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Set of Back Issues
What Is Enlightenment? Issues 9-26

WIE 26 - Is God a Pacifist?
WIE 26 - Is God a Pacifist? Is God a pacifist? In a world of escalating conflict, you have to wonder. We did—and in this issue, we've asked if peace is possible in a dynamic and rapidly evolving world. We question commonly held notions about spirituality, pacifism, and nonviolence, and explore with leading politicians, academics, and activists the relationship between our deepest spiritual principles and the politics of an evolving global society.

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WIE 25 - Come Together!
The Power of Collective Intelligence

WIE 25 - Come Together! “Come Together! The Power of Collective Intelligence,” introduces you to what many are calling the next step in human evolution and asks: Could collective intelligence be the foundation for the next social and spiritual revolution? Also featuring Ken Wilber, Duane Elgin, Howard Bloom, Michael Murphy, and many others.

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WIE 24 - Morality Bites!
Searching for Ethics in a Postmodern Age

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WIE 24 - Morality Bites! "Morality Bites: Searching for Ethics in a Postmodern Age" takes an up-close, often personal, and sometimes hilarious look at the moral conundrums of our "do-your-own-thing" culture. Featuring Ken Wilber, the Dalai Lama, Duane Elgin, New York nightlife, Burning Man, and much more.

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WIE 23 - Can God Handle the 21st Century?
Exploring the Perils and Pitfalls of the New Millennium

WIE 23 - Can God Handle the 21st Century? Are the great religious traditions meeting the changing life conditions of our time? WIE looks into the future and asks the question: "Can God Handle the 21st Century?" Featuring Huston Smith, Ken Wilber, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ray Kurzweil, Jeremy Rifkin, Ram Dass, Byron Katie, Peter Senge, Brian Swimme, and more.

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WIE 22 - Are You Ready to Change Now?
Exploring the Dynamics of Human Transformation

WIE 22 - Are You Ready to Change Now? Everybody wants to get enlightened, but nobody wants to change! Join What is Enlightenment? as we explore our evolutionary potential through new models of individual and collective transformation, with: Don Beck on Spiral Dynamics, Robert Kegan, Dee Hock, Ken Wilber and Andrew Cohen.

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WIE 21 - The Future of God
Evolution and Enlightenment for the 21st Century

WIE 21 - The Future of God Fifteen billion years after the Big Bang and 150 years after Darwin, What Is Enlightenment? magazine steps back to look at the big picture and asks: Is enlightenment itself evolving? What is "the future of God?" Featuring interviews with: Beatrice Bruteau, Ken Wilber, and Robert Wright.

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WIE 20 - Celebrating 10 Years of Radical Spiritual Inquiry
WIE 20 - Celebrating 10 Years of Radical Spiritual Inquiry Can Buddhism survive America? Is sex more important than God? Instant enlightenment? This special anniversary issue features a fresh look at the provocative themes and inspiring individuals that helped make our first decade in print a resounding success. Featuring: Rupert Sheldrake, Father Thomas Keating, Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo and Jack LaLanne.

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WIE 19 - Can Enlightenment Save The World?
WIE 19 - Can Enlightenment Save The World? These days many agree that the answer to our global crisis must be an inherently spiritual one. WIE explores this pressing issue with some of the contemporary world's leading activists, futurists and visionaries in an exploration of how spirituality can guide us into a better future. With Brian Swimme, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Duane Elgin and Roshi Bernie Glassman.

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WIE 18 - What Does It Mean To Be In The World But Not Of It?
WIE 18 - What Does It Mean To Be In The World But Not Of It? Why have some spiritual teachings encouraged us to leave the world behind completely, while others have told us to embrace it wholeheartedly? From the marketplace to the monastery, from the household to the mountaintop, WIE takes a closer look at the age-old question: What does it really mean to be in the world but not of it? Featuring: H.H. Penor Rinpoche, Eckhart Tolle, and Joseph Goldstein.

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WIE 17 - What is Ego? Friend or Foe...
WIE 17 - What is Ego? Friend or Foe... Is the ego our fiercest enemy on the spiritual path or our greatest ally in negotiating the vicissitudes of life? What Is Enlightenment? magazine presents a penetrating and provocative look into the true nature of this elusive phantom that lies at the core of the human psyche. Featuring interviews with: Ammachi, Yogi Amrit Desai, Master Sheng-Yen, Otto Kernberg, Sheikh Ragip Frager and Jack Engler.

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WIE 16 - Men's Liberation? Women's Liberation? Gay Liberation? How Free Do We Really Want To Be?
WIE 16 - Men's Liberation? Women's Liberation? Gay Liberation? How Free Do We Really Want To Be? In today's culture, where traditional concepts of what it means to be a man or a woman seem open for debate and questioning like never before, What Is Enlightenment? presents an unprecedented investigation into the relationship between enlightenment and gender. What does it mean to be a man or a woman if we want to be free? Featuring: Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, Sam Keen, Marion Woodman, Father Basil Pennington, Mary Daly and Jose Cabezon.

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WIE 15 - The Self Masters: Are They Enlightened?
WIE 15 - The Self Masters: Are They Enlightened? What does self-mastery have to do with enlightenment? Interviews with eight extraordinary individuals whose passion for living, incredible positivity and commitment to excellence have inspired countless others to strive for greatness in their own lives. Featuring Jean Houston, Jack LaLanne, Dan Millman, Michael Murphy, Anthony Robbins, Evander Holyfield, Susan Powter and Vernon Kitabu Turner.

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WIE 14 - What Is Enlightenment? Does Anybody Know What They're Talking About?
WIE 14 - What <i>Is</i> Enlightenment? Does Anybody Know What They're Talking About? Conversations with leading proponents of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta on the true nature of the spiritual path and goal. Contributors include H. H. the Dalai Lama, Helen Tworkov, Ramesh Balsekar, Swami Dayananda, Stephen Batchelor and Frances Vaughan.

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WIE 13 - What Is the Relationship between Sex and Spirituality?
WIE 13 - What Is the Relationship between Sex and Spirituality? Is sex an essential part of the spiritual path or is it an empty promise that distracts us from realizing our full human potential? Interviews with Margot Anand, Barry Long, Miranda Shaw, Father Thomas Keating, Bhante Henepola Gunaratana and Swami Chidananda.

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WIE 12 - The Modern Spiritual Predicament
WIE 12 - The Modern Spiritual Predicament Are the great enlightenment teachings being watered down to appeal to our Western consumerist mentality? Includes an original article by Ken Wilber and interviews with Georg Feuerstein, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Deepak Chopra and NPR commentator Andrei Codrescu.

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WIE 11 - Can Science Enlighten Us?
WIE 11 - Can Science Enlighten Us? Can scientific inquiry lead us to the same transcendent knowledge that the world's spiritual traditions speak of? This revolutionary investigation into an age-old question includes interviews with Huston Smith, Rupert Sheldrake and F. David Peat, as well as articles by E. F. Schumacher and Fritjof Capra.

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WIE 10 - Women, Enlightenment and the Divine Mother
WIE 10 - Women, Enlightenment and the Divine Mother An in-depth look at women's spirituality in its many forms, this issue explores the question: Do women have an inherent advantage in the pursuit of spiritual awakening? Interviews with J. Krishnamurti's successor, Vimala Thakar; founder of the feminist spirituality movement, Z. Budapest; and feminist psychologist Elizabeth Debold. Other articles include Georg Feuerstein on Mother Meera and Arnaud Desjardins on Anandamayi Ma.

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WIE 9 - Is the Guru Dead?
WIE 9 - Is the Guru Dead? The fact that many spiritual teachers have fallen into financial and sexual scandal raises important questions. What are the causes of corruption? What is true purity? How can it be attained? Includes interviews with The Guru Papers authors Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad, and Brother David Steindl-Rast. Also articles by Andrew Cohen and Georg Feuerstein.

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