The Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) CONTENTS ======== README.1ST Distribution Agreement TITLE.TXT Title Page CONTENTS.TXT Contents (This file) PREFACE.TXT Preface Abbreviations Part One: The Abstract ABSTRACT.TXT Abstract--"Released...with unrestricted awareness." Part Two: The Essay INTRO.TXT Introduction--"The wise, they go out like this flame." CHAPTER1.TXT Chapter I "This fire that has gone out... in which direction from here has it gone?" CHAPTER2.TXT Chapter II "Fire burns with clinging, and not without clinging." CHAPTER3.TXT Chapter III "Forty cartloads of timber." Sensuality Views Precepts & practices Doctrines of the self CHAPTER4.TXT Chapter IV "And taking a pin, I pulled out the wick." ENDNOTES.TXT EndNotes Bibliography Note: The Index, which appears in the printed edition of this book, is omitted from this edition because page numbers are undefined for plain ASCII text files.