ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Ariya-Puggala ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Ariya-Puggala, or simply Ariya: 'Noble Ones', 'Nobel Persons'. The eight Ariyas are those who have realized one of the eight stages of holiness, ie. the four supermundane Paths (magga) and the four supermundane Fruitions (phala) of these paths. There are 4 pairs:- 1. The One realizing the path of Stream-winning (sotapatti-magga) 2. The One realizing the fruition of Stream-winning (sotapatti-phala) 3. The One realizing the path of Once-Return (sakadagami-magga) 4. The One realizing the fruition of Once-Return (sakadagami-phala) 5. The One realizing the path of Non-Return (anagami-magga) 6. The One realizing the fruition of Non-Return (anagami-phala) 7. The One realizing the path of Holiness (arahatta-magga) 8. The One realizing the fruition of Holiness (Arahatta-phala) Summed up, there are 4 Noble Individuals: The stream-winner, the Once- Returner, the Non-Returner, and the Holy One.