
  By Nina van Gorkom



Part I: The Universals

Chapter 1
Contact (phassa)
Chapter 2 
Feeling (vedana)
Chapter 3
Perception (sanna)
Chapter 4
Volition (cetana)
Chapter 5
Volition in the Cycle of Birth and Death
Chapter 6
Concentration (ekaggata)
Chapter 7
Vitality (jivitindriya) and Attention (manasikara)

Part II: The Particulars (Pakinnaka)

Chapter 8 
Applied thinking (vitakka), sustained thinking (vicara)
Chapter 9 
Determination (adhimokkha) and Energy (viriya)
Chapter 10 
Right Effort of the eighfold Path
Chapter 11
Enthusiasm (piti)
Chapter 12
Zeal (chanda)

Part III: Akusala Cetasikas

Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Ignorance, Shamelessness, Recklessness and Restlessness
Chapter 15
Attachment (lobha)
Chapter 16
Wrong View (ditthi)
Chapter 17
Conceit (mana)
Chapter 18
Aversion (dosa)
Chapter 19
Envy (issa), Stinginess (macchariya), Regret (kukkucca)
Chapter 20
Sloth (thina), Tropor (middha) and Doubt (vicikiccha)
Chapter 21
Different Groups of Defilements Part I
Chapter 22
Different Groups of Defilements Part II
Chapter 23
Different Groups of Defilements Part III

Part IV: Beautiful Cetasikas (Sobhana cetasikas)

Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Confidence (saddha)
Chapter 26
Mindfulness (sati)
Chapter 27
Moral Shame and Fear of Blame (hiri and ottappa)
Chapter 28 
Non-Attachment (alobha)
Chapter 29
Non-Aversion (adosa)
Chapter 30
Equanimity (tatramajjhattata)
Chapter 31
Six Pairs of Beautiful Cetasikas
tranquillity of body, kaya-passaddhi
tranquillity of mind, citta-passaddhi
lightness of cetasikas, kaya-lahuta
Iightness of citta, citta-lahuta
pliancy of cetasikas, kaya-muduta
pliancy of citta, citta-muduta
wieldiness of cetasikas, kaya-kammannata
wieldiness of citta, citta-kammannata
proficiency of cetasikas, kaya-pagunnata
proficiency of citta, citta-pagunnata
uprightness of cetasika kaya-ujukata
uprightness of citta, citta-ujukata
Chapter 32
The Three Abstinences (virati-cetasikas)
abstinence from wrong speech, vaci-duccarita virati
abstinence from wrong action, kava-duccarita virati
abstinence from wrong livelihood ajiva-duccarita virati
Chapter 33
Compassion (karuna) and Sympathetic Joy (mudita)
Chapter 34
Understanding (panna)
Chapter 35
The Stages of Insight 
Chapter 36
Wholesome Deeds
Appendix 1
Appendix to Chapter 2, Feelings
Appendix 2
Appendix to Chapter 5
Appendix 3
Appendix to Chapter 8
Appendix 4
Appendix to Chapter 9
Appendix 5
Appendix to Chapter 11
Appendix 6
Appendix to Chapter 12 
Appendix 7
Appendix to Chapter 20
Summary of Akusala Cetasikas
Appendix 8
Appendix to Chapter 31
Nineteen Sobhana Cetasikas which accompany 
each Sobhana Citta:
Six Sobhana Cetasikas which do not accompany 
each Sobhana Citta:
Appendix 9
The Stages of lnsight
Three stages of "tender insight" (taruna vipassana)


September 25, 2003