

abhidhamma the higher teachings of Buddhism, teachings on ultimate realities
abhijja covetousness
abhinna supernormal powers
abhisankhara kammic activity giving preponderance in the conditioning of rebirth
adhimana over-estimating conceit
adhimokkha determination or resolution
adhipatis "forerunners" of the arising of the ariyan eightfold Path:
adosa non aversion
adukkhamasukha neutral feeling 
ahetuka cittas not accompanied by "beautiful roots" or unwholesome roots
ahetuka kiriyacitta inoperative citta without root
ahetuka-ditthi The view that here are no causes (in happening)
ahirika shamelessness
ajiva-duccarita virati abstinence from wrong livelihood
akiriya-ditthi The view that there h no such thing as kamma
akusala unwholesome, unskilful
akusala citta unwholesome consciousness
akusala kamma a bad deed
alobha non attachtnent, generosity
amoha wisdom or understanding
an-annatannassami ‘t’indriya I-shall-come-to-know-the-unknown " faculty, arising at the moment of the magga-citta of the sotapanna
anagami no returner, person who has reached the third stage of enlightenment, he has no aversion (dosa)
Ananda the chief attendant of the Buddha 
anantarika kamma heinous crimes
anatta not self
annasamana citasikas Anna means "other" and samana means "common",  the same. The anansamanas which arise together are of the same jati as the citta they accompany and they all change, become "other",  as they accompany a citta of a different jati. Akusala is "other" than kusala and kusala is "other" than akusala. 
annatavindriya The final knower faculty arising at the moment of the phala-citta of the arahat annindirya The faculty of final knowledge, which arises at the moment of the phala-citta, fruition-consciousness, of the sotapanna, and also accompanies the magga-citta and the phala-citta of the sakadagami and of the anagami and the magga-citta of the atahat 
anottappa recklessness
anumodhana thanksgiving, appreciation of someone else's kusala
anusayas latent tendency or proclivity 
arahat noble person who has attained the fourth and last stage of enlightenment
aramana citta object which is known by consciousness 
ariyan noble person who has attained enlightenment
arupa-brahma plane of arupa citta
arupa-brahma plane plane of existence attained as a result of arupa-jhana. There are no sense impressions, no rupa experienced in this realm.
Arupa-jhana immaterial absorption
Arupavacara citta arupa jhana citta, consciousness of immaterial jhana
asanna-santa plane plane where there is only rupa, not nama
asankharika not induced, either by oneself or by someone else
asankhata dhamma unconditioned reality, nibbana
asappurisa a bad man
asavas influxes  or intoxicants, group of defilements 
asura demon, being of one of the unhappy planes of existence
atita-bhavanga past life-continuum, arising and falling away shortly before the start of a process of cittas experiencing an object through one of the sense-doors
attavadupadana clinging to personality belief
Atthasalini The Expositor, a commentary to the first book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka
avihimsa the thought of non-harming 
avijja ignorance
avijjasava the canker of ignorance
avijjogha the flood of ignorance
avyapada the thought of non-malevolence
ayoniso manasikara unwise attention to an object
balas powers, strengths
bhanga khana dissolution moment of citta
bhava-tanha craving for existence 
bhavana mental development, comprising the development of calm and the development of insight
bhavanga calana vibrating bhavanga arising shortly before a process of cittas experiencing an object through one of the six doors
bhavanga-citta life-continuum
bhavangupaccheda arrest bhavanga, last bhavanga-citta before a process of cittas starts
bhavogha the flood of desire for rebirth
bhikkhu monk
bhikkhuni nun
bhumi existence ot plane of citta
bodhisatta a being destined to become a Buddha
bojjhangas factors of enlightenment,
Brahma heavenly being born in the Brahma world, as a result of the attainment of jhana
brahma-viharas the four divine abidings, meditation subjects which are: loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity 
brahmavihara-upekkha equanimity, one of the "divine abidings" .
Buddha a fully enlightened person who has discovered the truth all by himself, without the aid of a teacher
Buddhaghosa the greatest of Commentators on the Tipitaka, author of the visuddhimagga in 5 A.D 
cakkhu eye
cakkhu-dhatu eye element
cakkhu-dvara eyedoor
cakkhu-samphassa eye contact
cakkhu-vatthu eye-base
cakkhu-vinnana seeing-consciousness
cakkhauppasada-rupa eye-sense
cetana volition
cetasika mental factor arising with consciousness
chanda "wish to do"
citta consciousness, the reality which knows or cognizes an object
citta-kammannata wieldiness of citta
citta-lahuta lightness of citta
citta-muduta pliancy of citta
citta-pagunnata proficiency of citta
citta-passaddhi tranquillity of mind
citta-ujukata uprightness of citta
cuti dying
cuti-citta dying-consciousness
dana generosity, giving
deva heavenly being
dhamma reality, truth, the teachings
dhamma-vicaya investigation of Dhamma
Dhammasangani the first book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka
dhammavicaya investigation of the Dhamma
ditthasava canker of wrong view
ditthi wrong view, distorted view of realities
ditthigata sampayutta accompanied by wrong view
ditthigata-vippayutta attachment which is dissociated from wrong view
ditthogha the flood of wrong view
ditthupadana clinging to wrong view
domanassa unpleasant feeling
dosa aversion or ill will
dosa-mula-citta citta (consciousness) rooted in aversion
dukkkha suffering, unsatisfactoriness of conditioned realities
dukkha vedana painful feeling or unpleasant feeling
dvara doorway through which an object is experienced, the five sense-doors or the mind door ,
dvi-panca-vinnana the five pairs of sense-cognitions, which are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and body-consciousness. Of each pair one is kusala vipaka and one akusala vipaka 
ekaggata concentration, one-pointedness, a cetasika which has the function to focus on one object
ganthas bonds, a group of defilements
gotrabhu change of lineage, the last citta of the sense-sphere before jhana, absorption, is attained, or enlightenment is attained
hasituppada-citta smile producing consciousness of an arahat
hetu root, which conditions citta to be "beautiful" or unwholesome
hiri moral shame
hiriyati scruples
idam-saccabhinivesa kayagantha the bodily tie of dogmatism
idam-saccabhinivesa the tie of dogmatism
iddhipadas four "Roads to Success"
indriya faculty. Some are rupas such as the sense organs, some are namas such as feeling. Five'spiritual faculties' are wholesome faculties which should be cultivated, namely: confidence, energy, awareness, concentration and wisdom.
issa envy
jati birth, nature, class (of cittas)
javana impulsion, running through the object
javana-citta cittas which 'run through the object', kusala citta or akusala citta in the case of non-arahats jhana absorption which can be attained through the development of calm jhana factors cetasikas which have to be cultivated for the attainment of jhana: vitakka, vicara, piti, sukha, samadhi 
jhana-cittas absorption consciousness attained through the development of calm
jivitindriya Iife-faculty or vitality
kalyana-mitta good friend in Dhamma
kama-sobhana cittas beautiful cittas of the sense sphere
kama-tanha sensuous craving
kama-vitakka thought of sense-pleasures
kamavacara cittas cittas of the sense sphere
kamavacara sobhana cittas beautiful cittas of the sense sphere
kamma intention or volition; deed motivated by volition
kamma patha course of action performed through body, speech or mind which can be wholesome or unwholesome
kamogha the flood of sensuous desire
kamupadana sensuous clinging
karuna compassion
kaya body. It can also stand for the 'mental body', the cetasikas
kaya-duccarita virati abstinence from wrong action
kaya-ujukata uprightness of cetasika
kaya-vinnana body-consciousness
khandhas aggregates of conditioned realities classified as five groups: physical phenomena, feelings, perception or remembrance, activities or formations (cetasikas other than feeling or perception), consciousness.
khanti patience
kilesa defilements
kiriya citta inoperative citta, neither cause nor result
kukkucca regret or worry
kusala kamma a good deed
kusala wholesome, skilfuI
kusala citta wholesome consciousness
lakkhanam characteristic, specific or generic attribute
lobha attachment, greed
lobha-mula-citta consciousness rooted in attachment
lokiya citta citta which is mundane, not experiencing nibbana
lokuttara citta supramundane citta which experiences nibbana
lokuttara dhammas the unconditioned dhamma which is nibbana and the cittas which experience nibbana
macchariya stinginess
magga path (eightfold Path)
magga-citta path consciousness, supramundane citta which experiences nibbana and eradicates defilements.
maha kiriyacitta inoperative sense-sphere citta of the arahat, accompanied by "beautiful" roots.
maha vipakacitta citta of the sense sphere which is result, accompanied by "beautiful" roots.
maha-satipatthana, four applications of mindfulness, see satipatthana
maha-vipassana "principal insight"
manasikara attention
mano-dvaravajjana-citta mind-door-adverting-consciousness
mara the evil one
metta loving kindness
miccha-ditthi wrong view
miccha-samadhi wrong concentration
middha torpor or languor
moha ignorance
moha—mula-citta citta rooted in ignorance 
mudita sympathetic joy
nama kkhandha group of all mental phenomena
nama mental phenomena,including those which are conditioned and also the unconditioned nama which is nibbana.
nama-rupa pariccheda-nana first stage of insight, insight knowledge of the distinction between mental phenomena and physical phenomena natthika ditthi wrong view of annihilation, assumption that there is no result of kamma.
nana wisdom, insight
nekkhamma thought of renunciation
nibbana unconditioned reality, the reality which does not arise and fall away. The destruction of lust, hatred and delusion. The deathless. The end of suffering.
nimitta mental image of a meditation subject
nimitta mental image one can acquire of a meditation subject in tranquil meditation 
nivarana hindrances, a group of defilements
oghas group of defilements, the floods
ottappa fear of blame 
paccaya-pariggaha-nana discerning the Conditions of Nama and Rupa
paccayas conditions
paccupatthana manifestation, appearance or effect
padatthanam proximate cause
paticca sammuppada 'Dependent Origination', the conditional origination of phenomena
Patthana Conditional Relations, one of the seven  books of the Abhidhamma
patisandhi citta rebirth consciousness
patisandhi rebirth
pakinnaka the particulars
Pali the language of the Buddhist teachings
pancadvaravajjana-citta five-sense-door-adverting-consciousness
pancavinnana (or dvi-pancavinnana) the sense cognitions (seeing etc.) of which there are five pairs
panna wisdom or understanding
pannatti concepts, conventional terms
paramattha dhamma truth in the absolute sense: mental and physical phenomena, each with their own characteristic.
Paramattha Manjusa a commentary to the Visuddhimagga
pasada-rupas rupas which are capable of receiving sense-objects such as visible object, sound, taste, etc.
passaddhi calm
patisantharo courtesy
peta ghost
phal-citta fruition consciousness experiencing nibbana. It is result of magga-citta, path-consciosness.
phassa contact
piti joy, rapture
punna-kiriya-vatthus "ten bases of meritorious deeds"
puthujjana "worldling", a person who has not attained enlightenment
raga greed
rasa function or achievement
rupa physical phenomena, realities which do not experience anything
rupa-brahma plane or rupa-bhumi fine material realm of existence attained as a result of rupa-jhana
rupa-jhana fine material absorption, developed with a meditation subject which is still dependant on materiality. 
rupa-jivitindriya a kind of rupa produced by kamma and it maintains the life of the other rupas it arises together with 
rupa-khandha aggregate or group of all physical phenomena (rupas) 
rupavacara cittas rupa-jhanacittas, consciousness of the fine-material sphere
sabbacitta-sadharana the seven cetasikas which have to arise with every citta
saddha confidence
sahetuka accompanied by roots
sakadagami once-returner, a noble person who has attained the second stage of enlightenment
sakkaya ditthi wrong view of personality, wrong view about the khandhas
samadhi concentration or one-pointedness, ekaggata cetasika
samadhi-bhavana the development of concentration
samanna lakkhana  general characteristic common to all conditioned realities
samatha the development of calm
sarnbojjhanga seven factors of enlightenment
samma right
samma-ditthi right understanding
samma-samadhi right concentration
samma-sambuddha a universal Buddha, a fully enlightened person who has discovered the truth all by himself, without the aid of a teacher and who can proclaim the Truth to other beings
samma-sankappa right thinking of the eightfold Path
samma-sati right mindfulness
samma-vayama right mindfulness of the eightfold Path
sampaticchana-citta receiving-consciousness
sampajanna discritninarion, compmhension
sampayutta associated with
sampayutta dhammas associated dhammas, citta and cetasika which arise together
Sangha community of monks and nuns. As one of the triple Gems it means the community of those people who have attained enlightenment.
sankhata dhammas conditioned dhammas
sanna memory, rememberance or "perception"
sanna-kkhandha memory classified as one of the five khandhas
santirana-citta investigating-consciousness
sankhara-kkhandha all cetasikas (mental factors) except feeling and memory
sankharadhamma conditioned realities
samsara the cycle of birth and death
sappurisa good man
Sariputta The First chief disciple of the Buddha
sasankharika prompted, induced, instigated, either by oneself or someone else 
sati awareness, non-forgetfulness, awareness of reality by direct experience
satipatthana sutta Middle Length Sayings 1, number 10, also Digha Nikaya, dialogues 11, no. 22;
satipatthana applicatioms of mindfulness. It can mean the cetasika sati which is aware of realities or the objects of mindfulness which are classified as four applications of mindfulness: Body, Feeling Citta, Dhamma. Or it can mean the development of direct understanding of realities through awareness.
samyojanas The Fetters, a group of defilements
sila morality in action or speech, virtue
silabbata-paramasa wrong practice
silabbatupadana wrong practice, which is clinging to certain rules ("rites and rituals") in one's practice
sobhana (citta and cetasika) beautiful, accompanied by beautiful roots
sobhana hetus beautiful roots
sobhana kiriyacittas kiriyacittas accompanied by sobhana (beautiful) roots
somanassa happy feeling
sotapanna person who has attained the first stage of enlightenment, and who has eradicated wrong view of realities 
sukha happy, pleasant
sutta part of the scriptures containing dialogues at different places on different occasions.
suttanta a sutta text
tadarammana-cittas registering-consciousness
taruna vipassana "tender insight"
Tathagata literally "thus gone", epithet of the Buddha
tatramajjhattata equanimity or evenmindedness
Theravada Buddhism 'Doctrine of the Elders', the oldest tradition of Buddhism
thina sloth
titthi khana the moment of its presence, or static moment of citta
Tipitaka the teachings of the Buddha
uddhacca restlessness
uddhambhagiya-samyojana five higher fetters which tie beings to the higher planes of existance the rupa-brahma planes and the arupa-brahma planes
ujupatipanno the straight, true and proper way pacara access or proximatory consciousness, the second javana-citta in the process in which absorption or enlightenment is attained
upadana clinging
upadanakkhandhas khandhas of clinging
upekkha indifferent feeling. It can stand for evenmindedness or equanimity  and then it is not feeling
Uposatha Uposatha days are days of fasting or vigil; uposatha is observed on the days of full-moon and new-moon, and sometimes also on the days of the first and last moon-quarter. In Buddhist countries there is a tradition for lay-followers to visit temples and to observe eight precepts on these days uppada khana the arising moment of citta
vaci-duccarita virati abstinence from wrong speech
vatthu base, physical base of citta
vedana feeling
vedana-kkhandha group of all feelings
Vibhanga "Book of Analysis", one of the seven books of the Abhidhamma
Vibhava-tanha craving for non-existence
vicara sustained thinking or discursive thinking
vicikiccha doubt
vihimsa-vitakka thought of harming
vinaya Book of Discipline for the monks
vinnana consciousness, citta
vinnana-kkhandha all cittas (consciousness)
vipakacitta citta which is the result of a wholesome deed (kusala kamma) or an unwholesome deed (akusala kamma). It can arise as rebirth-consciousness, or during life as the experience of pleasant or unpleasant objects through the senses, such as seeing, hearing, etc.
vipallasas perversions. Three kinds: sanna perversion of perception, citta of thought, ditthi of views.
vipassana nana moment of insight knowledge
vipassana wisdom which sees realities as they are
viriya energy
visankara dhamma unconditioned dhamma (reality)
Visuddhimagga an encyclopaedia of the Buddha's teaching, written by Buddhaghosa in the fifth century A.D
vitakka applied thinking
vyapada ill-will
vyapada-vitakka thought of malevolence
yoghas The yokes, a group of defilements
yoniso manasikara wise attention to the object

July 1, 2001