CORRECTIONS In preparing this electronic edition for DharmaNet, some minor changes and corrections were made to the original text. These include capitaliza- tions, changing the spellings of certain words from British to American English and adapting punctuation and style to conform more closely to the //Chicago Manual of Style (13th edition)// guidelines. * * * * * * * * INTRODUCTION (paragraph 1): "stage between acqiring" -> "stage between acquiring" ^ 1. The meaning of patience (paragraph 1): "against them in your heatr" -> against them in your heart ~ "joy, and exultion" -> joy, and exultation ^ "leading to possessivness" -> leading to possessiveness ^ 1. The meaning of patience (paragraph 3) "incosistent with the commentaries" -> inconsistent... ^ 6. The Bodhisattva as teacher... (paragraph 1): "you highness," -> your highness ^ 8. The nine causes of anger (7 - 9): "relation to enemies, thinging" -> ... thinking ^ 8. The nine causes of anger (paragraph 2): "excretement in his hand" -> excrement... ^^ 8. The nine causes of angr (paragraph 2): "and onlyl covers himself" -> and only... ^ [end]