Links And Webrings


1. Vipassanā Research Institute

This Institute produces the classical Pāļi Canon on CD-ROM for free distribution, now the version 3 containing other Pāļi works as well such as monastic Pāļi grammar texts. The website is Pāļi scholars’ heaven. It also features the institute’s paper publications.



2. Pāļi Tipiţka And Other Pāļi Texts

Vipassanā Research Institute has now made available the whole Pāļi Tipiţka And Other Pāļi Texts for online reading.



3. Woody's Postcards From Shanghai


4. Dr Maung Maung Lwin’s Theravāda Megasite

This website is one of the most resourceful Theravāda website masterminded by Myanmar intellectuals. The interactive discussion forum that comes with this megasite contains up-to-date posting and responding of messages regarding current issues in Buddhist theory and practice. We can also find information on courses, events, and the like on this website. This also features rare priceless Buddhist Art Images done by famous Myanmar Painters. Miss it at the expense of your own wisdom and inspiration! 


5.   Indavatī’s Dhammobhāsa

‘Site of a German nun in the Burmese tradition of Mahasi who spent 6 years in Burma. The site has articles by the author, writings by great masters, a link page and recommended books.’ 


6. Myanmar Book Centre

Dr Thant Thaw Kaung, Myat Thaw Kaung and other Myanmar professionals manage this website. It is a must for anyone who need books from Myanmar. Books (both in English and Myanmar), Audio-Visuals and CD-ROMs can be ordered from this website.   

7. Dr Shelagh Robinson's  Eyerise Website


Websites With Buddhist Psychology Content

1. Dr Maung Maung Lwin’s Tipiţka Psychological Resources

“Mind is all that the Buddha taught.” This Myanmar proverb sums up the content of this website. As I said elsewhere, the Buddha’s teachings are about our minds and behaviors. The Buddha was the first to show that we can develop our minds and behaviors to perfection. This possibility has been declared as the developmental process of eight psychological phenomena (Aţţhańgiko Maggo) in his very first discourse, Dhammacakkapavattana Suttam. Moreover, the Buddha also taught how to implement this developmental process in his self-deconstructing discourse, Mahāsatipaţţhāna Suttam. These and other mind concepts and methods will surely evidence the Buddha as the first ultimate transformational psychologist.

As part of Myanmar Government’s initiative, a team of Myanmar intellectuals has begun the Tipiţaka English Translation Project under the Board Of Editors. The translations you will find here can be regarded as versions as reliable and professional as ideal translations can be.

Tipiţka Online






3. Transpersonal Psychology

The following is an orientation statement from this website:

‘The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology has developed as an independent vehicle for the study and open communication of transpersonal experiences, concepts, and practices. It accepts as its province the full range of human development, especially those elements that are personal as well as transpersonal, reaching through, across, and beyond the human personality.

As a major orientation in psychology, a transpersonal perspective exercises both objective and subjective modes of knowing. It connects contemporary educational, scientific, and clinical methodologies with personal, social, and spiritual understanding. It is concerned with full human awareness, the integration of psychological and spiritual experience, and the transcendence of self.’

This print journal contributes greatly to the cause of Buddhist psychology and psychotherapy. Its board of editors includes Daniel Goleman, an abhidhamma psychologist, and Professor Herbert V. Guenther, the author of ‘Philosophy and Psychology In Abhidharma’, one of the earliest Buddhist scholars who appreciate abhidhamma psychology. Daniel Goleman contributed articles on abhidhamma psychology to this journal, and is best-selling author of ‘Emotional Intelligence’. Another Buddhist psychotherapist, Dr Mark Epstein, is also a contributor to this journal.


4. David & Caroline Brazier’s Buddhist Psychotherapy

Dr David Brazier is a tireless Buddhist psychotherapist and the author of ‘Zen Therapy’. Their website Amida Trust contains information regarding training programs for Buddhist psychology and psychotherapy, retreats, publications and links. The following is 

Aims and Objectives of the Institute for Buddhist Analysis and Psychotherapy run by Amida Trust:

1.      To advance the principles, theory and practice of Buddhist psychotherapy in the UK and elsewhere; and

2.      To accredit and professionally support and regulate persons with a professional interest in Buddhist psychotherapy; and

3.      To advance, foster, support and recognise training and education in Buddhist topics relevant to psychotherapy.

4.      To support an approach to Psychotherapy from different Buddhist traditions and practices. 


5. Professor George C. Boeree' Buddhist Psychology Curriculum


6. As Zen Replaces the Id – Psychology & Zen Buddhism

As its Webmaster, Scott McDonald, puts it, this website includes resources concerning questions of Zen Buddhism and its application to psychology. For those interested in East-West psychology and the scientific side of Buddhism, here is a special website.

General Buddhist Websites

1. Buddhanet

This website is an information center based in Sydney, Australia, for all forms of general Buddhist resources, e-books, magazines, Pāļi grammar texts in English, graphics, and links.


2. Dharmanet International

This website is also a big information depot based in United States for general Buddhist resources with links to Buddhist publishers, bookstores, journals, dhamma associations and the like.




4. The Journal Of Buddhist Ethics

This online journal features scholarly articles from the angle of ethics for advanced readers of western academic Buddhist studies. It also contains reviews of books on different aspects of Buddhism. Despite its narrow scope, it is, with Buddhist resources and links, one of the big stars in cyberspace. 



5. Buddhism Today






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