Related Links
Validated on 2nd November 2006 |
PO Box 153 Lincoln, MA 01773 USA |

This website has many translations books, booklets,
and links to other Buddhist sites. Download the website as
a self-extracting archive Latest bulk download version: 1st November 2006
(6.43 Mb) |
Rt. 1, Box 218-3 High View, WV 26808

Forest Monastery and Retreat Centre about 100 miles
from Washington DC run by Sri Lankan Mahāthera — Venerable
Henepola Gunaratana. Retreats, ordination,
publications. |
Buddhist Information of North America |

An extensive collection of on-line Dhamma Books from
all traditions. Some books by Ledi Sayādaw and Mahāsi Sayādaw,
and other well-known authors. |
An extensive Buddhist site created by Australian
Bhikkhu Paññavaro. Includes books, talks, graphics, and
chanting. |

Here you can find an excellent selection of PDF books,
MP3 chanting, and educational resources. There is an extensive
directory of Buddhist centres throughout the
world. |
58 Eccleston Square London SW1V 1PH Tel: 0207
834 5858 |

Well-organised site of the Buddhist Society in
Victoria, with details of classes, publications, tapes,
selected articles from the Middle Way Journal, and
courses. |
14 Calonne Road Wimbledon, London
SW19 |

Professional site with information about retreats and
meditation classes. Picture gallery of mural paintings inside
the Thai Uposatha Hall. |
55(A) Kaba-Aye Pagoda Road Yangon,
Myanmar |

Meditation Centre in Rangon, Burma, with a branch
centre at Hmawbi, about 20 miles outside
Rangoon. |
Harewood End Herefordshire HR2 8JS |

U Ba Khin Meditation Centre UK Branch of Sri
Goenka’s Centre. (See Vipassanā Research
Institute.) |
West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, United
Kingdom |

Residential insight meditation retreats. Take a
ten-day course or a three-month retreat. Link is to the
retreat centre, because main link is not available at the time
of updating. |

A collection of links on personal reflections on life
as a Theravāda Buddhist monk. |
Splatts House, Heddington, Calne, Wiltshire SN11
0PE |

U Ba Khin Meditation Centre. Site has some
excellent books and articles by Ledi Sayādaw, Webu Sayādaw,
and U Ba Khin. |
The Sun, Garaway Hill Hertfordshire HR2
8EZ Tel/Fax: 01981 580 436 |
Sell books, tapes, and videos of teachings in the U Ba
Khin tradition. “The Manuals of Buddhism” by Venerable Ledi
Sayādaw is excellent. |
Mahasi Meditation Centre Rangoon, Burma Website
recently updated |

Mahāsi Organisation website. Treatises are in
PDF format. MP3 discourses are poor sound quality.
FAQ explains about practising meditation in Burma.
Profile is pictures of the Rangoon
centre. |

Extensive site for Theravāda Buddhism. Host for
Burmese Vihāras in the UK, USA, and Burma, and links to other
Buddhist sites. Many articles and books by Burmese Sayādaws,
and photos of pagodas and other religious
subjects. |
Pali Text Society 73 Lime Walk Headington Oxford OX3
7AD |

This online search facility is provided by the US
Department of Education. You can use it to look up any Pali
For a hard copy, vist the PTS
website. |
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names |

The Dictionary of Pali Proper Names edited by G.P.
Malalasekera is a valuable reference for students of Buddhism.
It lists people, place names, discourses, etc., and gives many
cross references to the texts and commentaries.
Dhamma Giri Igatpuri-422 403, India |

Chattha Sangāyana Pāli Tipitaka U Ba Khin Vipassanā retreats Public Domain Pāli
Fonts. Vipassanā Newsletter. |
25 Stanley Road Ilford Essex IG1 1RW Tel: 0208
553 5020 Fax: 553 5122 |

Publish a wide range of Buddhist books, including
modern translations of Digha Nikāya, Majjhima Nikāya, Samyutta
Nikāya, and the Sutta Nipāta. |

Website run by a Chinese Buddhist who practised in
Mahāsi Yeikthā. A good source for Mahāsi Sayādaw’s books.