I am not an authority on Zen. In fact, I'm not an authority on anything. But I am somewhat familiar with Taoism and the spirit of Zen, and I have found the document ZEN.TXT to be somewhat inaccurate and/or misleading. What follows are some excerpts and rebuttals. The original quotes are in all caps, my replies are in upper/lower case. ZEN DOES NOT REPRESENT NIRVANA, NOR THE TAO, BUT REPRESENTS THE MEANS TO BE AT ONE WITH THOSE ENDS. ZEN IS THE METHOD OF TRAVEL, NIRVANA THE DESTINATION. Zen may be the method of travel, but nirvana is not the destination. Nirvana is a side-effect produced by Zen, and only exists while Zen is being practiced. If nirvana is being at one with the Tao, it must also be a nameless condition... beyond definition. Therefore, believing you have achieved nirvana is deceiving yourself. Ultimately, nirvana cannot be consciously experienced at all. VALUES, MORALS AND ETHICS DO NOT EXIST OUTSIDE OF OUR CULTURAL- EXISTENTIAL MINDS. THEY DO NOT EXIST IN REALITY AND ARE THEREFORE A FIGMENT OF OUR CULTURALLY AND EXISTENTIALLY INDOCTRINATED IMAGINATION. WE BELIEVE OR THINK VALUES EXIST WHEN IN FACT THEY DO NOT. THIS DESCRIBES THE SCHIZOPHRENIC MIND. Sentence one: true. Sentence two: false. Values are very much a part of reality. They exist in the reality of our minds. People die for them every day. If values were not real, we would all experience nirvana and satori without effort. (And it is as "schizophrenic" to believe real things don't exist as it is to believe imaginary things are real.) The danger of values lies ONLY in believing that they exist anywhere OUTSIDE of your mind. You must own your values before you are free to change them. SINCE CONFUSION, CONFLICT AND INSANITY ARE THE CONSEQUENCE OF OUR COMMITMENT TO VALUES, MORALS AND ETHICS, AND PEACE EXISTS WHEN THERE IS NO CONFUSION, CONFLICT OR INSANITY PRESENT, IT CAN BE CONCLUDED THAT PEACE IS THE CONSEQUENCE OF HAVING NO VALUES, NO MORALS AND NO ETHICS. Impossible. The author has already decided that he/she values the removal of conflict and suffering from his/her life (and/or the lives of others), and is using Zen to remove them. If one has no values, there is no reason to remove suffering and conflict from their life. Also, satori and nirvana would have no value, so there would be no reason to pursue them. Peace comes from living your life in harmony with your values, morals and ethics... by studying them in an enlightened way and eliminating those that do not stand the test of reason. To throw away your values is to throw away the baby with the bathwater. ZEN, AS REPRESENTED BY ENLIGHTENMENT AND SATORI, IS IN DIRECT OPPOSITION OF THE FASCISTIC/DICTATORIAL CONTROL THE SUPER-EGO HAS OVER THE MIND OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND OVER THE CULTURAL PATTERN. How can someone who has no values define their opposite as fascistic and dictatorial? Do I hear the faint stirrings of hypocrisy here? ZEN, BY ELIMINATING VALUE, CONSEQUENTLY ELIMINATES DESIRE. If one pursues Zen, it is because he/she desires it. There is no other reason to pursue Zen. If one lives their life in the illusion that they have no values and desires, it is because this illusion is important to them. There is no such thing as a "desireless" existence. "Zen"... as described in this text... only serves as a brainwashing function whose ultimate end is to convince someone that they aren't desiring and valuing the things they desire and value. To achieve peace, one must live in harmony with ones' desires as well as their values and ethics, etc. To pretend that you can or have eliminated them from your life is schizophrenic. THE MESSAGE IN THE BIBLICAL "BOOK OF GENESIS" AS THE KEY TO INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL SALVATION. IT STATES, "DO AS YOU WILL IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, BUT DO NOT EAT FROM THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL." IF WE DO EAT AND THEREBY POSSESS THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, WE WILL CONSEQUENTLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY SEPARATE OURSELVES FROM EDEN, TO SUFFER AND TO CAUSE SUFFERING TO OTHERS UNTIL WE REALIZE THE ERROR WE HAVE MADE. ONCE REALIZED, WE MUST REFUSE TO PARTAKE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHICH IS THE DIRECT AND ONLY CAUSE OF HUMAN SUFFERING AND CONFLICT, THEREBY REALIZING EDEN ONCE AGAIN. So... we are being told that discriminating between good and evil is an evil thing to do. Discrimination between "good" and "evil" is not inherently wrong... it is the belief that good and evil can be defined by objective standards (i.e. from somewhere other than our own minds) that leads to a fall from nirvana. THERE IS BUT ONE PATH. ALL OTHERS LEAD TO FURTHER CONFUSION, CONFLICT AND INSANITY. The above message, brought to us by an anonymous author, has also been brought to us (in one form or another) by Jim and Tammy Bakker, the Ayatollah Khomeni, Ronald Reagan, Mahatma Ghandi, and hundreds of other prophets and wise men. Will the REAL "One Way" please stand up?