Tittle Index
Index by Title
- Animal Rights - As Buddhists What Do
We Think Of Them - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- Articles, 7 - by Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

- Bitter Fruits of War and Sweet Dreams of
Peace - Ven. Pajalo
- Blow, O Gentle Breeze, Blow ! - Ven. Prof.
Dhammavihari Thera
- Buddha's first discourse - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Buddhism for the Younger No. 1 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Buddhism for the Younger No. 2 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Buddhism for the Younger No. 5 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Buddhism,
its relevance to the 21st century - Bhikkhu T Seelananda
- Buddhist Meditation - Bhikkhu T Seelananda
- Buddhist Monastic Discipline - Ven. Prof.
Dhammavihari Thera - Thesis submitted to the University of Ceylon for the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
- Buddhist Points Misunderstood - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Buddhist Values for A Global Society - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Confidential are the Best Kinsmen By Olcott Gunasekera
- Continuity of Life - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Correct Vision & A Life Sublime, A -
Ven. Dhammavihari Thera

- Deeper Dhamma Versus 'Golden Buddha' - Ven. Pajalo
- Dhammapada, a Translation - Narada Maha Thera
Pali text and translation with Stories in brief and Notes.
- Discarded Child, The - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Do not believe in anything - Ven. Pajalo
- Dying and Getting Reborn - Ven. Pajalo
- Educating Grown-ups - Ven. Pajalo
- Eight excellent and wonderful things in the
great ocean and the Sasana - Bhikkhu T Seelananda
- Elementary Pali Course - Narada Maha Thera

- Essays, 12 - by Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari

- Ethics For Good Living / Where Do
Religions Come In ? -
Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- EUTHANASIA [ A study in relation to
original Theravada Buddhist thinking ] - Ven.
Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Forest Dwelling - Ven. Pajalo
- Hindu and Sinhala New Year Greetings 1999 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Increase of Crime and Violence vis-a-vis Apparent Religious Glossiness - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Inspiring and Remarkable Life
story of Sister Uppalavannaa The German
Buddhist Nun (1886 1982) who was Ordained In Sri Lanka
- Kusala Vipaka - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Looking through Conventions - Ven. Pajalo
- Love as the Basis of Spiritual
Growth - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Meditation On The Spot - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- New Millennium : Stepping into it With
Sanity and Wisdom, The - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- New Millennium and A New Political Era, A - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- On Children -
Ven. Pajalo
- On Friendship -
Ven. Pajalo
- On Giving - Ven.
- On Marriage -
Ven. Pajalo
- On Talking -
Ven. Pajalo
- On the lap of Mother Nature - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Panna or Wisdom as
the final stage -in the passage from Samsara to Nirvana. - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera

- Path to Nibbana
- Ven Dikwelle Mahinda
- Pirith book
Translated into English by Ven Piyadassi Thera
- Pirith Suttas ,3
Translated into Sinhala by Ven Madihe Pannasiha Thera and into English by Ven Dhammavihari
- Poson Beams of
June and The Message of Mahinda to Sri Lanka - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Prophet, The -
Ven. Pajalo
- Punabbhava or Punaruppatti ? Is there a question here ? - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- Queen's quarrel. A - Ven Dikwelle Mahinda Thera
- Rreal
Buddhist is a citizen of the world, A - Bhikkhu
T Seelananda
- Save all Life in the World - of man and
bird and beast - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- Sayings by J.K.
- Ven. Pajalo
- Sri Lanka and the Art of Smiling - Ven. Pajalo
- State and The Fostering of Religion, The - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Step In to Arrest This Moral Decay - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Stranger in Paradise, A - Ven. Pajalo
- Suicide In Buddhism - Post-Canonical
Deflections - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- The concept of Salvation, -A Buddhist Perspective - Bhikkhu T Seelananda

- To Love and Be Loved - Buddhism's Theme for
The New Millennium - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
- Touching Freedom Behind Iron-Bars - Ven. Pajalo
- Upadana
and Anupadana - Bhikkhu T Seelananda
study based on Early Buddhist Discourses
- Vesak
Festival & The United Nations Holiday - Ven.
Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Way to Give Children a Future, A - Ven. Pajalo
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 1 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 2 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 3 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 4 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 5 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- Week of Vesak
Thinking, A 6 - Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari Thera
- What is The first Prescept - Prof. Palihawadana
- What the Buddha taught to Bahiya
of the Bark Garment - Bhikkhu T Seelananda