What Is Enlightenment? is proud to announce that it has been invited by The Graduate Institute in Milford, CT to create a new section of their Conscious Evolution program.

The Master's program in Conscious Evolution provides a rare context for the evolution of consciousness. The goal of this section of the program will be to create a group of evolutionary activists who are committed to pushing the leading edge of consciousness further, deeper, and higher. With access to the resources of What Is Enlightenment? and its founder, Andrew Cohen, this two-year course of study will allow you to participate in the process that you are studying—the emergence of the next stage in human evolution:

Program Details

Classes are held on six selected weekends during the academic year at The Institute's Connecticut campus or at WIE's center in Lenox, Massachusetts, with a week-long residential session during the summer.

For more information, or to enroll in the program, please visit The Graduate Institute's web site. Please be sure to indicate your interest in the WIE section, or "cohort," of the Master's program.

About The Graduate Institute

The Graduate Institute offers original programs in emerging academic arenas for adult learners who are as interested in their own development as they are in earning degrees. Their mission is to create learning communities in which academically sound graduate study enriches the spirit, promotes philosophic discovery, provides opportunities for interpersonal and organizational change, and encourages the intellect through the exploration of new thought. Degree candidates remain together throughout the program. They are considered as colleagues and, with the faculty, form a cohort—a dynamic community of learners.

For more information about the program, visit www.learn.edu/wie

Explore the leading integral theories of development, including Ken Wilber's AQAL approach and Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics, as well as the new sciences of systems and complexity applied to psychological, cultural, and spiritual growth.

Engage with some of the most creative minds of our changing times through seminars led by WIE's Voices from the Edge speakers series. Voices lecturers thus far include: Don Beck, Jim Garrison, Howard Bloom, Yasuhiko Kimura, and Juanita Brown.

Experience the next stage of human development through immersion in the Evolutionary Enlightenment teachings of What Is Enlightenment? founder Andrew Cohen.

Discover the forefront of consciousness by mastering the skill of “enlightened communication,” a discussion process for accessing a higher collective wisdom.

Create innovative interventions and evolutionary experiments through action research projects that you design to meet your professional and personal interests.

Realize the potential of a positive future for our planet through grappling with the work of leading futurists and change makers, such as Duane Elgin, Elisabet Sahtouris, Brian Swimme and more.

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