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Buddhist Studies - Electronic Resources

Edited by T. Matthew Ciolek (mailto:tmciolek[use)

Last updated: 17 Oct 2006.
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An Overview

Buddhist Educational Resources

  • Buddhism - The eBook (The Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online Books, JBE, The Pennsylvania State U., US & Goldsmiths U., UK)
    [Buddhism - The eBook Second Edition [2006] The First Comprehensive E-Text Introduction, By Charles Prebish and Damien Keown. Extensively revised and updated, Buddhism - The eBook, Second Edition is a self contained textbook, ISBN: 0-9747055-3-5, in PDF format, for an introductory course on Buddhism. Designed for undergraduate level study, it provides everything students and teachers could expect from a printed text and more. There are two main components: 1. Buddhism - The eBook, Second Edition. A text book with extensive links to the Internet 2. Buddhism Online. A website dovetailing with the ebook and providing a range of additional resources for students and teachers.
    Summary of Contents: Acknowledgements ; Pronunciation Guide; The Background to Buddhism; Part One: Foundations; 1. Karma and Cosmology; 2. The Buddha; 3. The Dharma; 4. The Buddhist Sangha; Part Two: Development; 1. Buddhism in India; 2. Mahayana; 3. Meditation; Part Three: Buddhism Beyond India; 1. Buddhism in Southeast Asia; 2. Buddhism in East Asia; 3. Buddhism in Tibet; Part Four: Modernity; 1. Buddhism in the Western World; 2. Engaged Buddhism; 3. Buddhist Ethics; 4. Reflections on the Nature and Study of Buddhism; Appendix: Chronology of Buddhist History; The Buddhist Scriptures.]
  • Buddhist Philosophy Class online (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Tibetan Government in Exile, Dharamsala, India)
    [The webpage gives free, live and downloadable access to the daily Buddhist Philosophy Class taught at the Library. The teacher for this class, Geshe Sonam Rinchen, holds the degree of Geshe Lharampa, which he received in 1980. He also holds an Acharya degree (equiv. to Master's Degree) from the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (hereinafter CIHTS) in Sarnath, Varanasi. He has taught classes at LTWA since 1978.]
  • BodhiTree: Buddhist Education Resources for Young Students (bodhitree.netfirms.com, Sydney, NSW, Australia)
    [Free to download Buddhist education books. The resources are currently used by the Buddhist Council of NSW] in the NSW Special Religious Education teaching program. Site contents: * E-books (For primary students, For secondary students, Miscellaneous, For tertiary students and teachers); * Pictures (Bodhi tree - Bodhgaya, River Ganges - Varanasi, Deer Park - Sarnath, Dhamekh stupa - Sarnath, Monastery ruins - Sarnath, Kapilavatthu, Kosambi, Pictures from the Buddha's biography); * Weblinks (Buddhist, Children, General)]

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    Copyright (c) Sep 1998 - Nov 2000 by Thomas Hippensteele. Sep 1995 - Aug 1998, Dec 2000 - present by T. Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any other Web pages. Contents may not be altered.

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    URL http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/BuddhPages/EResources.html
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