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Theravada Resources around the World {short description of image} Myanmar (Burmese) Theravada Buddhism




Access to Insight Home of the Theravada text archives; Buddhist Publication Society catalogue;
Association of Insight Meditation "Everyone should have an aim in life. The best aim is to put an end to suffering. The end of suffering means the end of craving, which can only be eradicated by mindfulness. "
Beyond the Net It is a comprehensive presentation of Theravada Buddhism.
BhavanaSociety Bhavana Society Forest Monastery and Retreat CenterThe Bhavana Society with Dhamma articles by Bhante Rahula and Bhante Henepola Gunaratana.
Buddhasasana Articles and links in Buddhism, in English and Vietnamese.
Buddhist Publication Society BPS Texts, including the BPS Newsletter cover essays
Chieng Mai Dhamma Study Group This website provides the teachings of Ven P.A. Payutto and Ven Ajahn Sumedho.
Dhamma Talk This Website's objectives are distributing Dhamma in a new innovative way using Microsoft Agent Software which employs animated characters, text-to-speech engines, and speech recognition software. Visitors can easily listen to Dhamma without reading. The animated characters wiil read from the Web and speak Dhamma right away.

Dhamma Study Group

Dhamma Study and Support Foundation grew out of Dhamma talks that were first given in 1966 by Ajahn Sujin Boriharnwanakhed to westerners living in Thailand..
Dhamma Wheel Ukrainian site in Russian language
Dhammadana.org "You can discover the foundations of Buddha's teaching in a few lines. It is about a page that displays the foundations of this teaching while unveiling its goals."
The Dhammapada Web site of The Dhammapada, translated by Ñarada Thera.
The Global Pagoda The Grand Pagoda, as envisioned by Shri S.N.Goenka, will preserve the Vipassana technique, also known as the way out of suffering and the relics of Buddha.
Ksridhammananda.com The purpose of this website is to host all of Dr. K Sri Dhammananda's free publications in English and its translations in 15 languages.
Luangta.com The website of Venerable Acariya Maha Boowa Ñanasampanno, also avaiable in Thai and German.
Mahabodhi Society From Bangalore, India; Dedicated to Spiritual and Educational Development
The Metaschool of Bodhiology Bodhiology n (bodhi + (o) + logy) 1. A new department of human science that studies concepts and methods regarding the phenomenon of awakening;
Nanavira Thera Dhamma About the writings of the late Ven. Ѩ¢nav¨ªra Thera.
Nibbana.com This Mega-Site, started in May 1998, re-publishes the teachings and views of the Sayadaws (Abbots) from Burma (Myanmar) and the Pali translations and special articles written by other distinguished monks and lay authors.
Pa-Auk Tawya About Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw and his forest Retreat in Myanmar.
Pa Auk Forest Monastery Pa Auk Forest Monastery site in Singapore (2005)
Parinibbana A guide to the Buddhism according to the Pali canon (in Portuguese), covering aspects of Theravada tradition.
Sadhu! It specialises in a Theravada Buddhism with information on Buddhist organisations.
Satipatthana.org Teachings on the four foundations of mindfulness.
Sri Lankan Buddhist Temples (Australia) Website for information on Sri Lankan Buddhist Temples in Australia.
Theravada.net A gateway to the original teachings of Gotama Buddha.
Urban Dharma Buddhism for Urban America: New site
Vipassana.com It offers resources to meditators in the Theravada tradition.
Vipassana Page No affiliation with any meditation organization




Ambedkar.org Website by the followers of the late B.R. Ambedkar of India
Aukana Trust The Aukana Trust runs a meditation centre and two monasteries in the UK.
BuddhaNet Buddhist information network.
Buddhism A series of pages on Buddhism presented by Paul Trafford from Birmingham, UK.
Buddhism Links to resources and groups.
Buddhism 101 Brief introduction from Tricycle magazine.
Buddhism Depot A general Buddhist Site with useful facilities for Buddhists.
Buddhism History Guide to Buddhist philosophy
Buddhism in Malaysia An independent on-line information centre about Buddhist activities in Malaysia to foster fellowship and understanding amongst all Buddhists.
Buddhism World
Buddhist Information BIONA Books Study Center with the extensive on-line Free Buddhist library.
Buddhist Pen Pal Home Page
The Buddhist Society UK Founded in 1924 by Christmas Humphreys, the Buddhist Society is one of the oldest Buddhist societies in Europe.
Buddhist Temples Information on buddhism in India, origin of buddhism, buddhism religion and buddhist pilgrimage.
Dharma the Cat The Thinking Person's Cartoon Strips.
DharmaNet International Access to Buddhist texts, journals, centre information, links to other sites, etc.
Dharmawest.com Articles on daily aspects of life
Fundamental Buddhism Fundamental Buddhism Explained.
History, Philosophy and Practice of Buddhism A general Buddhism Site
Introduction to Buddhism An history, basics of Buddhist wisdom, and more.
Jim's Buddhism Page Buddhist practice, belief, and faith.
Mid America Dharma Mid America Dharma offers insight meditation to the central region of the USA.
The Middle Path
Novice Buddhism
Online Buddhist Center

With Buddhist related links geared towards families and children.

The Samatha Trust This site provides information about local Samatha mediation groups throughout the United Kingdom, and also events run by the Trust
Singapore DharmaNet Contents: Electronic Daily Enlightenment/Dharma Service, Pictorial Tour of Buddhist Temples Singapore Buddhist Organization Directory, Talk Buddhism newsgroup.
UK Association for Buddhist Studies This is the HOMEPAGE of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies, based at the University of Sunderland.
What Do You Think, My Friend?

A collection of writings on Buddhism.

World Fellowship of Buddhists : The World Fellowship of Buddhists ( WFB ) was founded on May 25 B.E.2493 (1950) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where representatives from 27 countries in Asia, Europe and North America (including Hawaii) met for this purpose. Nearly every school of Buddhism in the Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana traditions was represented by members of the Sangha as well as laity.

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