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p. x

the meaning of which is not always given in the translation.
Âgîvika, one belonging to a sect of naked ascetics.
Arahat, a holy man, a saint.
Ariya, noble.
Bhagavat, worshipful; blessed, a name of a Buddha.
Bhikkhu, a mendicant.
Brahman, the supreme god of the Hindus.
Brâhmana, a sage.
Buddha, enlightened, a name of certain holy men who have freed themselves from existence, particularly of Samana Gotama.
Dhamma, tenet, doctrine, custom, law, religion, virtue, thing.
Gahattha, Gihin, a householder.
Gotama, a name of the last Buddha.
Gatila, an ascetic wearing clotted hair.
Gina, a conqueror, a name of a Buddha.
Isi, a sage.
Khattiya, a warrior, a prince.
Kandâla, an outcast.
Mâra, a name of the king of death, the devil.
Muni, a thinker, a sage.
Nâga, an eminent man; sinless?
Namuki = Mâra.
Nibbâna, extinction, the state of bliss of the Buddhist.
Nigantha, a naked ascetic.
Pabbaggâ, leaving the world, embracing ascetic life, taking the robe.
Pabbagita, an ascetic, having taken the robe.
Paribbâga, Paribbâgaka, a wandering mendicant.
Sakka = Sakya, belonging to the Sakya tribe.
Sakyamuni, the Sakya sage, a name of Buddha.
Samana, an ascetic.
Samkhârâ, all compound things, the material world.
Samsâra, revolution, transmigration.
Sâvaka, a hearer, a follower, a disciple of Buddha, including both laity and clergy.
Sekha, a novice, student.
Sudda, a man of the servile caste.
Sugata, happy, a name of a Buddha.
Thera, an elder, a senior priest.
Titthiya, an ascetic adhering to a certain system of philosophy.
Upadhi, the elements of the world.
Upâsaka, a follower, a lay devotee.
Upasampadâ, priest's orders.
Vessa, Vessika, a man of the third caste.
Yakkha, a giant, a malignant spirit.

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