] Journal of Buddhist Ethics
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ISSN 1076-9005
Volume 8, 2001


Why the Dalai Lama Should Read Aristotle. By Stephen McCarthy
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Buddhist Contribution to Social Welfare in Australia. By Patricia Sherwood
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The Voice of Hope. By Aung San Suu Kyi with Alan Clements. Reviewed by Barbara E. Reed.
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The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path, Volume One. By Tsong-kha-pa. Translated by the Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee. Joshua W.C. Cutler, Editor-in-Chief; Guy Newland, Editor. Reviewed by David Burton.
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Buddhists Talk about Jesus, Christians Talk about the Buddha. Edited by Rita M. Gross and Terry C. Muck. Reviewed by Eric Reinders.
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Pain and its Ending: The Four Noble Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon. By Carol S. Anderson. Reviewed by Lance S. Cousins.
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Buddhism in the Sung. Edited by Peter N. Gregory and Daniel A. Getz. Reviewed by Michael J. Walsh.
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An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues. By Peter Harvey. Queen. Reviewed by Damien Keown.
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The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Tsong-kha-pa. Translated by the Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee. Joshua W. C. Cutler, Editor-in-Chief. Reviewed by Dan Cozort.
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Engaged Buddhism in the West. Edited by Christopher S. Queen. Reviewed by Mavis Fenn.
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La rencontre du bouddhisme et de l’Occident and Le bouddhisme en France. By Frédéric Lenoir. Reviewed by Lionel Obadia.
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Khmer American: Identity and Moral Education in a Diasporic Community. By Nancy J. Smith-Hefner. Reviewed by Douglas M. Padgett.
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