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The Great Safeguard

Note on the Mahàparittaü & Avasànaü

The Mahàparittaü and Avasànaü as presented here contain all the material necessary for a complete recital. Sometimes, however, according to different traditions or circumstances, material may be added to - or omitted from - the texts as given here.

Note that the Jayamaïgalagàthà is recited only on auspicious ( maïgala ) occasions, and never on ( avamaïgala ) inauspicious ones.


The Invitation

(spoken by a leading member of the laity)


        Vipattipañibàhàya, ~ sabbasampattisiddhiyà,
For the warding off of misfortune, ~ for the accomplishment of all good fortune,

        sabbadukkhavinàsàya: ~ parittaü bråtha maïgalaü.
for the destruction of all suffering: ~ please chant the auspicious safeguard.


        Vipattipañibàhàya, ~ sabbasampattisiddhiyà,
For the warding off of misfortune, ~ for the accomplishment of all good fortune,

        sabbabhayavinàsàya: ~ parittaü bråtha maïgalaü.
for the destruction of all fear: ~ please chant the auspicious safeguard.


        Vipattipañibàhàya, ~ sabbasampattisiddhiyà,
For the warding off of misfortune, ~ for the accomplishment of all good fortune,

        sabbarogavinàsàya: ~ parittaü bråtha maïgalaü.
for the destruction of all disease: ~ please chant the auspicious safeguard.


(A senior monk establishes the audience in the refuges and virtuous practices, and then encourages them with a teaching appropriate to the occasion. After which the chanting begins with an invitation to the gods to attend the ceremony and listen to the recital:)

The Invitation to the Gods


Samantà cakkavàlesu ~ atràgacchantu devatà
May the gods from all over the universe assemble here

saddhammaü Muniràjassa ~ suõantu saggamokkhadaü:
and listen to the King of the Sage's true Dhamma about heaven and release:

Parittassavaõakàlo ayaü bhadantà! 1
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Parittassavaõakàlo ayaü bhadantà!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Parittassavaõakàlo ayaü bhadantà!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!



Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Conditional Arising

Avijjàpaccayà saïkhàrà,
Because of ignorance there are (volitional) processes,

saïkhàrapaccayà vi¤¤àõaü,
because of (volitional) processes: consciousness,

vi¤¤àõapaccayà nàmaråpaü,
because of consciousness: name-and-form,

nàmaråpapaccayà saëàyatanaü,
because of name-and-form: the six sense spheres,

saëàyatanapaccayà phasso,
because of the six sense spheres: contact,

phassapaccayà vedanà,
because of contact: feeling,

vedanàpaccayà taõhà,
because of feeling: craving,

taõhàpaccayà upàdànaü,
because of craving: attachment,

upàdànapaccayà bhavo,
because of attachment: continuation,

bhavapaccayà jàti,
because of continuation: birth,

jàtipaccayà jaràmaraõaü,
because of birth: old age, death,

sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupàyàsà sambhavanti,
grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair (all) originate,

evam-etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
and so this whole mass of suffering comes to arise.

Avijjàya tveva asesaviràganirodhà saïkhàranirodho,
But with the complete fading away and cessation of ignorance, there is the cessation of (volitional) processes,

saïkhàranirodhà vi¤¤àõanirodho,
with the cessation of (volitional) processes, the cessation of consciousness,

vi¤¤àõanirodhà nàmaråpanirodho,
with the cessation of consciousness, the cessation of name-and-form,

nàmaråpanirodhà saëàyatananirodho,
with the cessation of name-and-form, the cessation of the six sense spheres,

saëàyatananirodhà phassanirodho,
with the cessation of the six sense spheres, the cessation of contact,

phassanirodhà vedanànirodho,
with the cessation of contact, the cessation of feeling,

vedanànirodhà taõhànirodho,
with the cessation of feeling, the cessation of craving,

taõhànirodhà upàdànanirodho,
with the cessation of craving, the cessation of attachment,

upàdànanirodhà bhavanirodho,
with the cessation of attachment, the cessation of continuation,

bhavanirodhà jàtinirodho,
with the cessation of continuation, the cessation of birth,

jàtinirodhà jaràmaraõaü
with the cessation of birth, old age, death,

sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupàyàsà nirujjhanti,
grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair (all) cease,

evam-etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti.
and so there is a cessation of this whole mass of suffering.

The First Words of the Buddha

        Anekajàtisaüsàraü ~ sandhàvissaü anibbisaü
Through countless births in saüsàra ~ I have wandered without finding

        gahakàrakaü gavesanto: ~ dukkhà jàti punappunaü.
the housebuilder I was seeking: ~ born and suffering again and again.

        Gahakàraka diññhosi! ~ Puna gehaü na kàhasi:
O housebuilder, now you are seen! ~ You will not build the house again:

        sabbà te phàsukà bhaggà, ~ gahakåñaü visaïkhitaü,
all your rafters have been broken, ~ and the ridgepole has been destroyed,

        visaïkhàragataü cittaü, ~ taõhànaü khayam-ajjhagà ti.
my mind has reached the unconditioned, ~ and craving's end has been achieved.


Worshipping the Virtues of the Buddha

Iti pi so Bhagavà Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
Such is he, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjàcaraõasampanno Sugato lokavidå,
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One, the one who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasàrathã,
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,

Satthà devamanussànaü Buddho Bhagavà ti.
the Teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Auspicious One.

Worshipping the Virtues of the Dhamma

Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo,
The Dhamma has been explained well by the Auspicious One,

sandiññhiko, akàliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaü veditabbo vi¤¤åhã ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.


Worshipping the Virtues of the Saïgha

Supañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
The Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are straight in their practice,

¤àyapañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are systematic in their practice,

sàmãcipañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yad-idaü cattàri purisayugàni aññha purisapuggalà,
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
this is the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples,

àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a¤jalikaranãyo,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttaraü pu¤¤akkhettaü lokassà ti.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.

Verse of Blessing

        Etena saccavajjena ~ pàtu tvaü ratanattayaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may the three treasures appear to you!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ pàtu tvaü ratanattayaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may the three treasures appear to you!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ pàtu tvaü ratanattayaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may the three treasures appear to you!


Verses on the Blessings of Success

1.     Bàhuü sahassam-abhinimmitasàyudhaü taü,
 Màra, the terrible one, who had created a thousand arms with weapons,

        Girimekhalaü uditaghorasasenamàraü,
and had mounted on (the elephant) Girimekhala, with his army,

        dànàdidhammavidhinà jitavà munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat by such things as generosity and so forth -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


2.     Màràtirekam-abhiyujjhita sabbarattiü,
 Even more terrible than Màra was the impatient and obdurate yakkha âlavaka,

        ghoraü pan' âlavakam-akkhamathaddhayakkhaü,
who fought (with the Buddha) throughout the whole night,

        khantisudantavidhinà jitavà munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat by his patience and self control

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!

3.     Nàlàgiriü gajavaraü atimattabhåtaü,
The great elephant Nàlàgiri, who was completely intoxicated,

        dàvaggicakkam-asanãva sudàruõaü taü,
fearful, like a jungle fire, a flaming discus, or a flash of lightning,

        mettambusekavidhinà jitavà munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat by sprinkling (him) with the waters of friendliness -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


4.     Ukkhittakhaggam-atihatthasudàruõaü taü
With a sword that was lifted high in his outstretched hand, that very fearsome (bandit)

        dhàvaü tiyojanapathaïgulimàlavantaü:
the one with a finger necklace (Aïgulimàla) ran for (the whole of) three leagues up the path:

        iddhãbhisaïkhatamano jitavà munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat with the psychic powers created in his mind -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


5.     Katvàna kaññham-udaraü iva gabbhinãyà,
Having made her midriff (look large) with a piece of wood, like one who is pregnant,

        Ci¤càya duññhavacanaü janakàyamajjhe:
Ci¤cà (then spoke) wicked words in the midst of a group of people:

        santena somavidhinà jitavà munindo -
(her) did the lord of sages defeat by means of his gentleness and peacefulness -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


6.     Saccaü vihàya mati-Saccakavàdaketuü,
The arrogant Saccaka, who had given up the truth, and had challenged (the Buddha) to a debate,

        vàdàbhiropitamanaü ati-andhabhåtaü,
with his mind fixed on his argument, completely blind to the truth,

        pa¤¤àpadãpajalito jitavà munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat with the shining lamp of true wisdom -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


7.     Nandopanandabhujagaü vibudhaü mahiddhiü,
 Taming the wise dragon Nandopananda, who had great power,

        puttena therabhujagena damàpayanto,
by way of his son (Moggallàna), who was a dragon of an elder,

        iddhåpadesavidhinà jitavà munindo -
(thus) did the lord of sages defeat (him) by instructing (his son to use) psychic power -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


8.     Duggàhadiññhibhujagena sudaññhahatthaü,
He whose hand was badly bitten by the serpent of wrongly taken up views,

        brahmaü visuddhijutim-iddhi-Bakàbhidhànaü,
the brahma Baka, who was clear and bright, and who possessed psychic powers,

        ¤àõàgadena vidhinà jitavà munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat with the medicine of his super-knowledge -

        taü tejasà bhavatu te jayamaïgalàni!
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


9.     Età pi Buddhajayamaïgala-aññhagàthà,
 He who recites these eight verses each and every day,

        yo vàcako dinadine sarate-m-atandã,
which are about the Buddha's (many) bless‚d successes, and remembers them with diligence,

        hitvànanekavividhàni cupaddavàni,
after giving up (all) the many and various kinds of adversity,

        mokkhaü sukhaü adhigameyya naro sapa¤¤o.
that wise man will (soon thereafter) attain both freedom and happiness.


The Discourse on the Great Blessings

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Atha kho a¤¤atarà devatà abhikkantàya rattiyà,
Then a certain god, at the end of the night,

abhikkantavaõõà kevalakappaü Jetavanaü obhàsetvà,
having lit up the whole of Jeta's Wood with his surpassing beauty,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
approached the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekam-antaü aññhàsi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Auspicious One, he stood on one side.

Ekam-antaü ñhità kho sà devatà Bhagavantaü gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
While standing on one side that god addressed the Auspicious One with a verse:


1.     ßBahå devà manussà ca ~ maïgalàni acintayuü
ßMany are the gods and the men ~ who have thought about the blessings

        àkaïkhamànà sotthànaü: ~ bråhi maïgalam-uttamaü.û
hoping for safety: ~ now please say what is the supreme blessing.û


2.     ßAsevanà ca bàlànaü, ~ paõóitàna¤-ca sevanà,
ßNot associating with fools, ~ but associating with the wise,

        påjà ca påjanãyànaü: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
honouring those worthy of honour: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


3.     Pañiråpadesavàso ca, ~ pubbe ca katapu¤¤atà,
Living in a suitable place, ~ formerly having done good deeds,

        attasammàpaõidhi ca: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
having the right aspiration for oneself: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


4.     Bàhusacca¤-ca sippa¤-ca, ~ vinayo ca susikkhito,
Having great learning and craft, ~ being disciplined and well trained,

        subhàsità ca yà vàcà: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
and whatever words are well spoken: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


5.     Màtàpitu-upaññhànaü, ~ puttadàrassa saïgaho,
Attending on one's mother and father, ~ looking after one's wife and sons,

        anàkulà ca kammantà: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
having work that is not agitating: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


6.     Dàna¤-ca Dhammacariyà ca, ~ ¤àtakàna¤-ca saïgaho,
Giving, and living by the Dhamma, ~ and looking after one's relatives,

        anavajjàni kammàni: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
(performing) actions that are blameless: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


7.     ârati virati pàpà, ~ majjapànà ca sa¤¤amo,
Abstaining, refraining, from bad deeds, ~ restraint from intoxicating drink,

        appamàdo ca dhammesu: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
being heedful regarding (all) things: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


8.     Gàravo ca nivàto ca, ~ santuññhã ca kata¤¤utà,
Having respect and being humble, ~ being satisfied and grateful,

        kàlena Dhammasavaõaü: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
listening to the Dhamma at the right time: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


9.     Khantã ca sovacassatà, ~ samaõàna¤-ca dassanaü,
Being patient and easily spoken to, ~ seeing ascetics,

        kàlena Dhammasàkacchà: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
discussing the Dhamma at the right time: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


10.   Tapo ca brahmacariya¤-ca, ~ ariyasaccànadassanaü,
Austerity, living spiritually, ~ seeing into the noble truths,

        nibbànasacchikiriyà ca: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
the experience of Nibbàna: ~ this is the supreme blessing.


11.   Phuññhassa lokadhammehi, ~ cittaü yassa na kampati,
He whose mind does not waver, when it is touched by wordly things,

        asokaü virajaü khemaü: ~ etaü maïgalam-uttamaü.
being griefless, dustless, and secure: ~ this is the supreme blessing.

12.   Etàdisàni katvàna, ~ sabbattha-m-aparàjità,
Having done as here directed, ~ being undefeated everywhere,

        sabbattha sotthiü gacchanti: ~ taü tesaü maïgalam-uttamanû-ti.
they go everywhere in safety: ~ for them this is the supreme blessing.û

Verse of Blessing

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you be safe at all times!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may all disease be destroyed!

The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done

1.                     Karaõãyam-atthakusalena,
                    What should be done by one skilled in goodness,

                    yan-taü santaü padaü abhisamecca:
                who has comprehended the state of peace:

                        sakko ujå ca såjå ca,
                     he ought to be able, straight, and upright,

                    suvaco cassa mudu anatimànã,
                easy to speak to, meek, without conceit,

2.                     santussako ca subharo ca,
                    satisfied (with little), easy to support,

                    appakicco ca sallahukavutti,
                free from duties, and light in living,

                        santindriyo ca nipako ca,
                    with faculties at peace, prudent,

                    appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho,
                not forward, and greedless among the families,

3.                     na ca khuddaü samàcare ki¤ci
                    he should not do the slightest thing

                    yena vi¤¤å pare upavadeyyuü.
                whereby others who are wise might find fault (with him).

                        ßSukhino và khemino hontu,
                    ß(May all beings) be happy and secure,

                    sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!
                may all beings in their hearts be happy!

4.                     Ye keci pàõabhåtatthi -
                    Whatsoever breathing beings there are -

                    tasà và thàvarà và anavasesà,
                trembling, firm, or any other (beings),

                        dãghà và ye mahantà và,
                    whether they be long or great,

                    majjhimà rassakàõukathålà,
                of middle size, short, tiny, or of compact (body),

5.                     diññhà và ye ca addiññhà,
                    those who are seen, and those who are unseen,

                    ye ca dåre vasanti avidåre,
                those who live far away, those who are near,

                        bhåtà và sambhavesã và -
                    those who are born, and those who still seek birth -

                    sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!û
                may all beings in their hearts be happy!û

6.                     Na paro paraü nikubbetha,
                    No one should cheat another,

                    nàtima¤¤etha katthaci naü ka¤ci,
                nor should he despise anyone wherever he is,

                        byàrosanà pañighasa¤¤à
                     he should not long for suffering for another

                    nतam-a¤¤assa dukkham-iccheyya.
                because of anger or resentment.

7.                     Màtà yathà niyaü puttaü
                     In the same way as a mother would protect

                    àyusà ekaputtam-anurakkhe,
                her son, her only son, with her life,

                        evam-pi sabbabhåtesu
                    so too towards all beings

                    mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü.
                he should develop the measureless thought (of friendliness).

8.                     Metta¤-ca sabbalokasmiü
                     Towards the entire world he should develop

                    mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü,
                the measureless thought of friendliness,

                        uddhaü adho ca tiriya¤-ca,
                    above, below, and across (the middle),

                    asambàdhaü averaü asapattaü.
                without barriers, hate, or enmity.

9.                     Tiññhaü caraü nisinno và,
                    Standing, walking, sitting,

                    sayàno và yàvatassa vigatamiddho,
                lying, for as long as he is without torpor,

                        etaü satiü adhiññheyya,
                    he should be resolved on this mindfulness,

                    brahmam-etaü vihàraü idha-m-àhu.
                for this, they say here, is the (true) spiritual life.

10.                   Diññhi¤-ca anupagamma,
                    Without going near to (wrong) views,

                    sãlavà dassanena sampanno,
                virtuous, and endowed with (true) seeing,

                        kàmesu vineyya gedhaü,
                    having removed (all) greed for sense pleasures,

                    na hi jàtu gabbhaseyyaü punar-etã ti.
                he will never come to lie in a womb again.

Verse of Blessing

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you be safe at all times!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may all disease be destroyed!

The Discourse on the Treasures

1.                 Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
                Whatever beings have come together here,

                    Bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
                whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                    sabbe va bhåtà sumanà bhavantu,
                may the minds of all those beings be happy,

                    atho pi sakkacca suõantu bhàsitaü.
                and may they listen carefully to what is said.

2.                 Tasmà hi bhåtà nisàmetha sabbe,
                Therefore, all of you beings, be attentive,

                    mettaü karotha mànusiyà pajàya,
                be friendly towards this generation of men,

                     divà ca ratto ca haranti ye baliü,
                they who bring offerings by day and by night,

                    tasmà hi ne rakkhatha appamattà.
                as they are heedful please protect them.

3.                 Yaü ki¤ci vittaü - idha và huraü và
                Whatever riches there are - here or hereafter

                    saggesu và - yaü ratanaü paõãtaü
                or in the heavens - that excellent treasure

                    na no samaü atthi Tathàgatena -
                is not equal unto the Realised One -

                    idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

4.                 Khayaü viràgaü amataü paõãtaü -
                (Craving's) end, dispassion, deathlessness, excellence -

                    yad-ajjhagà Sakyamunã samàhito -
                that which the concentrated Sakyan sage attained -

                    na tena Dhammena samatthi ki¤ci -
                there is nothing that is equal to that state -

                    idam-pi Dhamme ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


5.                 Yam-Buddhaseññho parivaõõayã suciü -
                That which the great Buddha praised as being pure -

                    samàdhim-ànantarika¤-¤am-àhu -
                the concentration said to have immediate (result) -

                    samàdhinà tena samo na vijjati -
                no equal to that concentration is found -

                    idam-pi Dhamme ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


6.                 Ye puggalà aññha sataü pasatthà -
                Those eight individuals praised by the good -

                    cattàri etàni yugàni honti -
                there are these four pairs (of persons) -

                    te dakkhiõeyyà Sugatassa sàvakà,
                those disciples of the Fortunate One are worthy of gifts,

                    etesu dinnàni mahapphalàni -
                those things that have been given to them have great fruit -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


7.                 Ye suppayuttà manasà daëhena
                Those who have firm minds that are devoted to

                    nikkàmino Gotamasàsanamhi -
                Gotama's teaching, being free from sense desire -

                    te pattipattà amataü vigayha -
                having attained and entered the deathless -

                    laddhà mudhà nibbutiü bhu¤jamànà -
                are enjoying emancipation, obtained for free -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


8.                 Yathindakhãlo pañhaviü sito siyà
                Just as a locking post stuck fast in the earth

                    catubbhi vàtehi asampakampiyo,
                does not waver on account of the four winds,

                    tathåpamaü sappurisaü vadàmi,
                just like this, I say, is the person who is true,

                    yo ariyasaccàni avecca passati -
                the one who sees the noble truths completely -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


9.                 Ye ariyasaccàni vibhàvayanti,
                Those who clearly distinguish the noble truths,

                    gambhãrapa¤¤ena sudesitàni,
                which have been well preached by the one with great wisdom,

                    ki¤càpi te honti bhusappamattà
                no matter how great they become in heedlessness

                    na te bhavaü aññhamaü àdiyanti -
                still they do not take up an eighth existence -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


10.               Sahà vassa dassanasampadàya
                Together with his attainment of seeing (Nibbàna)

                    tayas su dhammà jahità bhavanti:
                there are three things that are given up:

                    sakkàyadiññhi vicikicchita¤-ca
                embodiment view, uncertainty, and

                    sãlabbataü và pi yad-atthi ki¤ci.
                whatever (grasping at) virtue and practices there is.

                    Catuhapàyehi ca vippamutto,
                He is free from (rebirth in) the four lower worlds,

                    cha càbhiñhànàni abhabbo kàtuü -
                and he is incapable of the six great crimes -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


11.               Ki¤càpi so kammaü karoti pàpakaü
                Whatever bad actions he performs

                    kàyena vàcà uda cetasà và,
                by way of body, speech, or mind,

                    abhabbo so tassa pañicchàdàya:
                he is incapable of covering it up:

                    abhabbatà diññhapadassa vuttà -
                this incapacity is said of one who has seen the state (of peace) -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!        


12.               Vanappagumbe yathà phussitagge
                Just like a tall woodland tree crowned with flowers

                    gimhànamàse pañhamasmiü gimhe,
                in the summer months, in the early summer,

                    tathåpamaü Dhammavaraü adesayã,
                just like this he preached the Dhamma which is best,

                    Nibbànagàmiü paramaühitàya -
                which goes to Nibbàna, the highest benefit -

                    idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


13.               Varo vara¤¤å varado varàharo,
                The best one, knowing the best, giving the best, brought the best,

                    anuttaro Dhammavaraü adesayã -
                he preached the best Dhamma, which is unsurpassed -

                    idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


14.               Khãõaü puràõaü navaü natthi sambhavaü,
                The old is destroyed, and nothing new is produced,

                    virattacittà àyatike bhavasmiü,
                their minds are unexcited by future rebirth,

                    te khãõabãjà aviruëhicchandà,
                they have destroyed the seeds, and have no desire for growth,

                    nibbanti dhãrà yathàyam-padãpo -
                the wise are still, just as this lamp (is still) -

                    idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
                this excellent treasure is in the Saïgha:

                    etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
                by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


(Spoken by Sakka, lord of the gods:)

15.               Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
                Whatever beings have come together here,

                    bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
                whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                    Tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü,
                gods and men revere the Realised One,

                    Buddhaü namassàma - suvatthi hotu!
                we honour the Buddha - may there be safety!


16.               Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
                Whatever beings have come together here,

                    bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
                whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                    Tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü,
                gods and men revere the Realised One,

                    Dhammaü namassàma - suvatthi hotu!
                we honour the Dhamma - may there be safety!


17.               Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
                Whatever beings have come together here,

                    bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
                whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                    Tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü,
                gods and men revere the Realised One,

                    Saïghaü namassàma - suvatthi hotu!
                we honour the Saïgha - may there be safety!

Verse of Blessing

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you be safe at all times!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may all disease be destroyed!


Protection Verses

                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                    pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Buddhànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Buddha!


                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                    pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Dhammànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Dhamma!

                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                    pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Saïghànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Saïgha!

The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success


1.     Mahàkàruõiko nàtho, ~ hitàya sabbapàõinaü,
The lord of great compassion, ~ for the benefit of all living creatures,

        påretvà pàramã sabbà ~ patto Sambodhim-uttamaü.
fulfilled all the perfections ~ and attained supreme and Complete Awakening.

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


2.     Jayanto Bodhiyà måle ~ Sakyànaü nandivaddhano -
Succeeding at the root of the Bodhi tree ~ he furthered the Sakyans' joy -

        evaü tuyhaü jayo hotu, ~ jayassu jayamaïgalaü!
so may you be successful, ~ may you succeed with the blessing of success!


3.     Sakkatvà Buddharatanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Buddha treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        hitaü devamanussànaü, ~ Buddhatejena sotthinà
of benefit to gods and men, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Buddha

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ dukkhà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all suffering come to an end for you!


4.     Sakkatvà Dhammaratanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Dhamma treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        pariëàhåpasamanaü, ~ Dhammatejena sotthinà
which brings fevers to an end, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Dhamma

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ bhayà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all fear come to an end for you!


5.     Sakkatvà Saïgharatanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Saïgha treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        àhuneyyaü pàhuneyyaü, ~ Saïghatejena sotthinà
worthy of gifts and hospitality, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Saïgha

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ rogà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all disease come to an end for you!


6.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Buddhasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Buddha: ~ because of this may you be safe!


7.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Dhammasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Dhamma: ~ because of this may you be safe!


8.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Saïghasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Saïgha: ~ because of this may you be safe!


9.     Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Buddho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Buddha is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


10.   Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Dhammo me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Dhamma is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


11.   Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Saïgho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Saïgha is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


        Sabbãtiyo vivajjantu ~ sabbarogo vinassatu,
May you avoid all calamities ~ and may all disease be destroyed,

        mà te bhavatvantaràyo, ~ sukhã dãghàyuko bhava!
may there be no obstacles for you, ~ may you be happy and live long!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Buddhànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all the Buddhas ~ may they be safe forever!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Dhammànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all that is Dhamma ~ may they be safe forever!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Saïghànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of the whole Saïgha ~ may they be safe forever!


        Nakkhattayakkhabhåtànaü, ~ pàpaggahanivàraõà,
 Warding off all unlucky stars, yakkhas, bhåtas, and evil planets,

        parittassànubhàvena ~ hantu tesaü upaddave!
by the power of this safeguard ~ may all their adversities end!



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