APPENDIX A Factorial Analysis of the Noble Eightfold Path (Pali and English) I Samma ditthi Right view dukkhe nana understanding suffering dukkhasamudaye nana understanding its origin dukkhanirodhe nana understanding its cessation dukkhanirodhagaminipatipadaya nana understanding the way leading to its cessation II. Samma sankappa Right intention nekkhamma-sankappa intention of renunciation abyapada-sankappa intention of good will avihimsa-sankappa intention of harmlessness III. Samma vaca Right speech musavada veramani abstaining from false speech pisunaya vacaya veramani abstaining from slanderous speech pharusaya vacaya veramani abstaining from harsh speech samphappalapa veramani abstaining from idle chatter IV. Samma kammanta Right action panatipata veramani abstaining from taking life adinnadana veramani abstaining from stealing kamesu micchacara veramani abstaining from sexual misconduct V. Samma ajiva Right livelihood miccha ajivam pahaya giving up wrong livelihood, samma ajivena jivitam kappeti one earns one's living by a right form of livelihood VI. Samma vayama Right effort samvarappadhana the effort to restrain defilements pahanappadhana the effort to abandon defilements bhavanappadhana the effort to develop wholesome states anurakkhanappadhana the effort to maintain wholesome states VII. Samma sati Right mindfulness kayanupassana mindful contemplation of the body vedananupassana mindful contemplation of feelings cittanupassana mindful contemplation of the mind dhammanupassana mindful contemplation of phenomena VIII. Samma samadhi Right concentration pathamajjhana the first jhana dutiyajjhana the second jhana tatiyajjhana the third jhana catutthajjhana the fourth jhana * * * * * * * * RECOMMENDED READINGS I. General treatments of the Noble Eightfold Path Ledi Sayadaw. //The Noble Eightfold Path and Its Factors Explained//. (Wheel 245/247). Nyanatiloka Thera. //The Word of the Buddha//. (BPS 14th ed., 1968). Piyadassi Thera. //The Buddha's Ancient Path//. (BPS 3rd ed., 1979). II. Right View Nanamoli, Bhikkhu. //The Discourse on Right View//. (Wheel 377/379). Nyanatiloka Thera. //Karma and Rebirth//. (Wheel 9). Story, Francis. //The Four Noble Truths//. (Wheel 34/35). Wijesekera, O.H. de A. //The Three Signata//. (Wheel 20). III. Right Intentions Nanamoli Thera. //The Practice of Lovingkindness//. (Wheel 7). Nyanaponika Thera. //The Four Sublime States//. (Wheel 6). Prince, T. //Renunciation//. (Bodhi Leaf B 36). IV. Right Speech, Right Action, & Right Livelihood Bodhi, Bhikkhu. //Going for Refuge and Taking the Precepts//. (Wheel 282/284). Narada Thera. //Everyman's Ethics//. (Wheel 14). Vajirananavarorasa. //The Five Precepts and the Five Ennoblers//. (Bangkok: Mahamakuta, 1975). V. Right Effort Nyanaponika Thera. //The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest//. (Wheel 26). Piyadassi Thera. //The Seven Factors of Enlightenment//. (Wheel 1). Soma Thera. //The Removal of Distracting Thoughts//.(Wheel 21). VI. Right Mindfulness Nyanaponika Thera. //The Heart of Buddhist Meditation//.(London: Rider, 1962; BPS, 1992). Nyanaponika Thera. //The Power of Mindfulness//. (Wheel 121/122). Nyanasatta Thera. //The Foundations of Mindfulness// (Satipatthana Sutta). (Wheel 19). Soma Thera. //The Way of Mindfulness//. (BPS, 3rd ed., 1967). VII. Right Concentration & The Development of Wisdom Buddhaghosa, Bhadantacariya. //The Path of Purification// (//Visuddhimagga//). Translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli, 4th ed. (BPS, 1979). Khantipalo, Bhikkhu. //Calm and Insight//. (London: Curzon, 1980). Ledi Sayadaw. //A Manual of Insight//. (Wheel 31/32). Nyanatiloka Thera. //The Buddha's Path to Deliverance//. (BPS, 1982). Sol‚-Leris, Amadeo. //Tranquillity and Insight//. (London: Rider, 1986; BPS 1992). Vajiranana, Paravahera. //Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice//. 2nd ed. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Buddhist Missionary Society, 1975). All Wheel publications and Bodhi Leaves referred to above are published by the Buddhist Publication Society. * * * * * * * * About the Author Bhikkhu Bodhi is a Buddhist monk of American nationality, born in New York City in 1944. After completing a doctorate in philosophy at the Claremont Graduate School, he came to Sri Lanka for the purpose of entering the Sangha. He received novice ordination in 1972 and higher ordination in 1973, both under the eminent scholar-monk, Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, with whom he studied Pali and Dhamma. He is the author of several works on Theravada Buddhism, including four translations of major Pali suttas along with their commentaries. Since 1984 he has been the Editor for the Buddhist Publication Society, and since 1988 its President. [end]