This praise of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was originally published in the Rigpa Tibetan Calendar for the year 1992 - 1993. Copyright - Rigpa Fellowship 1992 HIS HOLINESS DILGO KHYENTSE RINPOCHE (1910- 1991) His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism,passed away in Bhutan on September 28, 1991. Universally revered as the most outstanding master of the Dzogchen teachings and foremost upholder of the unbiased (Rime) spirit within the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, he was one of the principal lineage holders of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik tradition and a highly acclaimed "terton", a discoverer of spiritual treasures concealed by Padmasambhava. As such, he became the teacher of many of the important Lamas of today, and for several years had been giving teachings from the Nyingma and Dzogchen tradition to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He was spiritual adviser to the royal family of Bhutan, and has thousands of disciples in India, the Himalayas, Tibet and the West. Born in l910 in Kham Derge, Eastern Tibet, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was recognised as an incarnation whilst still in his mother's womb by the great master, Mipham Rinpoche, who foresaw his exceptional destiny. At the age of eleven he entered Shechen Monastery, one of the six principal monasteries of the Nyingma tradition, and was formally recognised and enthroned by his teacher, Shechen Gyaltsap Rinpoche, as the wisdom-mind emanation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-92), the extraordinary visionary master who, alongside Jamgon Kongtrul and Chogyur Lingpa, spearheaded the spiritual and cultural renaissance in Tibet which became known as the Rime movement. Khyentse Rinpoche spent many years at Shechen with his teacher, Shechen Gyaltsap, who imparted to him all the essential instructions and empowerments of the Nyingma tradition. Studying with over fifty great masters and scholars, including the renowned Khenpo Shyenga, and practising for years in remote caves and solitary hermitages, his understanding and realisation matured and blossomed. From an early age, Khyentse Rinpoche had received visions of Guru Rinpoche and he began now to reveal his terma teachings. He became on of the closest disciples of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (1896-1959), the activity emanation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, who granted him a vast number of teachings, and prepared him to be his lineage holder in a period when he knew the survival of the teaching of Buddha, and especially the Dzogchen teachings, would be in jeopardy. Khyentse Rinpoche devoted his entire life to worhng for the benefit of others. He travelled tirelessly throughout India, the Himalayas, South East Asia and the West, transmitting the pure essence of the teachings to his countless disciples. He composed many commentaries, meditation texts and poems, and became famous for his outstanding scholarship and wisdom. He played an enormous part in preserving Tibet's rich spintual heritage by collffting and publishing many rare Buddhist texts which otherwise would have been lost forever in the systematic destruction of the monastic universtities and libraries in Tibet during the Chinese occupation. Khyentse Rinpoche established the great living tradition of Shechen in Baudhanath, Nepal, constructing a new monastery, Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling, which looks out onto the great stupa, and personally supervising the education and training of the young Lamas destined to continue the tradition there. The abbot of the monastery is Khyentse Rinpoche's grandson and spiritual heir, the VII Rabjam Rinpoche. In India, he built a new stupa at Bodhgaya, the site of Buddha Shaykamuni's enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree, and prepared plans for the construction of seven other stupas in each of the great pilgrimage places associated with the life of the Buddha, according to the prediction of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro. This project carries immense significance for the continuity of the Buddhist teachings in the East, the aversion of war and famine, and promotion of world peace and harmony. In this way, Khyentse Rinpoche spent his whole life in complete and selfless dedication helping others and continuing the unbroken transmission of the teachings. Not a single minute in his day was wasted from the moment he woke, early before dawn, to perform his prayers and meditation practice, until late at night in an uninterrupted stream of teachings, empowerments, instructions, interviews, and supervision of Dharma projects, all of which were accomplished with his charactenstic sense of spaciousness, humour and ease. Khyentse Rinpoche was a master who was larger than life, in a category entirely of his own. It would be no exaggeration to say that within recent times in the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, there was no other meditation master or scholar of his calibre. With more that twenty years in retreat, his poetic and inspired writings, his vast learning, his tremendous achievements in the fields of building and publishing, his inexhaustible energy and the unique and effortless manner in which he continuously taught and passed on the transmission, he epitomised the image of the greatest Lamas of the past Over the years, Khyentse Rinpoche has shown tremendous kindness to Sogyal Rinpoche and the RIGPA sangha, confernng teachings and empowerments on numerous occasions, both in the East and the West. He was the principal 'object of refuge' for the whole sangha and inspired in them all a natural devotion and a heartfelt conviction that he was none other than Padmasambhava himself. It was in August 1990 during Rigpa's summer retreat in the French Alps that this long and deep connection matured in a glorious way when Khyentse Rinpoche bestowed the most profound transmissions from the Dzogchen Longchen Nyintik cycle. Radiant and in excellent health, day after day the blessings of his wisdom mind flowed effortlessly in an unbroken stream of empowerments, teachings and transmissions which created a foundation and sowed the seeds for the complete practice of the Nyingma path and Dzogpachenpo . This was to be one of his last major teachings and one of the very rare occasions he gave a complete transmission of the Dzogchen teachings to a large group. The significance of this unprecedented and auspicious meeting is apparent now more than ever, and will remain a constant source of inspiration in our hearts and in our practice. The passing away of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche marks the end of an era, and is a tremendous loss both for the Nyingma tradition and Tibetan Buddhism as a whole. It is impossible to express in words the full measure of our sadness and how greatly we will miss him. He has given us now the ultimate teaching on impermanence to urge us to spiritual practice. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama said recently,"We all, his disciples, should repay his kindness with our practice." ******************************************************************** The Rigpa Calendar is a wonderful pocket size calendar Tibetan/Western calendar which includes Buddhist Anniversaries & Special Practice Days. It begins with the first day of Losar - Tibetan New Year, with each day cross referenced to it's western counterpart. All the Buddha days, the Great Festival Days, the Dakini days, Dharmapala days, New moon and Full moon days are clearly noted. You can obtain it from RIGPA centers, or many stores which cary Buddhist texts.