ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Paticcasamuppada ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 'Dependent Co-Origination', is the doctrine of the conditionality of all physical and psychical phenomena, a doctrine which, together with that of Impersonality (anatta), forms the indispensable condition for the real understanding and realization of the teaching of the Buddha. It shows the conditionality and dependent nature of that uninterupted flux of manifold physical and psychical phenomena of existence conventionally called the Ego, or Man or Animal etc. The formula of Dependent Origination runs as follows:- 1. (Avijja-paccaya sankhara) "Through Ignorance are conditioned the (sankharas)" ie. the clinging volitions (cetana). 2. (Sankhara-paccaya vinnanam) "Through the clinging volitions is conditioned active consciousness." 3. (Vinnana-paccaya nama-rupam) "Through active consciousness are conditioned the mental and physical phenomena (nama-rupa)", ie. that which makes and prolongs our so called individual existence. .PA 4. (Nama-rupa-paccaya salayatanam) "Through the mental and physical phenomena are conditioned the six Bases", ie. the five physical sense- organs, and consciousness as the sixth. 5. (Salayatana-paccaya phasso) "Through the six Bases is conditioned the [sensorial mental] Impression". 6. (Phassa-paccaya vedana) "Through Impression is conditioned Feeling." 7. (Vedana-paccaya tanha) "Through Feeling is conditioned Craving." 8. (Tanha-paccaya upadanam) "Through craving is conditioned Clinging." 9. (Upadana-paccaya bhavo) "Through clinging is conditioned the process of Becomming", consisting in the active and the passive life- processes. 10. (Bhava-paccaya jati) "Through the process of becomming is conditioned further births" 11. (Jati-paccaya jaramaranam) "Through birth is conditioned Old- age and death."