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Other Theravada Sources

The resources below may be of help in your exploration of Theravada Buddhism. This is one of the few pages on this website that contains links to other websites (indicated by "»").


Learning and practicing meditation [go to top]

The Pali language [go to top]

Students and would-be students of Pali may find "A Guide to Learning the Pali Language" of some help in getting started with the language. Among other things, that document contains information about Pali language textbooks, how to handle Pali diacritical marks on computers, and where to obtain Pali fonts. The web also offers these excellent resources:

Printed books [go to top]

Books available free of charge:

Books for sale:

Audio and video recordings [go to top]

Electronic books and texts [go to top]

Lists of links [go to top]

Revised: Wed 15 November 2000