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What Is Enlightenment?'s new live forum, Voices from the Edge, features individuals who challenge us to stretch beyond familiar modes of thinking in order to meet the overwhelming demands of our time. The way we create the future literally depends on the way we think about it. Through Voices from the Edge, we want to help create that future by trying to expand and deepen the context in which the leading edges of that thinking are taking place. It is our firm conviction that through the practice of sincere inquiry, of honest dialogue together, we can discover new perspectives that will enable all of us to make much greater sense of our shared human experience at this pivotal time in our development.

– Andrew Cohen, Editor-in-Chief

Voices from the Edge is exactly where voices of truth, empowerment, and transformation should be coming from—the edge between spirituality and culture, between the sacred and the political, and between our ordinariness and the extra ordinary possibilities to which we all aspire.

—Jim Garrison, President
State of the World Forum

Voices from the Edge is a pioneering forum where both presenters and participants are invited to peer beyond the edge of our current world crises and explore a new future of hope and possibility.

—Duane Elgin, Voluntary Simplicity
and Promise Ahead
Jonathan Granoff
December 6
Cambridge MA
Carter Phipps
December 9
London, UK
Andrew Cohen
December 10, 11
New York, NY

Previous Voices from the
speakers include:

Dr. Munawar Anees
Chistopher M. Bache
Don E. Beck
Howard Bloom
Juanita Brown
Andrew Cohen
Duane Elgin
Jim Garrison
Marc Gopin
Craig Hamilton
Yasuhiko Kimura
Ervin Laszlo
Chris Parish
Jessica Roemischer
Elisabet Sahtouris
Otto Scharmer
Rupert Sheldrake
Amit Goswami

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