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cnvc bookstore: printed items
for learning more about practicing nonviolent communicationsm

Note the title, order number, and dollar amount of the items you want to purchase. Then take this link [to order materials].

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life
[See nvc book!]
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    (order#: nvc0312)
   1-3 copies: 17.95 US$ each    10+ copies: 13.95 US$ each
   4-9 copies: 15.95 US$ each
This book is a complete presentation of the process of NVC. Please order extra copies for anyone you believe would benefit from learning NVC skills. (250 pages, 2nd edition, PDP)
[see the table of contents!] [read the first chapter!]

Besides English, this book is available in the following languages:
Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Serbian and Swedish.
Italian: Potete comprare [qui] il libro di Marshall in Italiano.
Swedish: Du kan beställa Marshalls bok [här] på svenska.
Please contact local trainers for information about how to purchase the book in these languages.

Comunicación No Violenta (traducido a español)
Comunicación No Violenta Por el Dr. Marshall B. RosenbergPor el Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg    (order#: nvc133C)
   1-3 ejemplares: 17.95 US$ cada uno
   4-9 ejemplares: 15.95 US$ cada uno
   10+ ejemplares: 13.95 US$ cada uno
(Cómo utilizar el poder del lenguaje para evitar conflictos y lograr oluciones pacíficas.) El autor conoce bien estos temas. El ha sido mediador en diversos conflictos internacionales, y sus técnicas de comunicación son aplicables tanto válidas en el ámbito social como en el personal, por lo que pueden utilizarse igulamente para cambiar nuestra vida familiar o laboral. (6 x 9, 222 páginas)

Nonviolent Communication(sm) Workbook for Individual and Group Practice by Lucy LeuNonviolent Communication Companion Workbook: A Practical Guide for Individual, Group or Classroom Study
by Lucy Leu    19.95 US$   (order#: nvc0313)
A 12-week curriculum for use in conjunction with Dr. Rosenberg’s book (above). Contains exercises and activities, leader’s guides, and hints for structuring and maintaining a practice group. This is the new edition of the workbook, and includes new material dealing with self-empathy. (7 x 10, 210 pages, PDP)

Life-Enriching Education
Life-Serving Education: When Students Love to Learn and Teachers Love to Teach by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    12.95 US$    (order#: nvc0302)
Life-Serving Education, with a forward by Riane Eisler and an endorsement by Dr. Thomas Gordon (Parent and Teacher Effectiveness Training), is based on the premise that the relationship between teachers and students and the relationships of students with one another is as important as the curriculum in preparing students for the future. This book outlines unique language and communication skills and ways of structuring the learning environment that supports the development of autonomy and interdependence to empower students to realize their potential with others, not against them. Offers an inspiring vision of education and practical skills to create a safe and supportive learning and working atmosphere, cultivate emotional intelligence, respect and compassion. (6 x 9, 171 pages, PDP)

The Compassionate Classroom: Relationship Based Teaching and Learning by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson,M.A.The Compassionate Classroom: Relationship Based Teaching and Learning
by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson, M.A.    18 US$    (order#: nvc0303) This new book priovides and overview of the NVC process and its relationship to successful teaching and learning, and specific examples of how NVC can be used in elementary school classrooms. Includes playful exercises, lesson plans and skill-building activities and games. (7.5 x 9, 187 pages)

Communication Basics: An Overview of Nonviolent Communication by Rachelle LambCommunication Basics: An Overview of Nonviolent Communicationsm
by Rachelle Lamb    4 US$   (order#: nvc154)
This 24 page booklet provides a clear, concise and handy summary of what you might learn in an introductory training. A very handy reference guide! (3.5 x 8.5, 24 pages)

[to top of page]

Teaching Children Compassionately: How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding
Teaching Children compassionately--How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    8 US$    (order#: nvc0316)
In his keynote address to a national conference of Montessori educators Marshall describes the basic features of Nonviolent Communication, clearly illustrating how they can be used in your classroom to create a safe and supportive learning environment. In the second part of this transcript—a workshop on the same day as the address—Marshall role-plays a challenging situation with a teacher, and shows how she can create an outcome satisfying for everyone. (6 x 9, 48 pages, PDP)

Getting Past the Pain Between Us: Healing and Reconciliation Without Compromise
Getting Past the Pain Between Us: Healing and Reconciliation Without Compromise by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    8 US$    (order#: nvc0311)
A transcript of a Nonviolent Communication workshop given by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Enjoy the healing power of listening and speaking from the heart. This booklet focuses on mending your relationships with yourself and others, and gives you skills for understanding and resolving conflicts, healing old hurts, and developing satisfying relationships. (6 x 9, 46 pages, PDP)

The Heart of Social Change: How to Make a Difference in Your World
The Heart of Social Change: How to Make a Difference in Your World by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    8 US$    (order#: nvc0310)
A transcript of a Nonviolent Communication workshop given by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Marshall encourages us to use NVC skills and consciousness in the service of human social needs, and shares examples of how to do it. Here is Marshall’s wisdom on effective social change. He centers on basic questions: What is our nature as human beings? what's the good life? How do we make life wonderful? Social change begins with “liberating ourselves from that which is not in harmony with creating the kind of world we desire.” (6 x 9, 46 pages, PDP)

We Can Work It Out: Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully
We Can Work It Out--Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    6 US$    (order#: nvc0315)
In over 35 years of mediating conflicts—between parents and children, husbands and wives, management and workers, police and communities, and warring groups around the world—Marshall has learned it is possible to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to everyone's satisfaction. It's not compromise—it's a caring and respectful quality of connection that allows everyone's needs to be met. (6 x 9, 32 pages, PDP)

Parenting From Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice
Parenting From Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of compassion, Connection, and Choice by Inbal Kashtanby Inbal Kashtan    8 US$    (order#: nvc0314)
As a parent, you're constantly faced with challenges. Self-empathy, dealing with anger, and the protective use of force are just some of the parenting challenges addressed here, along with real-world solutions to help meet everyone’s needs. (6 x 9, 46 pages, PDP)

What’s Making You Angry? 10 Steps to Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins
What's Making You antry?--10 Steps to Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins by Shari Klein & Neill Gibsonby Shari Klein & Neill Gibson    6 US$    (order#: nvc0317)
When you’re angry, you tend to get caught up in the wrongness of others—you focus on what you don’t want. You lose sight of what you really do want and need. In this booklet you learn how to change this pattern, and connect with the life-serving purupose of anger, expressing it in ways that create outcomes that are satisfying for everyone involved. (6 x 9, 32 pages, PDP)

[to top of page]

The Giraffe Classroom by Nancy Sokol GreenThe Giraffe Classroom: Where Teaching is a Pleasure and Learning is a Joy
by Nancy Sokol Green    18 US$   (order#: nvc104)
Humorous, creative, and thought-provoking activities. Ideal for teachers, parents, and anyone who wants to use concrete exercises to learn Giraffe Language. (8.5 x 11, 122 pages)

Live Compassionately Songbook . . . NEW . . .
15 US$   (order#: nvc0401)
This book has 18 songs from the Live Compassionaltely CD with sheet music and guitar chords. (8.5 x 11, 31 pages)

The Compassionate Communication SongbookCompassionate Communication Songbook
11 US$   (order#: nvc143)
31 songs by Marshall Rosenberg and Ruth Bebermeyer, including chords. (8.5 x 11, 35 pages)

The Mayor of Jackal Heights, by Rita Herzog & Kathy Smith The Mayor of Jackal Heights
by Rita Herzog & Kathy Smith   10 US$    (order#: nvc105)
A boy mayor begins to learn how to tame his town full of jackals with the help of his wise friend, Giraffe. A beautifully illustrated story for children of all ages. (8.5 x 11, 28 pages)

Nonviolent Communication: The Basics as I know and Use Them, by Wayland Myers, Ph.D. Nonviolent Communication: The Basics as I Know and Use Them
by Wayland Myers, Ph.D.   10 US$   (order#: nvc134)
A clear, compassionate, simple, and practical presentation of NVC applied interpersonally. (4 x 7, 94 pages)

Comunicación No Violenta: Principios y Aplicaciones Fundamentales Como los Conozco y Aplico Comunicación No Violenta: Principios y Aplicaciones Fundamentales Como los Conozco y Aplico
Por el Dr. Wayland Myers   $10 dólares por ejemplar   (No. de Orden: NVC 134B)
Un presentación clara, compasiva, simple y práctica de la CNV aplicada en las relaciones interpersonales. (7 x 8.5, 45 páginas)

A Model for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.A Model for Nonviolent Communication
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    8 US$   (order#: nvc101)
A handbook describing the basics of Nonviolent Communication, including exercises to help readers check their understanding of the process. Updated, expanded, revised. (5.5 x 8.5, 55 pages)

[to top of page]

Duck Tales and jackal Taming Hints by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.Duck Tales and Jackal Taming Hints
by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.   7 US$    (order#: nvc102)
A whimsical tale about skills needed to understand human beings even when their communication makes them sound like deranged jackals. (7 x 9, 28 pages)

[Read a bit!]
Raising Children Compassionately: Parenting the Nonviolent Communication Way by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Raising Children Compassionately: Parenting the Nonviolent Communication Way
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    (order#: nvc144R)
   6 US$ each
This 24 page booklet, filled with insights and stories, will prove invaluable for parents, teachers, and others who want to nurture children and also themselves. (6 x 9, 22 pages)

Como Criar A Nuestros Hijos De Manera Compasiva por el doctor Marshall B. RosenbergComo Criar A Nuestros Hijos De Manera Compasiva
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    (order#: nvc0319, PDP)
   6 US$ each
The long awaited Spanish language version of this popular booklet is now available. Traducido a español. (7 x 8.5, 24 pages)

The Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. The Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.    2 US$   (order#: nvc155)
A question and answer session with Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. (7 x 8.5, 8 pages)

Las Bases Espirituales De La Communicacion No Violenta
Por el Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg    2 US$   (order#: nvc159)
Una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con el doctor Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. (7 x 8.5, 8 pages)

Marshall Rosenberg Live!Marshall B. Rosenberg Live!    14 US$ (order#: nvc129)
A compilation of three former workshop transcripts, condensed and edited: “An Introduction to the Language of Giraffe;” “Intimate Relationships;” and “Marriage in the 90s.” (8.5 x 11, 88 pages)

Note the title, order number, and dollar amount of the items you want to purchase. Then take this link [to order materials].

Note: In this website, “Giraffe” is sometimes used as a metaphor for Nonviolent Communication and “Jackal” (or “wolf” or “snake”) as a metaphor for life-alienated consciousness and language. Note: CNVC’s use of the image and term “Giraffe” is in no way connected to The Giraffe Project, a completely separate organization producing its own training and educational materials.

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