
A small list of English books made available in a mixed format
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Alphabetical Indexes

By Title

By Author

Click here to download the book as a web document   IBRIC , several articles by Ven Dhammavihari
Click here to download the book as a web document  3 Pirith Suttas The Maha Mangala Sutta 
The Ratana Sutta 
The Karaniya Metta Sutta 
Translated into Sinhala by Ven Madihe Pannasiha Thera 
and into English by Ven Dhammavihari Thera 
Click here to download the book as a Word document
  Buddhist Monastic Discipline - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera 
- Thesis submitted to the University of Ceylon for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 

   The Dhammapada, a Translation - Narada Maha Thera 
Pali text and translation with Stories in brief and Notes.

  An Elementary Pali Course - Narada Maha Thera 
The Pirith book Translated into English by Ven Piyadassi Maha Thera

  Upadana and Anupadana - Bhikkhu T Seelananda 
A study based on Early Buddhist Discourses

Click here to download the book as a web document  7 Articles - by Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari TheraClick here to download the book as a Word document

    1. Progress, Development and Survival of Man on this Earth
    2. The message of buddhism from Buddha to Asoka -its relevance to the twentyfirst century
    3. Aesthetic enjoyment within the framework of buddhist thinking
    4. Women and the religious order of the Buddha
    5. Happiness
    6. God At The Head Of Religion
    7. Religion, culture and temperance
Click here to download the book as a web document  12 Essays - by Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari TheraClick here to download the book as a Word document
    1. Aesthetic enjoyment within the framework of buddhist thinking
    2. The individual and social dimension of salvation in Buddhism
    3. Child care and growth of love
    4. The human resource
    5. Buddhism and beauty
    6. Woman within the religious frame of Buddhism
    7. Poverty, hunger and under - development
    8. Society, crime and the solace of religion
    9. Sermon for the IL Poya of November 17, 1994
    10. To earn and to spend -The Buddhist way
    11. Conquest with or without conflict.
    12. Planes of existence or Panca Gatayo
Click here to download the book as a web document  A Correct Vision & A Life Sublime - Ven. Dhammavihari Thera
    1. From Samsara to Nibbana : The goal of religion in Buddhism
    2. Nature : The cradle of human culture
    3. In Harmony
    4. Happy Wayfarer
    5. To be good is to be great
    6. Wisdom for the world - Buddhism's contribution
    7. Welcoming the New Year or the new century ?
  Panna or Wisdom as the final stage -in the passage from Samsara to Nirvana.
- Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera 
    1. Panna or Wisdom as the final stage -in the passage from Samsara to Nirvana
    2. Religiousness, Religious Development and Spiritual Growth -a little bit of relevant Buddhist thinking
    3. Paticcasamuppada - Buddhist Theory Of Causal Genesis- An analytical historical study
    4. Work - A Socio-Economic Analysis- with a relevant religious [ Buddhist ] backdrop
    5. Parittas Self- Protection & Self- Prosperity
    6. Under the Guidance of the Dhamma - towards development and growth
    7. The Concept Of Sri Lanka For Sri Lankans - for all those in the pearl of the Indian Ocean and those outside

Articles Written by Various Authors

  What is The first Prescept - Prof. Palihawadana

  Confidential are the Best Kinsmen By Olcott Gunasekera

  Meditation On The Spot - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  A Queen's quarrel - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  Kusala Vipaka - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  Buddha's first discourse - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  Buddhist Points Misunderstood - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  Continuity of Life - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  Path to Nibbana - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  The Discarded Child - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera

  The Inspiring and Remarkable Life story of Sister Uppalavannaa
The German Buddhist Nun (1886 1982) who was Ordained In Sri Lanka

  A New Millennium and A New Political Era - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 1 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 2 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 3 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 4 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 5 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  A Week of Vesak Thinking 6 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Animal Rights - As Buddhists What Do We Think Of Them - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

  Blow, O Gentle Breeze, Blow ! - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Buddhism for the Younger No. 1 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera


Buddhist attitude to life in the world

  Buddhism for the Younger No. 2 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera Love as the basis of Spiritual Growth   Buddhism for the Younger No. 5 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera Child Care and Growth of Love   Buddhist Values for A Global Society - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Ethics For Good Living / Where Do Religions Come In ? - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

  EUTHANASIA [ A study in relation to original Theravada Buddhist thinking ] - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Hindu and Sinhala New Year Greetings 1999 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Increase of Crime and Violence vis-a-vis Apparent Religious Glossiness - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Love as the Basis of Spiritual Growth - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  On the lap of Mother Nature - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Poson Beams of June and The Message of Mahinda to Sri Lanka - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Punabbhava or Punaruppatti ? Is there a question here ? - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

  Save all Life in the World - of man and bird and beast - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

  Step In to Arrest This Moral Decay - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Suicide In Buddhism - Post-Canonical Deflections - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  The State and The Fostering of Religion - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  The New Millennium : Stepping into it With Sanity and Wisdom - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  Vesak Festival & The United Nations Holiday - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  To Love and Be Loved - Buddhism's Theme for The New Millennium - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

  The concept of Salvation, -A Buddhist Perspective - Bhikkhu T Seelananda 

  A real Buddhist is a citizen of the world - Bhikkhu T Seelananda

  What the Buddha taught to Bahiya of the Bark Garment - Bhikkhu T Seelananda

  Buddhist Meditation - Bhikkhu T Seelananda

  Eight excellent and wonderful things in the great ocean and the Sasana - Bhikkhu T Seelananda

Do not believe in anything - Ven. Pajalo

Dying and Getting Reborn - Ven. Pajalo

Educating Grown-ups - Ven. Pajalo

A Stranger in Paradise - Ven. Pajalo

Sri Lanka and the Art of Smiling - Ven. Pajalo

Bitter Fruits of War and Sweet Dreams of Peace - Ven. Pajalo

A Way to Give Children a Future - Ven. Pajalo

Touching Freedom Behind Iron-Bars - Ven. Pajalo

Forest Dwelling - Ven. Pajalo

Deeper Dhamma Versus 'Golden Buddha' - Ven. Pajalo

Sayings by J.K. - Ven. Pajalo

Looking through Conventions - Ven. Pajalo

On Children - Ven. Pajalo

On Friendship - Ven. Pajalo

On Giving - Ven. Pajalo

On Marriage - Ven. Pajalo

On Talking - Ven. Pajalo

The Prophet- Ven. Pajalo