
Media Files

The Transcendent Unity of Science, Art, and Spirituality
A Voices from the Edge presentation in Boston, MA
Yasuhiko Kimura


27,000 Miles to Buddhahood
The Tendai Monks of Mount Hiei take the ultramarathon to a whole new level
Issue 25
The Price of Liberation
An Eminent Buddhist Scholar Asks: How Middle was the Buddha's Middle Way?
Issue 18
What Does It Mean to Renounce the World?
Featuring Interviews with Father William McNamara and H.H. Penor Rinpoche
Issue 18
The 1001 Forms of Self-Grasping
or ... Do You Really Have to be Somebody Before You Can be Nobody?
Issue 17
Gay/Straight, Man/Woman, Self/Other
What Would the Buddha Have Had to Say About Gay Liberation?
Issue 16
War Cry
Issue 16
Absolutely Not!
An interview with Stephen Batchelor, Author of Buddhism without Beliefs
Issue 14
Issue 14
Vanguard Generation
An Ironic Army
Issue 25
Enlightenment at the Speed of Life
How does the experience of enlightenment itself respond to the changing life conditions of the twenty-first century?
Issue 23
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