WITH ROBES AND BOWL Glimpses of the Thudong Bhikkhu Life Bhikkhu Khantipalo BUDDHIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY KANDY SRI LANKA THE WHEEL PUBLICATION NO. 83/84 Buddhist Publication Society P.O. Box 61 No. 54, Sangharaja Mawatha Kandy, Sri Lanka First Printing 1965 Second Printing 1986 Copyright 1986 by the Buddhist Publication Society DharmaNet Edition 1994 This electronic edition is offered for free distribution via DharmaNet by arrangement with the publisher. Transcribed for DharmaNet by W.D. Savage DharmaNet International P.O. Box 4951, Berkeley CA 94704-4951 "As the bird takes his wings whithersoever it flies, so the bhikkhu goes with robes and bowl." THE COVER [Not included in this DharmaNet edition] shows a thudong bhikkhu in meditation upon his sitting-cloth, above him furled up, hangs his //crot//, while to the left are his third robe neatly folded in its covering cloth and his alms bowl on its stand. On his right hang his candle-lamp and water-flask. Above all, through the branches of the tree, the moon shines down showing the traditional Buddhist hare-in-the-moon. For this story see the Sasa-Jataka, in which, in which the Buddha-to-be (bodhisatta) willingly lays down his life for the welfare of another. The hare-in-the-moon -- which one can see if one looks for it -- is thus a symbol of complete and perfect renunciation. [Illustrations not included in this DharmaNet edition]