GLOSSARY Abyakata, Avyakata Neutral Kamma. Kamma that is not good (Kusala) or bad (Akusala) Acariya, Acharn Acharn is the Thai derivation of Acariya which means "Teacher." Akusala Bad, unhealthy, wrong or evil in regard to actions (Kamma). Anagami See Ariya. Anapanasati The meditation in which one focuses one's attention and mindfulness on the feeling of the breath going in and out at one point such as the tip of the nose. Anatta, Anicca See Ti-Lakkhana. Arammana The object which is presented to the Citta at any moment. This object is derived from the 5 senses or direct from the mind (memory, thoughts, feeling). It is not the external object (in the world) but that object after having been processed by one's preconceptions and predispositions. Ariya One who has gained the Path (Magga) leading to Nibbana. This includes the Sotapanna, the Sakadagami, the Anagami, and Arahant. Each stage involves the elimination of some major defilements (Samyojana) until the Arahant eliminates them all. Ayatana Spheres of sensation. They include the internal Ayatana -- eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and heart -- and the external Ayatana -- the spheres of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and mind. Bhavana The practice of training one's Citta by developing the various aspects of meditation. Bhavanga That underlying stream of continuity which the Citta drops to when it goes completely calm and still. It may be called the underlying basis of the "Self" concept and it is that which leads to future births. Bhumi The ground or basic foundation of the Citta. Thus Arahatta Bhumi is the basic state of the Arahant's Citta. Cankama Walking back and forth, usually as a mode of meditation practice. Citta Mind, heart, consciousness (in some senses). It is that basis in a person which is "central" whereas everything else including all five Khandhas are peripheral. Dhamma The ultimate meaning of Dhamma is not definable in words but it lies in the direction of "Truth" or "Reality." The more usual meaning is that of the Buddha Dhamma or Sasana Dhamma which is that teaching which leads to the ultimate Dhamma. Dhatu The four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. Dukkha Discontent, suffering, pain, anxiety, anguish, etc. Jhana Various levels of Samadhi which some people can attain. They include the 4 Rupa (Form) Jhanas and the 4 Arupa (Formless) Jhanas. Kammatthana (Kamma - action, thana - a basis). That object or subject of meditation which leads one to gain skill in Samadhi and Panna. Many meditation Bhikkhus in Thailand talk of their way of practice and behaviour as being the way of Kammatthana. Khandha Heaps or groups. Technically this always refers to the five Khandhas: body (Rupa Khandha), feeling (Vedana Khandha), memory (Sanna Khandha), thought (Sankhara Khandha), consciousness (Vinnana Khandha). These are the five groups that form what we call a person. Kilesas Defilements based on greed, hatred, and delusion. Also including conceit, opinionatedness, uncertainty, torpidity, restlessness, lack of conscience, lack of fear of the consequences of doing wrong and whatever else tends to the production of bad, unwholesome states. Kusala Whatever is healthy (mentally) or good. Metta Friendliness or love (in the more platonic sense). Nama Those four groups that make up the mind. Nama is usually paired with Rupa, the two together being the same thing as the five Khandhas. Nibbana That which is attained when the Kilesas have all been entirely dispersed. Niyyanika "Leading out of." Often descriptive of the Buddha Dhamma as leading out of Samsara. Panna Wisdom. Parikamma A preparatory meditation, such as repetition of "Buddho" or setting up one's mindfulness on breathing. Patisandhi Re-uniting. Patisandhi Vinnana is that form of consciousness which is similar to Bhavanga Citta, but which occurs at death, thereby leading the Citta to re-unite with the Khandhas in a new birth. Rupa Form. The literal meaning is "shape" or visual form. But it is often used to refer to the physical body -- as in Rupa Khandha. Sacca Dhamma Dhamma Truth. Usually refers to the Four Noble Truths: Dukkha, Samudaya (the origin of Dukkha), Nirodha (the ceasing of Dukkha), and Magga (the path leading to the ceasing of Dukkha). Sakadagami See Ariya. Samadhi A state of calm attained by meditation practice. It has many levels depending on the degree of absorption of the Citta with the object of the meditation. Samapatti The attainment of Jhana. Samatha Calm. Sammuti Convention. The mundane world in the sense that it is made up of relative conventions. Samsara The universe of birth and death including all possible realms of life. Samudaya See Sacca Dhamma. Sankhara As Sankhara Khandha it means thoughts or imaginations by putting together sense perceptions, memories, and feelings. The more general sense of the meaning of Sankhara is those parts of factors which make up any object or state. Sannavedayitanirodha - The cessation of Sanna (memory) and Vedana (feeling). This is the ultimate level of subtlety which can be attained by Samadhi, and is one stage beyond the highest Arupa Jhana. Sarana A refuge. The well-known Ti-Sarana (3 refuges) are the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. Sati Mindfulness. Savaka Literally "hearer." One who heard the Dhamma from the Buddha. Savaka Arahant Those Savakas who attained Arahantship at the time of the Lord Buddha. Sila Moral behaviour. Sotapanna Stream attainer. See Ariya. Sukha Pleasure or happiness, contrasted with Dukkha. Svakkhata Svakkhata Dhamma, the well-taught Dhamma. Tan This is a Thai word meaning Venerable. Thus: Tan Acharn; Ven. Acariya. Tathagata The "Thus-gone," meaning the Buddha. Ti-Lakkhana The three marks of all phenomena: anicca (non-permanence), Dukkha (unsatisfactoriness), and Anatta (not-self). Upadana Grasping, attachment. Vimutti Freedom (antonym of Sammuti). Vinnana Consciousness. Vipaka The result or fruition of Kamma. Vipassana Insight wisdom. Synonymous with Panna. * * * * * * * *