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Rabbi Yehuda Berg of The Kabbalah Centre speaks about the mythic origins and contemporary significance of this once recondite mystical path.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo presents a radical new theory of our “informed universe,” in which information is as elemental as energy but is perpetually created and forever retained.

Enlightened minds meet when mystic and author of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, speaks with spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen about the meaning and purpose of spiritual life.

WIE Unbound takes you to the set of The Celestine Prophecy: The Movie to speak with author, screenwriter, and producer James Redfield about his books, his new movie, and the spiritualization of Hollywood. Synchronicities abound in this conversation with one of today's most popular authors.

Pakistani-American writer and social critic Dr. Munawar Anees brings his balanced perspective and personal passion to a discussion on the future of Islam in the globalized world. His view encompasses the history, religion, culture, and politics of both East and West, joining them together in a vision of understanding and cooperation for the future.

In this Voices talk from London, spiritual teacher and WIE founder Andrew Cohen deconstructs familiar conceptions of God, spirituality, and the meaning and purpose of human life, to reveal a profound vision of enlightenment for the sake of evolution itself.

Donna Zajonc traveled to North Africa to teach sixty Muslim women how to develop political skills, cultivate constituencies, and organize coalitions. Her part hopeful, part cautionary tale of modern Muslim women emerging from oppression provides a fascinating glimpse into the complex politics of women’s liberation.
Listen to Jim Garrison’s provocative and forward-thinking views on the political, historical, and spiritual forces at play in the 2004 U.S. Presidential election.
Spiral Dynamics has been called “the theory that explains everything.” In this evening presentation at The Window in London, Dr. Don Beck applies the powerful Spiral system to discover and develop integral solutions to the critical problems facing our global community today.
Mathematical cosmologist Brian Swimme is both scientifically grounded and spiritually inspired in this portrayal of human consciousness as the end result and leading edge of 13.7 billion years of cosmic evolution.
Yasuhiko Kimura makes you think. Literally. This corporate consultant and translator of mystical Chinese texts mixes an intriguing blend of Zen, the Socratic method, and cutting-edge evolution theory to stimulate your mind.
WIE sought out world renowned primatologist and conservation activist Jane Goodall to speak with her about the challenges facing us today, not only as human beings in the 21st century, but as the caretakers of a complex, living entity called Earth.

WIE spoke with nuclear disarmament activist Jonathan Granoff to find out how he thinks religion can help shape our future.

WIE spoke with Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan to find out what he thinks the future of Islam could be.

Join 3rd millenium renaissance man, genius raconteur, author, and former rock and roll starmaker Howard Bloom to find out what the American king of pop and the Saudi prince of jihad have to do with collective intelligence, Darwinian reproduction strategies, and the future of human culture.

Helen Fisher, popular author (The First Sex, Why We Love) and media savvy anthropologist, speaks with WIE editor Jessica Roemischer about why women love to sleep with men at the top.

Ervin Laszlo's brilliant and original work in the fields of systems philosophy and general evolution theory have become the cornerstones of a new integral science of evolution, consciousness, and human development.
Contributing interviews for “Is God a Pacifist?” in WIE's Aug–Oct 2004 issue. Best-selling author and historian Jim Garrison and interfaith pioneer Brother Wayne Teasdale offer provocative and divergent responses to the question “Is God a pacifist?”

Islamic scholar Dr. Munawar Anees traces the history of Islam from the Middle Ages to the present day, touching on its defining and defaming moments as he outlines a progressive path forward for the fastest growing religion in the world.

Dr. Sahtouris's life work is dedicated to putting God—in the form of life's miraculously complex yet ultimately logical evolution—back into the heart of science.
Contributing interview for "Is God a Pacifist?" in WIE's Aug-Oct 2004 issue.

Explore the different alternatives to meeting violence with violence as Michael Nagler discusses the historic, social, and spiritual significance of pacifism and nonviolence.

Contributing interview for "Is God a Pacifist?" in WIE's Aug-Oct 2004 issue.

Marc Gopin explores what the great religions have to say about God, pacifism, just war, and the challenges of telling right from wrong in a morally ambiguous universe.

Jim Garrison, recorded live in Boston, speaks about his recent book, America as Empire, a critique of the status and destiny of the most powerful nation on earth.
“Spiral wizard” Don Beck describes the six stages of his dynamic theory of human social and cultural development
Tired of hearing everyone from parents to politicians telling kids to “just say No,” Ocean Robbins chose to dedicate his life to engaging with the positive.
Could our collective potential for learning be almost unlimited?
This passionate activist tells one astonishing story after another about the power of collectives.
Cultural philosopher and Harper's contributing editor Thomas de Zengotita talks with WIE about the challenges of growing up innocent in a “been there, done that” world.
Jeremy Rifkin explores a variety of themes: ethical, economic, and scientific that confront us as the 21st century unfolds.
Organizational innovator Juanita Brown illuminates the practice and potential of group dialogue
Can the intelligence of the collective mind envision—and therefore alter—the course of our unfolding future? Otto Scharmer thinks so.
Forward-thinking scientist and inventor Ray Kurzweil shows you not just the shape of things to come but just how soon they're coming!
Three great minds link up with WIE editor-in-chief Andrew Cohen to discuss the fate of human culture, the great religions, and the road ahead.
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