[Buddhist Society of Western Australia website with information about the forest tradition, monastic life, articles on Buddhism, mp3 Dhamma talks, photo gallery, sutta study, cartoons and lots of other interesting and important information for Buddhists]

Friday Night Talk on Video

This page is currently being used to test the potential of having streaming media available on the BSWA website. You can help us by providing feedback in our forum which will help us decide the best format and resolution for our media files.

Playing the Video

  1. You should first download the media file onto your computer before you play it. The file is 37 megabytes, so will take quite a while to download depending on the speed of your internet connection. You do this by using your right mouse button on the link, and then selecting to 'save link target'. Choose a destination folder that you will find easily again, such as "My Documents" or "My Music". (A zip file is also available if you are having trouble saving the file or would prefer to download a smaller file. You will need to unzip the file before trying to play the contents.)
  2. When it has finished downloading, find the media file "Brahmavamso_2005_01_07.avi" and click (or double click) on it. This should automatically open your media player (ie. Windows Media Player, Real One Player, Quicktime, Xine, MPlayer) and start playing. If it does not start playing it is likely that you need to upgrade the version of your player.
  3. If you need to upgrade your media player you should first identify what media player you have. If you use Microsoft Windows (95,98,ME,XP) then you will likely be using 'Windows Media Player'. You can download the latest version from the Microsoft website:
    Click here to find out more about Media Player 10 and download.
  4. Follow instructions on Microsoft website to install the media player.
  5. Once it is installed you will be able to play the file.
  6. Be aware that the resolution may not be very good as we have had to sacrifice quality to make the file size small enough for users to download. We have used the latest technology (mpeg4) to compress the hour long talk but it is not at television resolution.
  7. Once you have watched the Dhamma talk, head to our Forum and give feedback on how you think we can improve. Should we make the picture a better quality? If so, are you happy to have a larger file size to download?
Ajahn Brahm

Download "Buddhist Response To Euthanasia And Abortion" 26/02/05 media (40mb)

Download "Compassion And Stillness" 28/01/05 media (40mb)

Download "To Hell With Punishment" 07/01/05 media (37mb)
