KEEPING THE BREATH IN MIND & LESSONS IN SAMADHI by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (Phra Suddhidhammaransi Gambhiramedhacariya) Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) Metta Forest Monastery PO Box 1409 Valley Center, CA 92082 Printed for free distribution First Edition 1979 Second Edition 1983 Third Edition 1990 Fourth Edition 1995 DharmaNet Edition 1994 Second DharmaNet Edition 1995 Copyright 1994 Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) Transcribed for DharmaNet by W. D. Savage This electronic edition is offered for free distribution via DharmaNet by arrangement with the author. DharmaNet International P.O. Box 4951, Berkeley CA 94704-4951 * * * CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~ README.1ST DharmaNet Distribution Agreement TITLE.TXT (This file) FOREWORD.TXT Translator's Foreword KEEPING.TXT Keeping the Breath in Mind: Introduction Preliminaries Method 1 Method 2 LESSONS.TXT Lessons in Samadhi: Groundwork - July 30, 1956 The Art of Letting Go - August 17, 1956 At the Tip of Your Nose - August 26, 1957 The Care & Feeding of the Mind - May 7, 1959 'Just Right' Concentration - October 4, 1960 APPENDIX.TXT Appendix Glossary Chant for the Dedication of Merit * * * * * * * *