[Buddhist Society of Western Australia website with information about the forest tradition, monastic life, articles on Buddhism, mp3 Dhamma talks, photo gallery, sutta study, cartoons and lots of other interesting and important information for Buddhists]

Buddhist Society of Western Australia Audio Page

All the talks available for FREE download off this website have been recorded at the Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre in Perth Western Australia. You have a choice of how you would like to view the contents of this audio database.

Latest Dhamma Talk:

"Dealing With Our Thinking"
Ajahn Sr. Vayama

List all talks by author

If you click here a list of all the talks, arranged alphabetically by author, will be produced. Alternatively, you can search for a specific author (eg. select "Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso" and click "Search").

Select Authors Name:

List all talks by title

If you click here a list of all our talks, arranged alphabetically by title name, will be produced. Alternatively, you can search for a topic of interest (eg. type "meditation" and click on "Search").

Enter Search Term:

List all talks by date

If you click here a list of all the talks, from the most recent to the oldest, will be produced. Alternatively, you can search according to date by entering a date range (eg. from 10-12-2002 until 13-06-2003).

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Sutta Study Class

For those interested in studying the Buddhist Pali Suttas under the guidance of Senior Sangha, the BSWA's fortnightly Sutta Class is now being recorded and put on this website. Click HERE to start studying the Dhamma. Due to the size of the audio files, these talks will not be available on CD.

Chanting - mp3

If you would like to listen to monks Chanting then you can click here. There is a selection of 8 different chants.

Audio Help Page:

If you need help 'downloading' and 'playing' the BSWA's Dhamma talks on your computer, click here and you will find out how easy it is to do.

Audio Agreement:

All talks on this site may be downloaded and copied FREE of charge. The talks can also be freely distributed without the express permission of the author under the condition that no profit is made from said distribution. The authors maintain copyright over their material. The content of any of these talks cannot be modified without express permission of the author.Click here to find out more.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
