ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Who was Australia's most famous Buddhist woman ? ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Marie Beuzeville Byles (1900 - 1979). She was one of the first women to graduate in Law from the University of Sydney and, certainly the first to set up private practice after her graduation. The 'Sydney Morning Herald', of November 24th, 1979, in her obituary observed that: She became a legendary figure, winning achievement as a mountaineer, explorer and author. She wrote at least six books, four of which were about Buddhist topics. Marie gave many talks to the Theosophical Society in Sydney, as well as broadcasting on their regular Sunday night programme on Radio Station, 2GB. She also preached Dhamma at the Unitarian Church in Sydney. Marie disliked participation in organised groups, prefering to study and meditate in a hut in the garden of her Cheltenham (a Sydney suburb) home. She was a pacifist, naming her home 'Ahimsa'(harmlessness) and the meditation hut, 'The Hut of the Happy Omen'. Since her death the home and garden have been given to the people of Sydney as a quiet retreat. It is administered by the National Trust. Her vast collection of Buddhist books are now in the Fisher Library at the University of Sydney.