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Theravada Buddhist InfoWeb:

The Virtual Library of Online Theravada Buddhist Associations, Monasteries & Practice Centers

DharmaNet's Buddhist InfoWeb is a central directory of online lay and monastic Dhamma centers, organizations, and practice groups. Please help keep this resource complete and up-to-date.

To add or update a Dharma center or group to the Buddhist Infoweb, please use the online form.

Buddhist InfoWeb:

| General Directories | Mahayana (Misc.) | Pure Land | Theravada | Vajrayana | Zen |
| Buddhist e-Mail Directory | Buddhist Study Resources | Non-Academic Buddhist Study Resources |

See also:
DharmaNet's Guide to Dharma Centers Around the World.
DharmaNet's Guide to Dharma Centers in the USA.
DharmaNet's USA Guide to Meditation Practice Groups.

DharmaNet's Guide to Thai Temples in North America
Sadhu! The Theravada Buddhism Web Directory.

Online Buddhist Centers & Information
In the Theravada Traditions

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

This document is a part of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library, and is owned and maintained by DharmaNet International. Please e-mail comments, corrections, updates.
Unless otherwise indicated, all material that appears on DharmaNet International's Gateways to Buddhism is Copyright © 1991-2005, DharmaNet International. All rights reserved.

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