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1: Ajitamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Ajita's Questions


57 (1032) 1-1

        ßKenassu nivuto loko ? icc-àyasmà Ajito ,
ßBy what is the world enveloped? said venerable Ajita,

                                           Kenassu nappakàsati?
                                   Why does it not become clear?

        Kissàbhilepanaü bråsi? Þ Kiü su tassa mahabbhayaü?û
What do you say is its defilement? What is (the world's) great fear?û

58 (1033) 1-2

        ßAvijjàya nivuto loko, Ajità ti Bhagavà,
ßThe world is enveloped by ignorance, Ajita, said the Auspicious One,

                                           vevicchà pamàdà nappakàsati.
because of heedlessness and meanness it does not become clear.

        Jappàbhilepanaü bråmi; Þ dukkham-assa mahabbhayaüû
Hunger is its defilement, I say; suffering is (the world's) great fear.û

59 (1034) 1-3

        ßSavanti sabbadhi sotà, icc-àyasmà Ajito,
ßStreams are flowing everywhere, said venerable Ajita,

                                           sotànaü kiü nivàraõaü?
                                   what is the constraint for streams?

        Sotànaü saüvaraü bråhi, Þ kena sotà pithiyyare?û
Tell me the restraint for streams; by what are the streams shut off?û

60 (1035) 1-4

        ßYàni sotàni lokasmiü, Ajità ti Bhagavà ,
ßWhatever streams there are in the world, Ajita, said the Auspicious One,

                                           sati tesaü nivàraõaü.
                                   mindfulness is the constraint for them.

        Sotànaü saüvaraü bråmi; Þ pa¤¤ày' ete pithiyyare.û
That is the restraint for streams, I say; by wisdom they are shut off.û

61 (1036) 1-5

        ßPa¤¤à c' eva sati càpi, icc-àyasmà Ajito ,
ßWisdom and also mindfulness, said venerable Ajita,

                                           nàmaråpa¤-ca màrisa,
                                   and name-and-form, dear Sir,

        etaü me puññho pabråhi: Þ katth' etaü uparujjhati?û
please tell me this when asked: where does this cease?û

62 (1037) 1-6

        ßYam-etaü pa¤haü apucchi Þ Ajita taü vadàmi te!
ßThis question which was asked, Ajita, I can answer it for you!

        Yattha nàma¤-ca råpa¤-ca Þ asesaü uparujjhati:
As to where name-and-form ceases without remainder:

        vi¤¤àõassa nirodhena, Þ etth' etaü uparujjhati.û
with the cessation of consciousness, in this place it ceases.û

63 (1038) 1-7

        ßYe ca saïkhàtadhammàse, Þ ye ca sekhà puthå idha,
ßThose who have discerned the Dhamma, and the many in training here,               

        tesaü me nipako iriyaü Þ puññho pabråhi màrisa.û
when I ask the prudent one, please tell me their conduct, dear Sir.û

64 (1039) 1-8

        ßKàmesu nàbhigijjheyya, Þ manasànàvilo siyà.
ßHe should not be greedy for sense pleasures, or be disturbed in mind.

        Kusalo sabbadhammànaü Þ sato bhikkhu paribbajeû ti.
Skilful in all things, the bhikkhu should wander mindfully.û

Ajitamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Ajita's Questions are Finished


2: Tissametteyyamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Tissa Metteyya's Questions


65 (1040) 2-1

        ßKo 'dha santusito loke ? icc-àyasmà Tissametteyyo ,
ßWho is satisfied here in the world? said venerable Tissa Metteyya,

                                           Kassa no santi i¤jità?
                                   For whom is there no turmoil?

        Ko ubh' antam-abhi¤¤àya, Þ majjhe mantà na lippati?
Who is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle?

        Kaü bråsi Mahàpuriso ti? Þ Ko 'dha sibbanim-accagà?û
Who do you say is a Great Man? Who has gone beyond the seamstress here?û

66 (1041) 2-2

        ßKàmesu brahmacariyavà, Metteyyà ti Bhagavà ,
ßHe who is chaste in regard to sense pleasures, Metteyya, said the Auspicious One,

                                           vãtataõho sadà sato,
                                   free from craving, always mindful,

        saïkhàya nibbuto bhikkhu, Þ tassa no santi i¤jità.
the bhikkhu who has discerned (the Dhamma) is still, for him there is no turmoil.

67 (1042) 2-3

        So ubh' antam-abhi¤¤àya, Þ majjhe mantà na lippati.
He is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle.

        Taü bråmi Mahàpuriso ti, Þ so 'dha sibbanim-accagàû ti.
He, I say, is a Great Man, he has gone beyond the seamstress here.û

Tissametteyyamàõàvapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Tissa Metteyya's Questions are Finished


3: Puõõakamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Puõõaka's Questions


68 (1043) 3-1

        ßAnejaü måladassàviü, icc-àyasmà Puõõako ,
ßTo the one who is unmoved, who sees the root, said venerable Puõõaka,

                                           atthi pa¤hena àgamaü:
                                   I have come in need with a question:

Kiü nissità isayo manujà,
On account of what did the seers and men,

khattiyà bràhmaõà devatànaü
 nobles, and brahmins, here in the world

ya¤¤am-akappayiüsu puthådha loke?
offer many sacrifices to the gods?

                  Pucchàmi taü Bhagavà bråhi me taü.û
          I ask you, Auspicious One, please tell this to me.û

69 (1044) 3-2

        ßYe kec' ime isayo manujà, Puõõakà ti Bhagavà ,
ßWhoever of those seers and men, Puõõaka, said the Auspicious One,

khattiyà bràhmaõà devatànaü,
 nobles, and brahmins, here in the world,

ya¤¤am-akappayiüsu puthådha loke
offered many sacrifices to the gods,

                 àsiüsamànà Puõõaka itthabhàvaü
          they did so yearning, Puõõaka, for mundane existence,

                  jaraü sità ya¤¤am-akappayiüsu.û
          on account of old age, they offered sacrifices.û

70 (1045) 3-3

ßYe kec' ime isayo manujà, icc-àyasmà Puõõako,
ßWhoever of those seers and men, said venerable Puõõaka,

khattiyà bràhmaõà devatànaü,
 nobles, and brahmins, here in the world

ya¤¤am-akappayiüsu puthådha loke,
offered many sacrifices to the gods,

                 kaccissu te Bhagavà ya¤¤apathe appamattà
          O Auspicious One, perhaps those heedful of the path of sacrifice

                  atàruü jàti¤-ca jara¤-ca màrisa?
          have crossed over birth and old age, dear Sir?

                  Pucchàmi taü Bhagavà bråhi me taü.û
          I ask you, Auspicious One, please tell this to me.û

71 (1046) 3-4

        ßâsiüsanti thomayanti, Þ abhijappanti juhanti,      
ßThey yearn and they praise, they hunger, and they offer,     

        Puõõakà ti Bhagavà,
said the Auspicious One to Puõõaka,

                      kàmàbhijappanti pañicca làbhaü,
          they hunger for sense pleasures because of gain,

                  te yàjayogà bhavaràgarattà.
          they engage in sacrifice, excited by the passion for existence.

                  Nàtariüsu jàtijaran-ti bråmi.û
          They have not crossed over birth and old age, I say.û

72 (1047) 3-5

                 ßTe ce nàtariüsu yàjayogà
          ßIf those engaged in sacrifice have not crossed over,

        icc-àyasmà Puõõako,
said venerable Puõõaka,

                  ya¤¤ehi jàti¤-ca jara¤-ca màrisa,
          birth and old age by their sacrifices, dear Sir,

                  atha ko carahi devamanussaloke
          then just who in the world of the gods and men

                  atàri jàti¤-ca jara¤-ca màrisa?
          has crossed over birth and old age, dear Sir?

                  Pucchàmi taü Bhagavà bråhi me taü.û
          I ask you, Auspicious One, please tell this to me.û

73 (1048) 3-6

                  ßSaïkhàya lokasmiü paroparàni,
          ßThe one who has discerned far and near in the world,      

        Puõõakà ti Bhagavà,
said the Auspicious One to Puõõaka,

                  yass' i¤jitaü n' atthi kuhi¤ci loke,
          who has no turmoil anywhere in the world,

                  santo vidhåmo anãgho niràso,
          who is peaceful, not incensed, not troubled, not yearning,

                  atàri so jàtijaran-ti bråmãûti
          he has crossed over birth and old age, I sayû

Puõõakamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Puõõaka's Questions are Finished


4: Mettagåmàõavapucchà
The Young Man Mettagå's Questions


74 (1049) 4-1

                  ßPucchàmi taü Bhagavà bråhi me taü,
          ßI ask you, Auspicious One, please tell this to me,

        icc-àyasmà Mettagå,
said venerable Mettagå,

                  ma¤¤àmi taü vedaguü bhàvitattaü -
          I think you have true understanding, and a developed self -

                  kuto nu dukkhà samudàgatà ime
           how have these countless kinds of suffering

                  ye keci lokasmiü anekaråpà?û
          arisen for whoever is in the world?û

75 (1050) 4-2

                  ßDukkhassa ve maü pabhavaü apucchasi,
          ßYou asked me about the origin of suffering,

        Mettagå ti Bhagavà,
Mettagå said the Auspicious One,

                  taü te pavakkhàmi yathà pajànaü:
          as I know it I will declare it to you:

                  Upadhãnidànà pabhavanti dukkhà
           Because of cleaving to a basis countless kinds

                  ye keci lokasmiü anekaråpà.
          of suffering originate for whoever is in the world.

76 (1051) 4-3

                  Yo ve avidvà upadhiü karoti
          The one without wisdom cleaves to a basis,

                  punappunaü dukkham-upeti mando.
          the fool comes to suffering again and again.

                  Tasmà pajànaü upadhiü na kayirà,
          Therefore knowing this, do not cleave to a basis,

                  dukkhassa jàtippabhavànupassã.û
          seeing the birth and origin of suffering.û

77 (1052) 4-4

                  ßYan-taü apucchimha akittayã no,
          ßYou have proclaimed to us what we asked you about,

        icc-àyasmà Mettagå,
said venerable Mettagå,

                  a¤¤aü taü pucchàma tad-iïgha bråhi:
          another thing we ask, come on, please answer it:

                  Kathan-nu dhãrà vitaranti oghaü
          How do the wise ones cross over the flood

                  jàtiü jaraü sokapariddava¤-ca?
          of birth, old age, grief, and lamentation?

                  Taü me muni sàdhu viyàkarohi,
          Please explain this to me, O sage,

                  tathà hi te vidito esa Dhammo.û
          for this Dhamma has been understood by you.û

78 (1053) 4-5

        ßKittayissàmi te Dhammaü, Mettagå ti Bhagavà,
ßI shall proclaim the Dhamma to you, Mettagå s aid the Auspicious One,

                                           diññhe dhamme anãtihaü,
                                   which is not hearsay in this world,

        yaü viditvà sato caraü, Þ tare loke visattikaü.û
which, having understood, and living mindfully, one can cross over clinging to the world.û

79 (1054) 4-6

        ßTa¤-càhaü abhinandàmi Þ mahesi Dhammam-uttamaü,
ßI greatly rejoice in that supreme Dhamma, great seer,

        yaü viditvà sato caraü, Þ tare loke visattikaü.û
which, having understood, and living mindfully, one can cross over clinging to the world.û

80 (1055) 4-7

        ßYaü ki¤ci sampajànàsi, Mettagå ti Bhagavà,
ßWhatever you know, Mettagå said the Auspicious One,

                  uddhaü adho tiriya¤-càpi majjhe,
          above, below, and across the middle,

                  etesu nandi¤-ca nivesana¤-ca
           dispel the enjoyment of, and settling on, these things,

                  panujja vi¤¤àõaü bhave na tiññhe.
          and consciousness, and one will not remain in existence.

81 (1056) 4-8

                  Evaüvihàrã sato appamatto,
          Living in this way, mindful, and heedful,

                  bhikkhu caraü hitvà mamàyitàni,
          the bhikkhu who lives on after giving up loved things,

                  jàtiü jaraü sokapariddava¤-ca
           can, being wise, give up birth, old age,

                  idh' eva vidvà pajaheyya dukkhaü.û
          grief, lamentation, and suffering right here.û

82 (1057) 4-9

                  ßEtàbhinandàmi vaco mahesino,
          ßI greatly rejoice in this, the great seer's word,

        icc-àyasmà Mettagå,
said venerable Mettagå,

                  Sukittitaü Gotam' anåpadhãkaü.
          O Gotama, well proclaimed is freedom from cleaving.

                  Addhà hi Bhagavà pahàsi dukkhaü,
          Surely the Auspicious One gave up suffering,

                  tathà hi te vidito esa Dhammo.
          for this Dhamma has been understood by you.

83 (1058) 4-10

                  Te càpi nåna pajaheyyu dukkhaü,
          Surely they too can give up suffering,

                  ye tvaü munã aññhitaü ovadeyya,
          whomever you would continually advise, O sage,

                  taü taü namassàmi samecca nàgaü,
          therefore having met the nàga, I revere him,

                  appeva maü Bhagavà aññhitaü ovadeyya!û
          perhaps the Auspicious One could continuously advise me!û

84 (1059) 4-11

                  ßYaü bràhmaõaü vedaguü àbhija¤¤à,
          ßYou should know the brahmin who has true understanding,

        Mettagå ti Bhagavà,
Mettagå, said the Auspicious One,

                  aki¤canaü kàmabhave asattaü,
          who has nothing, and is not clinging to sense existence,

                  addhà hi so ogham-imaü atàri,
          for he has surely crossed over the flood,

                  tiõõo ca pàraü akhilo akaïkho.
          without hindrance or doubt, he has crossed beyond.

85 (1060) 4-12

                  Vidvà ca so vedagå naro idha,
          That man here who is wise, and has true understanding,

                  bhavàbhave saïgam-imaü visajja,
          who has released the shackle of repeated existence,

                  so vãtataõho anãgho niràso -
          he is craving-free, not troubled, not yearning -

                  atàri so jàtijaran-ti bråmãûti
          he has crossed over birth and old age, I say.û

Mettagåmàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Mettagå's Questions are Finished



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