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9: Todeyyamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Todeyya's Questions


113 (1088) 9-1

        ßYasmiü kàmà na vasanti, icc-àyasmà Todeyyo,
ßHe who has no in-dwelling sense desires, said venerable Todeyya,

                                           taõhà yassa na vijjati,
                                   he in whom no craving is found,

        kathaïkathà ca yo tiõõo, Þ vimokkho tassa kãdiso?û
he who crossed beyond doubts, what kind of freedom is there for him?û

114 (1089) 9-2

        ßYasmiü kàmà na vasanti, Todeyyà ti Bhagavà,
ßHe who has no in-dwelling sense desires, said the Auspicious One,

                                           taõhà yassa na vijjati,
                                   he in whom no craving is found,

        kathaïkathà ca yo tiõõo, Þ vimokkho tassa nàparo.û
he who has crossed beyond doubts, there is no further freedom for him.û

115 (1090) 9-3

                  ßNiràsaso so uda àsasàno?,
          ßIs he without yearning, or is he still yearning?

        icc-àyasmà Todeyyo,
said venerable Todeyya,

                  Pa¤¤àõavà so uda pa¤¤akappã?
          Is he wise, or is he still acquiring wisdom?

                  Muniü ahaü Sakka yathà vija¤¤aü:
          I would know just what the sage is like, Sakyan:

                  Taü me viyàcikkha Samantacakkhu.û
          Explain that to me, All-Seeing Visionary.

116 (1091) 9-4

                  ßNiràsaso so na so àsasàno.
          ßHe is without yearning, he is not still yearning.

                  Pa¤¤àõavà so na ca pa¤¤akappã.
          He is wise, he is not still acquiring wisdom.

                  Evam-pi Todeyya muniü vijàna:
          Know that the sage is just like this, Todeyya:

                  aki¤canaü kàmabhave asattanû-ti.
          he has nothing, and is not clinging to sense existence.û

Todeyyamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Todeyya's Questions are Finished


10: Kappamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Kappa's Questions


117 (1092) 10-1

        ßMajjhe sarasmiü tiññhataü, icc-àyasmà Kappo,
ßFor those standing in the middle of a lake, said venerable Kappa,

                                           oghe jàte mahabbhaye,
                                   when a fearful flood has arisen,

        jaràmaccuparetànaü, Þ dãpaü pabråhi màrisa,
for those overcome by old age and death, speak (about) an island, dear Sir,

        tva¤-ca me dãpam-akkhàhi Þ yatha-y-idaü nàparaü siyà.û
you must explain an island to me, so there will be no more after this.û

118 (1093) 10-2

        ßMajjhe sarasmiü tiññhataü, Kappà ti Bhagavà,
ßFor those standing in the middle of a lake, Kappa, said the Auspicious One,

                                           oghe jàte mahabbhaye
                                   when a fearful flood has arisen,

        jaràmaccuparetànaü, Þ dãpaü pabråmi Kappa te:
for those overcome by old age and death, I speak (about) an island, Kappa:

119 (1094) 10-3

        aki¤canaü anàdànaü, Þ etaü dãpaü anàparaü,
having nothing, no attachment, this is the island with nothing beyond,

        nibbànaü iti taü bråmi Þ jaràmaccuparikkhayaü.
this is called nibbàna, I say, the end of old age and death.


120 (1095) 10-4

        Etad-a¤¤àya ye satà, Þ diññhadhammàbhinibbutà
Knowing this, those who are mindful, who have become still in this very life,     

        na te Màravasànugà, Þ na te Màrassa paddhagåû ti.
come not under Màra's control, they are not servants to Màra.û

Kappamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Kappa's Questions are Finished

11: Jatukaõõãmàõavapucchà
The Young Man Jatukaõõã's Questions


121 (1096) 11-1

                  ßSutvàna 'haü vãram-akàmakàmiü,
          ßHaving heard of a hero who has no desire for sense pleasures,

        icc-àyasmà Jatukaõõã,
said venerable Jatukaõõã,

                  oghàtigaü puññhum-akàmam-àgamaü,
          I came to ask that desireless one who is beyond the flood,

                  santipadaü bråhi sahàjanetta,
          please speak of the state of peace, conascent-eye,

                  yathàtacchaü Bhagavà bråhi me taü.
          as it really is, Auspicious One, please tell me this.

122 (1097) 11-2

                  Bhagavà hi kàme abhibhuyya iriyati,
          the Auspicious One moves about having vanquished sense desires,

                  àdicco va pañhaviü teji tejasà.
          as the splendid sun (vanquishes) the earth with its splendour.

                  Parittapa¤¤assa me bhåripa¤¤a,
          To me of little wisdom, O one of great wisdom,

                  àcikkha Dhammaü yam-ahaü vija¤¤aü
          explain the Dhamma so that I may know

                  jàtijaràya idha vippahànaü.û
          the complete giving up of birth and old age here.û

123 (1098) 11-3

        ßKàmesu vinaya gedhaü, Jatukaõõã ti Bhagavà,
ßRemove the greed for sense pleasures, Jatukaõõã, said the Auspicious One,

                                           nekkhammaü daññhu' khemato;
                                   having seen there is safety in renunciation;

        uggahãtaü nirattaü và Þ mà te vijjittha ki¤canaü.
let there be nothing found in you that has been taken up or put down.

124 (1099) 11-4

        Yaü pubbe taü visosehi, Þ pacchà te màhu ki¤canaü.
You should erase that which is past, and have nothing for the future,

        Majjhe ce no gahessasi Þ upasanto carissasi.
if you take up nothing in the present you will live peacefully.

125 (1100) 11-5

        Sabbaso nàmaråpasmiü Þ vãtagedhassa bràhmaõa,
For one altogether without greed for name-and-form, O brahmin,

        àsavà 'ssa na vijjanti Þ yehi Maccuvasaü vajeû ti.
no pollutants are found whereby he can come under Death's control.û

Jatukaõõãmàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Jatukaõõã's Questions are Finished


12: Bhadràvudhamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Bhadràvudha's Questions

126 (1101) 12-1

                  ßOka¤jahaü taõhacchidaü anejaü,
          ßThe home-leaver, the craving-cutter, the unmoved one,

        icc-àyasmà Bhadràvudho,
said venerable Bhadràvudha,

                  nandi¤jahaü oghatiõõaü vimuttaü,
          the enjoyment-leaver, the flood-crosser, the free one,

                  kappa¤jahaü abhiyàce sumedhaü,
          the speculation-leaver, the intelligent one - (him) I beg,

                  sutvàna Nàgassa apanamissanti ito.
          after hearing the nàga, they will go away from here.

127 (1102) 12-2

                  Nànà janà janapadehi saïgatà,
          Various people have come from the countries,

                  tava vãra vàkyaü abhikaïkhamànà,
          and are waiting for your saying, O hero,

                  tesaü tuvaü sàdhu viyàkarohi,
          you must explain (the Dhamma) properly to them,

                  tathà hi te vidito esa Dhammo.û
          for this Dhamma has been understood by you.û

128 (1103) 12-3

                  ßâdànataõhaü vinayetha sabbaü,
          ßYou must remove all attachment to craving,

        Bhadràvudhà ti Bhagavà,
Bhadràvudha, said the Auspicious One,

                  uddhaü adho tiriya¤-càpi majjhe,
          above, below, and across the middle,

                  yaü yaü hi lokasmiü upàdiyanti
          for with whatever they are attached to in the world,

                  ten' eva Màro anveti jantuü.
          with just that Màra follows a man.

129 (1104) 12-4

                  Tasmà pajànaü na upàdiyetha
           Therefore knowing (this), the mindful monk should

                  bhikkhu sato ki¤canaü sabbaloke,
          not be attached to anything in the whole world,

                  àdànasatte iti pekkhamàno,
          seeing that with what is called attachment to clinging,

                  pajaü imaü Maccudheyye visattanû-ti.
          these people are clinging to the realm of Death.û

Bhadràvudhamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Bhadràvudha's Questions are Finished


13: Udayamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Udaya's Questions

130 (1105) 13-1

        ßJhàyiü virajam-àsãnaü, icc-àyasmà Udayo,
ßTo the meditator who sits dust-free, said venerable Udaya,

                                           katakiccaü anàsavaü,
                                   with duty-done, pollutant-free,

        pàraguü sabbadhammànaü, Þ atthi pa¤hena àgamaü:
who is perfect in all things, I have come in need with a question:

        a¤¤àvimokkhaü pabråhi, Þ avijjàya pabhedanaü.û
please tell of freedom through knowledge, the breaking up of ignorance.û

131 (1106) 13-2

        ßPahànaü kàmachandànaü, Udayà ti Bhagavà,
ßThe giving up of sensual desire, Udaya, said the Auspicious One,

                                           domanassàna' cåbhayaü,
                                   and of sorrow, (these) two,

        thãnassa ca panådanaü, Þ kukkuccànaü nivàraõaü,
the dispelling of sloth, and the constraint of worry (about wrong-doing),

132 (1107) 13-3

        upekkhàsatisaüsuddhaü, Þ Dhammatakkapurejavaü
purity through equanimity and mindfulness, preceded by thought of the Dhamma,

        a¤¤àvimokkhaü pabråmi, Þ avijjàya pabhedanaü.û
this I call freedom through knowledge, the breaking up of ignorance.û

133 (1108) 13-4

        ßKiü su saüyojano loko? icc-àyasmà Udayo,
ßWhat is the world's fetter? said venerable Udaya,

                                           Kiü su tassa vicàraõaü?
                                   What is it's roaming about?

        Kiss' assa vippahànena Þ nibbànaü iti vuccati?û
By completely giving up what thing is there what is called nibbàna?û

134 (1109) 13-5

        ßNandisaüyojano loko, Udayà ti Bhagavà,
ßThe world's fettered is enjoyment, Udaya, said the Auspicious One,

                                           vitakk' assa vicàraõaü.
                                   it's roaming about is reflections.

        Taõhàya vippahànena Þ nibbànaü iti vuccati.û
By completely giving up craving there is what is called nibbàna.û

135 (1110) 13-6

        ßKathaü satassa carato Þ vi¤¤àõaü uparujjhati?
For he who lives mindfully, how is it consciousness ceases?

        Bhagavantaü puññhum-àgamma, Þ taü suõoma vaco tava.û
Having come to ask the Auspicious One, may we hear that word of yours.û

136 (1111) 13-7

        ßAjjhatta¤-ca bahiddhà ca Þ vedanaü nàbhinandato -
ßWithout rejoicing over feeling on the inside or outside -

        evaü satassa carato Þ vi¤¤àõaü uparujjhatãûti.
for he who lives mindfully in this way, consciousness ceases.û

Udayamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Udaya's Questions are Finished


14: Posàlamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Posàla's Questions

137 (1112) 14-1

        ßYo atãtaü àdisati, icc-àyasmà Posàlo,
ß(To) the one who points out the past, said venerable Posàla,

                                           anejo chinnasaüsayo,
                                   the unmoved one, who has cut off doubt,

        pàraguü sabbadhammànaü Þ atthi pa¤hena àgamaü:
who is perfect in everything,      I have come in need with a question:

138 (1113) 14-2

        Vibhåtaråpasa¤¤issa, Þ sabbakàyappahàyino,
For the one in whom perception of form has ended,

        ajjhatta¤-ca bahiddhà ca Þ n' atthi ki¤cã ti passato,
(who), on the inside and outside is seeing `there is nothing whatsoever',

        ¤àõaü Sakkànupucchàmi, Þ kathaü neyyo tathàvidho?û
I ask about (his) knowledge, Sakyan, how is such a one led further?û

139 (1114) 14-3

        ßVi¤¤àõaññhitiyo sabbà, Posàlà ti Bhagavà,
ßAll the stations of consciousness, Posàla, said the Auspicious One,

                                           abhijànaü Tathàgato,
                                   the Realised One knows,

        tiññhantam-enaü jànàti, Þ adhimuttaü tapparàyaõaü.
he knows where that one stands, what he is intent on, what he is going towards.

140 (1115) 14-4

        âki¤ca¤¤à-sambhavaü ¤atvà, Þ nandi saüyojanaü iti,
Having known the origin of nothingness, and that enjoyment is called a fetter,

        evam-etaü abhi¤¤àya, Þ tato tattha vipassati:
knowing deeply that it is so, and then having insight into this:

        etaü ¤àõaü tathaü tassa, Þ bràhmaõassa vusãmatoû ti.
this is real knowedge for him, for the brahmin who is accomplished.û

Posàlamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Posàla's Questions are Finished


15: Mogharàjamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Mogharàja's Questions

141 (1116) 15-1

        ßDvàhaü Sakkaü apucchissaü, icc-àyasmà Mogharàjà,
ßTwice I asked the Sakyan, said venerable Mogharàja,

                                           na me byàkàsi Cakkhumà,
                                   but the Visionary did not answer me,

        yàvatatiya¤-ca devisi Þ byàkarotã ti me sutaü.
if (asked) up to a third time the divine seer answers, I have heard.

142 (1117) 15-2

        Ayaü loko paro loko, Þ Brahmaloko sadevako:
This world, the other world, the Brahma world with its gods:

        diññhiü te nàbhijànàmi Þ Gotamassa yasassino.
one does not know what view of this the reputable Gotama has.

143 (1118) 15-3

        Evaü abhikkantadassàviü, Þ atthi pa¤hena àgamaü:
So, to the one-with-excellent-sight,      I have come in need with a question:

        Kathaü lokaü avekkhantaü Þ Maccuràjà na passati?û
Looking on the world in what way does the king of Death not see (one)?

144 (1119) 15-4

        ßSu¤¤ato lokaü avekkhassu, Þ Mogharàja sadà sato.
ßLook on the world as empty, Mogharàja, being always mindful.

        Attànudiññhiü åhacca, Þ evaü Maccutaro siyà.
Having removed (wrong) view of self, in this way one will cross beyond Death.

        Evaü lokaü avekkhantaü Þ Maccuràjà na passatãûti.
When looking on the world in this way the king of Death does not see (one).û

Mogharàjamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Mogharàja's Questions are Finished


16: Piïgiyamàõavapucchà
The Young Man Pingiya's Questions

145 (1120) 16-1

                 ßJiõõo 'ham-asmi abalo vãtavaõõo,
          ßI am old, without strength, with poor complexion,

        icc-àyasmà Pingiyo,
said venerable Pingiya,

                  nettà na suddhà savaõaü na phàsu -
          my eyes are unclear, and hearing is difficult -

                  mà 'haü nassaü momuho antarà va!
          may I indeed not perish a fool midterm!

                  âcikkha Dhammaü yam-ahaü vija¤¤aü
          Explain the Dhamma so that I may know

                  jàtijaràya idha vippahànaü.û
          the complete giving up of birth and old age here.û

146 (1121) 16-2

                  ßDisvàna råpesu viha¤¤amàne,
          ßHaving seen (that people) are being struck down amid forms,

        Pingiyà ti Bhagavà,
Pingiya, said the Auspicious One,

                  ruppanti råpesu janà pamattà -
          (and that) heedless people are pained amid forms -

                  tasmà tuvaü Piïgiya appamatto,
          therefore you, Pingiya, being heedful,

                  jahassu råpaü apunabbhavàya.û
          must give up form, and not come into existence again.û

147 (1122) 16-3

                  ßDisà catasso vidisà catasso, icc-àyasmà Piïgiyo,
          ßThe four directions, the four intermediate directions,

        icc-àyasmà Pingiyo,
said venerable Pingiya,

                  uddhaü adho dasa disà imàyo
          above and below: in these ten directions,

                  na t›yhaü adiññhaü asutaümutaü và
           there is nothing for you that is unseen, unheard,

                  atho avi¤¤àtaü ki¤cinam-atthi loke!
          unsensed, or uncognized in the world!

                  âcikkha Dhammaü yam-ahaü vija¤¤aü
          Explain the Dhamma so that I may know

                  jàtijaràya idha vippahànaü.û
          the complete giving up of birth and old age here.û

148 (1123) 16-4

                  ßTaõhàdhipanne manuje pekkhamàno,
          ßSeeing human beings, victims of craving,

        Pingiyà ti Bhagavà,
Pingiya, said the Auspicious One,

                  santàpajàte jarasà parete -
          are tormented, and overcome by old age -

                  tasmà tuvaü Piïgiya appamatto,
          therefore you, Pingiya, being heedful,

                  jahassu taõhaü apunabbhavàyàûti.
          must give up craving and not come into existence again.û

Piïgiyamàõavapucchà Niññhità
The Young Man Pingiya's Questions are Finished



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