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nvc sound bytes

Since October 2001 we have expanded our collection of sound bytes thanks to the work of Eric Altshuler. Eric feels complete around creating sound bytes of Marshall Rosenberg and has plans to expand the collection of sound bytes using other NVC trainers. At some point in the future we expect this will lead to a more diversified sound byte library.

In the meantime, to help you build your Nonviolent Communicationsm skills and provide inspiration, we have sound bytes [below]of Marshall B. Rosenberg speaking on many topics. You may download them for your own listening pleasure.

File sizes are noted to help you anticipate the download time involved. Typically these files download to your computer and then play. They don’t “stream.” This means the whole file must be on your computer before it will begin to play. This may take up to several minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection.

We are grateful to Eric Altshuler, who has spent many hours preparing these sound bytes. His sound bytes meet many people’s needs for learning, inspiration, enjoyment, and more. We also have 5 CDs available in our [bookstore] with recordings of Marshall at an International Intensive Training, also prepared by Eric.

I would like to hear if these audio clips have provided; inspiration, confusion, learning, fear, delight, wonderment, anger, frustration, joy, you name it. As this type of feed back inspires me to do more of this kind of work.
Eric Altshuler in San Francisco CA, [email Eric]

sound bytes of the past

11/2003: (641Kb) [download: searching for everyones need]
10/2003: (  99Kb) [download: jackal postal delivery]
09/2003: (195Kb) [download: how we experience needs]
08/2003: (302Kb) [download: how the past affects]
07/2003: (336Kb) [download: how Marshall sees our needs]
06/2003: (509Kb) [download: bullshit in giraffe]
05/2003: (100Kb) [download: beauty behind the judgment]
04/2003: (326Kb) [download: act self-fully]
03/2003: (671Kb) [download: needs as a gift example]
02/2003: (379Kb) [download: when your needs are heard]
01/2003: (  60Kb) [download: what is a need?]
12/2002: (232Kb) [download: the more ugly sounding ...]
11/2002: (402Kb) [download: self full motivation]
10/2002: (302Kb) [download: how the past effects]
10/04/02: (183Kb) [download: a need to Marshall]
09/27/02: (263Kb) [download: when you hear a demand]
09/20/02: (508Kb) [download: see your gift in their eyes]
09/13/02: (641Kb) [download: no but your needs matter]
09/06/02: (  99Kb)
[download: greatest menace on earth]
08/30/02: (509Kb)
[download: bullshit in giraffe]
08/23/02: (100Kb)
[download: beauty behind the judgment]
08/16/02: (326Kb)
[download: act self-fully]
08/09/02: (135Kb) [download: what a request contains]
08/02/02: (383Kb) [download: do as Ive requested only]
07/28/02: (  40Kb) [download: to think you know whats right]
07/21/02: (231Kb) [download: the cause of male-itis]
07/14/02: (  99Kb) [download: never let someone say what you are]
07/07/02: (378Kb) [download: never hear a jackals thoughts]
06/26/02: (  86Kb) [download: if you hear any rejection . . .]
06/19/02: (281Kb) [download: gratitude tells us . . .]
06/12/02: (  32Kb) [download: a no” is a need and request]
06/05/02: (120Kb) [download: a no” is a gift]
05/31/02: (110Kb) [download: role play request example]
05/24/02: (297Kb) [download: yes that isnt so” detector]
05/17/02: (177Kb) [download: we have a choice]
05/10/02: (  90Kb) [download: to think in enemy images]
05/03/02: (230Kb) [download: love as a need]
04/26/02: (290Kb) [download: need focus]
04/19/02: (  47Kb) [download: the need behind the no”]
04/12/02: (180Kb) [download: focus on needs]
04/05/02: (167Kb) [download: every diagnosis of others]
03/29/02: (272Kb) [download: different needs, is never]
03/22/02: (135Kb) [download: what a request contains]
03/15/02: (282Kb) [download: the cost of hearing rejection]
03/08/02: (  60Kb) [download: connected at heart level]
03/01/02: (187Kb) [download: thoughts that imply wrong]
02/22/02: (189Kb) [download: strategies differ, not needs]
02/15/02: (282Kb) [download: the cost of hearing rejection]
01/04/02: (203Kb) [download: a need contains no reference to a specific person]
12/28/01: (173Kb) [download: all humans have same needs]
12/21/01: (184Kb) [download: a hug is a mug when . . .]
12/14/01: (  69Kb) [download: needs can be met many ways]
12/07/01: (287Kb) [download: we have choice and power]
11/30/01: (  96Kb) [download: what you say is NOT empathy!]
11/23/01: (160Kb) [download: false needs/pseudo needs vs. the real stuff]
11/16/01: (209Kb) [download: the difference between mourning & apology]
11/09/01: (221Kb) [download: mixing up needs and preferences]
11/02/01: (171Kb) [download: we never do anything wrong]
10/26/01: (207Kb) [download: when no request is made]
10/19/01: (  47Kb) [download: we never know what we want]
10/12/01: (144Kb) [download: most important need of all]

Note: Marshall sometimes uses “Giraffe” as a metaphor for life-serving consciousness and language and “Jackal” (or “wolf” or snake”) as a metaphor for life-alienated consciousness and language. Note: CNVC’s use of the image and term Giraffe” is in no way connected to The Giraffe Project, a completely separate non-profit organization producing its own training and educational materials.

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