. World-Wide Web (WWW): (1) Asian Art: http://www.nets.com/asianart has an interesting collection of Buddhism-related graphics files, and http://www.nets.com/site/ian/hotlist.html is a list of on-line galleries that may have related collections. (2) Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics Homepage: http://faraday.clas.virginia.edu/~wam7c/index.html including translation of Dzong-ka-ba's Three Principal Aspects of the Path, etc. (3) Buddhist Studies - WWW Virtual Library (Australian National Univ.): http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-Buddhism.html provides a list of web and gopher sites for Buddhism resources. (4) Cornell AsiaLink: A Web site established by the Cornell East Asia Program's Chinese- Japanese-Korean Computing and Database Facility, directed by John R. McRae, Assoc. Professor of Asian Religions. In addition to providing information about multilingual computing and various activities and resources of the East Asia Program, in the near future Cornell AsiaLink will also be providing information about Chinese Buddhism and Chinese Buddhist organizations. Access to some subdirectories is restricted to users with Cornell network ids. The hypertext link is: http://cucjk.eap.cornell.edu/asialink.homepage.html For further information, contact Prof. McRae at jrm5@cornell.edu. (5) Dharma Electronic Files Archive (D.E.F.A.): The online Buddhist libraries maintained by DharmaNet International. http://sunsite.unc.edu/dharma/defa.html GASSHO - Bi-monthly electronic Journal: http://sunsite.unc.edu/dharma/gassho.html and "Buddhist resources": http://sunsite.unc.edu/dharma/buddhist.html which contains information about Buddhist Retreat Calendar, Buddhist Sitting and Meditation Practice Groups, Chogye Zen Buddhist Texts, Buddhist Image Bank, and many links to other sites. (6) DharmaWeb: http://www.well.com/www/btanaka/dw.html (7) FAQ for alt.zen: http://sunsite.unc.edu/zen/faq.html (8) Gyuto Tantric Choir: Multiphonic chanting by Tibetan buddhist monks. http://www.well.com/user/gyuto/ (9) Jogyejong Buddhist Web (Korea): http://www.dongguk.ac.kr/byunjy/budwebs.html (10) Journal of Buddhist Ethics: http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html or http://scorpio.gold.ac.uk/jbe/jbe.html The Journal has a "Global Resources for Buddhist Studies" page which offers links to many useful resources. (11) Mahidol University gopher: gopher://gopher.mahidol.ac.th/ This gopher site includes information about Buddhist Scriptures Information Retrieval (BUDSIR). See F-(1) below for details. (12) NCF Buddhism Home Page: National Capital Freenet (Ottawa) WWW Buddhism Special Interest Group. http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/freenet/rootdir/menus/sigs/religion/ buddhism/introduction/home.html includes Directory of Buddhist groups in Ottawa, Introduction to Buddhism, Meditation Instructions, Photographs of renouned Buddhist teachers, etc. (13) Shin Buddhist Resource Center: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/sh/shinshu/homepage.html The Center provides a growing, reliable source of information for students Jodo Shinshu, a form of Pureland Buddhism which originated in 12th century Japan. Resources include translations, essays and interperative articles. (14) Snow Lion Publications: http://www.well.com/www/snowlion/ This WWW is mainly for news about Tibet and Tibet-related events, also contains a production schedule for Snow Lion books, and in-depth reviews of new books. (15) Soka Gakkai International (Seattle, Washington): http://www.halcyon.com/Ichinet/welcome.html (16) Spiritual Consciousness on WWW: http://err.ethz.ch/~kiwi/Spirit.html http://www.protree.com/kiwi/Spirit.html (US mirror) (17) Still Point (Dharma Rain Zen Center Newsletter) http://www.teleport.com/~ldotm/STILLPOINT.html (18) Ten Bulls (Zen poem and pictures): http://fas.sfu.ca/1/cs/people/ResearchStaff/jamie/personal/ 10_Bulls/Title_Page.html (19) Thai buddhism information (Thailand): http://www.nectec.or.th/soc.culture.thai/2.html#C.4 (20) Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network http://www.well.com/www/btanaka/tt.html (21) Zen Buddhist Texts (U. Texas Houston, Texas): by Southwest Chogye International Zen Academeia in Houston, Texas. http://oac11.hsc.uth.tmc.edu/zen/index.html. which has text of sutra, dictionary of Buddhism terms, etc. (22) Zen Buddhism & Taoism Information (Borlaenge U., Sweden): http://www.big.hfb.se/~gerdes/engtaozen.html A collection of Zen Buddhist and Taoist texts, including The Cheng Tao Ko Verses, The Dhammapada and The Mahamangala Sutta, as well as some other information of general interest. (23) Zen Hospice Project (San Francisco, California): http://www.well.com/www/devaraja/ which runs several programs dedicated to the care of people approaching death and increasing our understanding of our own impermanence. (24) Zen@SunSITE: http://sunsite.unc.edu/zen/ features The Gateless Gate (a famous collection of koans). E. Bulletin Board System (BBS): (1) Mount Kailas: New England's Dharma Bulletin Board Service. Calendars of Buddhist teachings and events, and Public Message bases for on-line information exchange are featured. Mount Kailas BBS also has e-mail and an Open-Air Market Place where Dharma items can be ordered from participating vendors. $40 a year for memberships. Data: (617) 252-9988 (N81) 5 lines out of Cambridge, MA Voice: (508) 921-0482 F. Software/Database: (1) Buddhist Scriptures Information Retrieval (BUDSIR): A complete digital edition of The Buddhist Scripture, created by Mahidol University Computing Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Contact Dr. Supachai Tangwongsan at ccstw@mucc.mahidol.ac.th for details. G. Buddhist-related books and supplies: * California Buddhist Vihara Society c/o Gary Ray Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network 1920 Francisco, Sutie 112 Berkeley, CA 94709 (Small list of free Dharma books) * Dharma Publishing phone: 800-873-4276, 510-548-5407, 510-873-4276 2910 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 (Dharma books, esp. Tibetian, Vajrayana, and Dzogchen) * Parallax Press phone: 510-525-1010, fax: 510-525-7129 P.O. Box 7355 Berkeley, CA 94707 (books and tapes, most by Thich Nhat Hanh and friends) * Zen Home Stitchery phone: 714-631-5389 2693 Riverside Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (small catalog of clothes, cushions and accessories for meditation) * Asian Humanities Press phone: 510-659-8272 c/o Jain Publishing Company P.O. Box 3523 Fremont, CA 94539 * Tibetan Treasures phone: 916-623-2714, fax: 916-623-6709 P.O. Box 279 Junction City, CA 96048-0279 (catalog of large selection of dharma items, incense, books, etc.) * Shasta Abbey Buddhist Supplies phone: 800-653-3315, 916-926-6682 P.O. Box 199 fax: 916-926-5796 Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.) * Keep It Simple phone: 415-967-3710 P.O. Box 91 Mountain View, CA 94042 (small catalog of Dharma books, tapes, t-shirts, and meditation supplies) * The Buddhist Bookstore phone: 415-776-7877 1710 Octavia Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (large stock of books on all Buddhist traditions, specialized in Shin/Pure Land tradition) * Eastwind Books and Arts Inc. phone: 415-781-3331 1435 A Stockton San Francisco, CA (Chinese books) * Forest Books phone: 415-863-2755 3080 16th St. at Valencia San Francisco, CA 94103 (new & used books specializing in eastern religion, Asian culture, etc.) * Bodhi Tree Bookstore phone: 800-825-9798, fax: 310-659-0178 8585 Melrose Ave. West Hollywood, CA 90069 (large selection of books, including domestic & imported Buddhist titles) * Sounds True Catalog phone: 800-333-9185 735 Walnut St., Dept. SC94 Boulder, CO 80302 (tapes on meditation, buddhism, self-discovery, etc.) * ZIJI Books & Gifts phone: 303-449-6219 2019 10th St. Boulder, CO 80302 (catalog ($1) of Dharma books, practice materials, etc.) * Buddhadharma Meditation Center phone: 708-789-8866 8910 South Kingery Highway Hinsdale, IL 60521 (small catalog of Dharma Books) * Quest Books phone: 800-669-9425, fax: 708-665-8791 The Theosophical Publishing House P.O. Box 270, Dept. M-171 Wheaton, IL 60189-0270 (books on religion, philosophy, etc.) * Dhamma Dana Publication Fund c/o Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Lockwood Road Barre, MA 01005 * Shambhala Publications, Inc. phone: 617-424-0228, fax: 617-236-1563 P.O. Box 308 Boston, MA 02117-0308 (catalog of Buddhist and other eastern religion/philosophy/practice books) * Wisdom Publications phone: 800-272-4050, 617-536-2305 361 Newbury Street fax: 617-536-1897 Boston, MA 02115 (Dharma books, esp. Tibetian, Vajrayana, and Dzogchen) * DharmaCrafts phone: 617-862-9211, fax: 617-862-8824 405 Waltham Street, Suite 234 Lexington, MA 02173 (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.) * Dharma Seed Tape phone: 800-969-SEED, fax: 413-665-1399 Library Box 66 Wendell Depot, MA 01380 (tapes of IMS Dharma Talks) * South Asia Books phone: 314-474-0116 P.O. Box 502 Columbia, MO 65205 (huge stock of books from Asia, many on Buddhism) * Windhorse phone: 800-303-5728 14 Heartwood Circle Newmarket, NH 03857 (catalog of Buddhist books) * SUNY Press State University Plaza Albany, NY 12246-0001 (Buddhist book list) * Myojo Morning Star 294 Old Route 28 Glenford, NY 12433 (catalog of meditation clothing) * Snow Lion Publications phone: 607-273-8519, fax: 607-273-8508 P.O. Box 6483 e-mail: 75061.1026@compuserve.com Ithaca, NY 14851-6483 (free newsletter/catalog for current events about Tibet and over 1200 books and other items on Tibet and Tibet Buddhism) * Dharma Communications Inc. phone: 914-688-7993, fax: 914-688-7911 P.O. Box 156DC, South Plank Road Mt. Tremper, NY 12457 (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.) * C. K. Manpolo Int'l Inc. phone: 212-219-3556 137 Hester St. New York, NY 10002 (statues and supplies) * Oriental Culture Enterprises phone: 212-226-8461, fax: 212-431-6695 13-17 Elizabeth St., 2nd floor New York NY (Chinese books) * Sharchen Imports phone: 800-521-9357, 212-860-8873 1309 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10128 (color catalog of Dharma furnishings) * Dharmaware Giftshop phone: 914-679-5417 (store), 914-679-4900 (order) 54C (9) Tinker St. Woodstock, NY 12498 (24-page color catalog of Dharma supplies, books, tapes, statues, etc.) * Caroline Morning Designs phone: 704-683-1843 Dept P, P.O. Box 2832 Asheville, NC 28802 (inflatable Zafu, cushions, books, bells, etc.) * The Mystic Trader phone: 800-634-9057, 503-357-1566, fax: 503-357-1669 1334 Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, OR 97116 (64-page catalog of Buddhist, Taoist, etc. items, tapes and books) * Books for the Nineties phone: 800-331-3761 P.O. Box 588 Scranton, PA 18512-0588 (catalog of books on psychology, meditation, buddhism, spirituality, etc.) * Primary Point Press phone: 401-658-1476, fax: 401-658-1188 99 Pound Road Cumberland, RI 02864 e-mail: kwanumzen@aol.com (small list of Dharma Books by Seung Sahn and others) * Kanzeon Jade Thread phone: 801-328-8414 1274 E. South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (small catalog of Dharma Supplies) * Samadhi Cushions phone: 800-331-7751 Dept. TRI, RR 1 Box 3 Barnet, VT 05821 (cushions and related items) * Buddhist Book Service phone: 301-946-7560, or 202-832-9393 P.O. Box 9677 Washington, DC 20016 (large stock of books and pamphlets on Theravadan tradition) * Buddhist Publication Society P.O. Box 61 54, Sangharaja Mawatha Kandy, Sri Lanka (catalog of Dharma Books) H. Others: (1) Bodhi-Line phone service: A telephone information service providing information about Buddhist centers in New York area, including centers' locations, schedules of classes and meditation sessions, and a list of books, tapes and other materials. All services offered by the Bodhi-Line are free of charge. Just dial (212) 677-9354. For more information about Bodhi-Line, contact Michael Wick at Buddhist Information Service of New York, 331 E 5th Street, New York, NY 10003. Tel: (212) 777-3745. Fax & voice mail: (212) 677-9354. ** References: Blackstad, Mark (mblacks@indyvax.iupui.edu), "Buddhist Related Books and Supplies", insight mailing list, Oct. 24, 1994. Chen, Ying (ying@hal.cs.uiuc.edu), "Introduction to Discussion Groups for Buddhism in the Network", Bodhi News, Sept. 27, 1994. Xu, Dong (xu@lisboa.ks.uiuc.edu), "New Electronic Buddhist Resource on InterNet", Bodhi News, May 10, 1994.