WITH ROBES AND BOWL Glimpses of the Thudong Bhikkhu Life Bhikkhu Khantipalo The Wheel Publication No. 83/84 CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~ File name Description ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ README.1ST DharmaNet Distribution Agreement FILE_ID.DIZ Description of this archive TITLE.TXT Title page and publishing information CONTENTS.TXT (This file) GLOSSARY.TXT Glossary VERSES.TXT Verses for Thudong-faring (from the Sutta Nipata) ROBES.TXT With Robes and Bowl: Preamble (The Bhikkhu Life -- The Thirteen Austere Practices) Daily Life The Hand of Death Thudong Abodes Wandering Companionship and the Solitary Life Postscript APPENDIX.TXT Appendix: The Ariyavamsa Sutta SEEALSO.TXT Other works by this author BPS.TXT About the Buddhist Publication Society ILLUSTRATIONS [Not included in this DharmaNet edition]: Sri Dhutanga Cetiya at the Asoka Vihara near Bangkok On Almsround (pindapata) The Thudong Bhikkhu's Requisites Thudong Bhikkhus with Crots (mosquito-net umbrellas) The Dhammapada verses included in this book have been translated by Bhadanta Buddharakkhita Thera of Bangalore, India. Words and phrases set off with //double slashes// indicate italics.