Dr.(Mrs.) A. Kell

     Dr. (Mrs.) Kell came to Burma to take a course in Vipassana Meditation at the Thathana Yeiktha and to study Abhidhamma under the Venerable U Narada, Patthan Sayadaw.

     She graduated at Berlin University and holds their Ph. D. degree and is now Lecturer in German at Rangoon University.**

** ('The Light of THe Dhamma', Vol.III, No. 3, 1956)

Cyril Francis Moore* (Ashin Kewalananda)

      Born in England fifty-four years ago in a Christian family. Took part in the First World War. Became interested in Buddhism and was Editor of "The Middle Way ", a journal of the Buddhist Society of England. Has written and lectured on Buddhism in England and in Ceylon.

      Came to Burma as a guest of the Union Buddha Sasana Council and was ordained a bhikkhu at Ashin Adicca Vamsa Kyaungdaik, Rangoon, on Sunday the 22nd February 1953 under the leadership of Ven'ble U Thittila, well-known for his long Dhammaduta work in the West.


(Anagarika Priyadarshi Sugatananda)

     He was an English man, born in 1910 in London during World War I. Educated privately. Became a Buddhist by reading and independent thinking between the ages of 14 and 16. Married at 23: wife died six years later. After the war lived in India as voluntary worker for the Maha Bodhi Society, of which he was a Life Member.

     For 25 years he lived in Asia countries where he studied the Buddha's philosophy. Became Anagarika at Buddha Gaya, 1948 with the religious name of Priyadarshi Sugatananda. His search into the teaching on rebirth started while in Myanmar (Burma) and later continued with careful investigation of spontaneous rebirth recollections. He founded the Burma Buddhist World-Mission in Rangoon, 1950. He was the contributor to several Buddhist periodicals. In 1951 he wrote "Buddhism Answers the Marxist Challenge ". He lectured on Buddhism in Singapore and Penang. He had lived in Rangoon for several years.

He passed away aged 61 at a London Hospital.


     Born October 9, 1905 in New York City. Schooled in New York at New York University from which he received his

  • Bachelor of Science Degree with honors in Philosophy
  • Master of Arts Degree.
  • Doctor of Philosophy Degree.

     He taught Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University where he also held a Research Assistantship on a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies.

      In the middle 30s he held several posts in the Federal Government such as the Director of Research and Publicity for the Civil Works Administration in Maryland ; and the Labor Relations Division of the Resettlement Administration, Washington.

      Subsequent to this he served as full-time National Labor Secretary of the Socialist Party, U.S.A., and then for approximately 12 years worked for various communal organizations in matters of program planning and community organization.

      During the war he was a Psychologist in the Air Force.

     In October, 1951, he came to Burma as Deputy Director of ECA. Shortly thereafter he became Acting Director, and in October, 1952, Director of TCA in Burma. His wife accompanied him to Burma where she held an honorary visiting professorship on the Faculty of Education, University of Rangoon.

     He is the author of numerous articles and contributor to various books.

Sao Htun Hmat Win, B.A.Hons., M.A., A.M.

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( Adviser to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Union of Myanmar )

     U Sao Htun Hmat Win, born in 1925, is Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation. After graduating as a Master of Arts, from the University of Rangoon, U Sao Htun Hmat Win again graduated as a Master of Arts, specializing in Comparative Religion, from Harvard University. He was also a Senior Research Fellow of the Harvard University. After working at the Department of Oriental Studies (Pali) as a lecturer at the University of Rangoon from 1952 to 1957, U Sao Htun Hmat Win was Director the Institute of Advanced Buddhistic Studies, Ministry of Religious Affairs from 1958 to 1986. He has been Advisor to the Ministry of Religious Affairs since 1986. U Sao Htun Hmat Win is well known for his language aptitude and research skills. He has written many books and articles on Buddhism, and is well versed in English, Japanese, Pali, Hindi, Chinese and German.

Dr. M. Tin Mon, B.Sc.Hons., M.Sc., Ph. D.

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( Saddhamma Jotikadhaja )

( Adviser to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Union of Myanmar )

      He was born in kamawet village, Mudon township, Mon State. Union of Myanmar, on January 13, 1934.

      His parents were U Yaw In and Daw Sein Tan who were devout Buddhists. They belonged to the Mon race and made their living by farming.

     Mehm Tin Mon attended Kamawet Primary School and Mudon State High School where he topped his class every year.

      He passed the High School Leaving Examination in 1951 with distinctions in Mathematics and General Science. He also passed the Matriculation Examination in the same year from the first division with distinction in Mathematics.

      He joined the University of Yangon in 1951. In the Intermediate Examination held in 1953, he scored the highest marks in Mathematics and Chemistry, and he was awarded the University Hoe Wah Kain Gold Medal as well as the University Scholarship.

      In the Bachelor of Science Examination held in 1955, he stood first with distinctions in Physics, Chemistry and Pure Mathematics. Again he was awarded a University gold medal called Esoof Bimiah Gold Medal.

     In 1956 he passed the B.Sc. Honours Examination in Chemisry with flying colours and a third Universit gold medal called U Shwe Lay Gold Medal was awarded to him.

     In 1957 he went to the United States of America to study at the University of Illinois on a State Scholarship sponsored by the Government of the Union of Myanmar. Here also he was awarded the University Fellowship for two consecutive years for his outstanding scholastic record. He gained the Master of Science Degree in1958 and the Doctorate Degree in 1960. He also won membership to Phi Lambaa Upsilon Society and Sigma Xi Society.

      He served his country for more than 36 years from 1956 to 1992 working as Lecturer and Head of Department of Chemistry in several Institutes and finally as Professor of Chemistry in the University of Mawlamyine (Moulmein). He retired from Professorship on December 1, 1992.

     During his service to the State, he headed the Buddhist Association of the Institute of Medicine (I), the Buddhist Association of the Institute of Education and the Buddhist Association of Mawlamyine University. He also served as Secretary and later as President of the Central Buddhist Association of Universities and Institutes in Yangon from 1983 to 1986. He succeeded in raising funds and building the beautiful two-storeyed Dhammayone (Community Hall for religious purposes) and the sacred Shrine (Pagoda) in the University of Mawlamyine.

      Dr. Tin Mon also excelled in religious examinations. He stood first in the Abhidhamma Examination (Ordinary Level) in 1981. He also stood first in the Abhidhamma Examination (Honours Level) in 1983. Again in 1984 he stood first in the Visuddhi Magga Examination. These examinations are held annually in Myanmar by the Department of Religious Affairs.

     Dr. Tin Mon has written over thirty books on education as well as on Buddhism. He travelled throughout Myanmar deliverng lectures on Buddhism and conducting short intensive classes of Abhidhamma. He was awarded the title of Saddhamma Jotakadhaja by the Government of the Union of Myanfliat in 1994 for his outstanding contribution to the propagation of Buddhism.

      Dr. Tin Mon was appointed as an Adviser to the Ministry of Religious Affairs on August 1, 1993, and he has been serving the State in this capacity ever since.

Maung Kyauk Seinn

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* From 'Biographical Sketches of our contributors', The Light of the Dhamma, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1953, The Union of Burma Buddha Sasana Council, Burma.