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An Invitation to the Devas [go to top]

Samantaa cakkavaa.lesu
    Atraagacchantu devataa
Saddhamma"m muni-raajassa
    Su.nantu sagga-mokkhada"m
From around the galaxies may the devas come here.
May they listen to the True Dhamma of the King of Sages,
Leading to heaven & emancipation.

Sagge kaame ca ruupe
    Giri-sikharata.te c'antalikkhe vimaane
Diipe ra.t.the ca gaame
    Taruvana-gahane geha-vatthumhi khette
Those in the heavens of sensuality & form,
On peaks & mountain precipices, in palaces floating in the sky,
In islands, countries, & towns,
In groves of trees & thickets, around homesites & fields.

Bhummaa caayantu devaa
    Jala-thala-visame yakkha-gandhabba-naagaa
Ti.t.thantaa santike ya"m
    Muni-vara-vacana"m saadhavo me su.nantu
And the earth-devas, spirits, heavenly minstrels, & nagas
In water, on land, in badlands, & nearby:
May they come & listen with approval
As I recite the word of the excellent sage.

Dhammassavana-kaalo ayam-bhadantaa.
Dhammassavana-kaalo ayam-bhadantaa.
Dhammassavana-kaalo ayam-bhadantaa.
This is the time to listen to the Dhamma, Venerable Sirs.
This is the time to listen to the Dhamma, Venerable Sirs.
This is the time to listen to the Dhamma, Venerable Sirs.

Namakaara-siddhi Gaathaa [go to top]
The Verses on Success through Homage

Yo cakkhumaa moha-malaapaka.t.tho
Saama"m va buddho sugato vimutto
Maarassa paasaa vinimocayanto
Paapesi khema"m janata"m vineyya"m.
The One with Vision, with the stain of delusion removed,
Self-awakened, Well-Gone, & Released,
Freed from the snares of Mortal Temptation,
He leads humanity from evil to security.

Buddha"m varanta"m sirasaa namaami
Lokassa naathañca vinaayakañca.
Tan-tejasaa te jaya-siddhi hotu
Sabb'antaraayaa ca vinaasamentu.
I pay homage with my head to that excellent Buddha,
The Protector & Mentor for the world,
By the power of this, may you have triumph & success,
And may all your dangers be destroyed.

Dhammo dhajo yo viya tassa satthu
Dassesi lokassa visuddhi-magga"m
Niyyaaniko dhamma-dharassa dhaarii
Saataavaho santikaro
The Teacher's Dhamma, like a banner,
Shows the path of purity to the world.
Leading out, upholding those who uphold it,
Rightly accomplished, it brings pleasure, makes peace.

Dhamma"m varanta"m sirasaa namaami
Mohappadaala"m upasanta-daaha"m.
Tan-tejasaa te jaya-siddhi hotu
Sabb'antaraayaa ca vinaasamentu.
I pay homage with my head to that excellent Dhamma,
Which pierces delusion and makes fever grow calm.
By the power of this, may you have triumph & success,
And may all your dangers be destroyed.

Saddhamma-senaa sugataanugo yo
Lokassa paapuupakilesa-jetaa
Santo saya"m santi-niyojako ca
Svaakkhaata-dhamma"m vidita"m karoti.
The True Dhamma's army, following the One Well-Gone,
Is victor over the evils & corruptions of the world.
Self-calmed, it is calming & without fetter,
And makes the well-taught Dhamma be known.

Sa"ngha"m varanta"m sirasaa namaami
Buddhaanubuddha"m sama-siila-di.t.thi"m.
Tan-tejasaa te jaya-siddhi hotu
Sabb'antaraayaa ca vinaasamentu.
I pay homage with my head to that excellent Sangha,
Awakened after the Awakened, harmonious in virtue & view.
By the power of this, may you have triumph & success,
And may all your dangers be destroyed.

Sambuddhe [go to top]
The Buddhas

Sambuddhe a.t.thaviisañca
    Dvaadasañca sahassake
    Namaami sirasaa aha"m.
I pay homage with my head to the 512,028 Buddhas.

Tesa"m dhammañca sa"nghañca
    AAdarena namaami'ha"m.
    Hantvaa sabbe upaddave
Anekaa antaraayaapi
    Vinassantu asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.

Sambuddhe pañca-paññaasañca
    Catuviisati sahassake
    Namaami sirasaa aha"m.
I pay homage with my head to the 1,024,055 Buddhas.

Tesa"m dhammañca sa"nghañca
    AAdarena namaami'ha"m.
    Hantvaa sabbe upaddave
Anekaa antaraayaapi
    Vinassantu asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.

Sambuddhe navuttarasate
    A.t.thacattaa.liisa sahassake
    Namaami sirasaa aha"m.
I pay homage with my head to the 2,048,109 Buddhas.

Tesa"m dhammañca sa"nghañca
    AAdarena namaami'ha"m.
    Hantvaa sabbe upaddave
Anekaa antaraayaapi
    Vinassantu, asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.

Namo-kaara-a.t.thaka"m [go to top]
The Homage Octet

Namo arahato sammaa-
    Sambuddhassa mahesino
Homage to the Great Seer, the Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened.

Namo uttama-dhammassa
    Svaakkhaatasseva tenidha
Homage to the highest Dhamma, well-taught by him here.

Namo mahaa-sa"nghassaapi
And homage to the Great Sangha, pure in virtue & view.

Namo omaatyaaraddhassa
    Ratanattayassa saadhuka"m
Homage to the Triple Gem beginning auspiciously with AUM.

Namo omakaatiitassa
    Tassa vatthuttayassapi
And homage to those three objects that have left base things behind.

    Vigacchantu upaddavaa
By the potency of this homage, may misfortunes disappear.

    Suvatthi hotu sabbadaa
By the potency of this homage, may there always be well-being.

Namo-kaarassa tejena
    Vidhimhi homi, tejavaa.
By the power of this homage, may success in this ceremony be mine.

Ma"ngala Sutta"m [go to top]
The Discourse on Good Fortune

[Evam-me suta"m,] Eka"m samaya"m Bhagavaa, Saavatthiya"m viharati, Jetavane Anaathapi.n.dikassa, aaraame.
I have heard that at one time the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi at Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's park.

Atha kho aññataraa devataa, abhikkantaaya rattiyaa abhikkanta-va.n.naa kevala-kappa"m Jetavana"m obhaasetvaa,
yena Bhagavaa ten'upasa"nkami.
Then a certain devata, in the far extreme of the night, her extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Jeta's Grove, approached the Blessed One.

Upasa"nkamitvaa Bhagavanta"m abhivaadetvaa ekamanta"m a.t.thaasi.
On approaching, having bowed down to the Blessed One, she stood to one side.

Ekam-anta"m .thitaa kho saa devataa Bhagavanta"m gaathaaya ajjhabhaasi.
As she was standing there, she addressed a verse to the Blessed One.

"Bahuu devaa manussaa ca
    ma"ngalaani acintayu"m
AAka"nkhamaanaa sotthaana"m
    bruuhi ma"ngalam-uttama"m.
"Many devas & humans beings give thought to good fortune,
Desiring well-being. Tell, then, the highest good fortune."

"Asevanaa ca baalaana"m
    pa.n.ditaanañca sevanaa
Puujaa ca puujaniiyaana"m
"Not consorting with fools, consorting with the wise,
Paying homage to those who deserve homage:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Pa.tiruupa-desa-vaaso ca
    pubbe ca kata-puññataa
Atta-sammaa-pa.nidhi ca
Living in a civilized country, having made merit in the past,
Directing oneself rightly:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Baahu-saccañca sippañca
    vinayo ca susikkhito
Subhaasitaa ca yaa vaacaa
Broad knowledge, skill, discipline well-mastered,
Words well-spoken:
    This is the highest good fortune.

    putta-daarassa sa"ngaho
Anaakulaa ca kammantaa
Support for one's parents, assistance to one's wife & children,
Jobs that are not left unfinished:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Daanañca dhamma-cariyaa ca
    ñaatakaanañca sa"ngaho
Anavajjaani kammaani
Generosity, living by the Dhamma, assistance to one's relatives,
Deeds that are blameless:
    This is the highest good fortune.

AAratii viratii paapaa
    majja-paanaa ca saññamo
Appamaado ca dhammesu
Avoiding, abstaining from evil; refraining from intoxicants,
Being heedful with regard to qualities of the mind:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Gaaravo ca nivaato ca
    santu.t.thii ca kataññutaa
Kaalena dhammassavana"m
Respect, humility, contentment, gratitude,
Hearing the Dhamma on timely occasions:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Khantii ca sovacassataa
    sama.naanañca dassana"m
Kaalena dhamma-saakacchaa
Patience, composure, seeing contemplatives,
Discussing the Dhamma on timely occasions:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Tapo ca brahma-cariyañca
Nibbaana-sacchi-kiriyaa ca
Austerity, celibacy, seeing the Noble Truths,
Realizing Liberation:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Phu.t.thassa loka-dhammehi
    citta"m yassa na kampati
Asoka"m viraja"m khema"m
A mind that, when touched by the ways of the world,
Is unshaken, sorrowless, dustless, secure:
    This is the highest good fortune.

Etaadisaani katvaana
Sabbattha sotthi"m gacchanti
    tan-tesa"m ma"ngalam-uttamanti."
Everywhere undefeated when doing these things,
People go everywhere in well-being:
    This is their highest good fortune."

Cha Ratana Paritta Gaathaa [go to top]
The Six Protective Verses from the Discourse on Treasures

Ya"nkiñci vitta"m idha vaa hura"m vaa
Saggesu vaa ya"m ratana"m pa.niita"m
Na no sama"m atthi tathaagatena.
Whatever wealth in this world or the next,
Whatever exquisite treasure in the heavens,
Is not, for us, equal to the Tathagata.

Idam-pi buddhe ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Buddha.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Khaya"m viraaga"m amata"m pa.niita"m
Yad-ajjhagaa sakyamunii samaahito
Na tena dhammena sam'atthi kiñci.
The exquisite Deathless -- dispassion, ending --
Discovered by the Sakyan Sage while in concentration:
There is nothing equal to that Dhamma.

Idam-pi dhamme ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Dhamma.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Yam-buddha-se.t.tho pariva.n.nayii suci"m
Samaadhinaa tena samo na vijjati.
What the excellent Awakened One extolled as pure
And called the concentration of unmediated knowing:
No equal to that concentration can be found.

Idam-pi dhamme ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Dhamma.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Ye puggalaa a.t.tha sata"m pasatthaa
Cattaari etaani yugaani honti
Te dakkhi.neyyaa sugatassa saavakaa
Etesu dinnaani mahapphalaani.
The eight persons -- the four pairs --
praised by those at peace:
They, disciples of the One Well-Gone, deserve offerings.
What is given to them bears great fruit.

Idam-pi sa"nghe ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Sangha.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Ye suppayuttaa manasaa da.lhena
Nikkaamino gotama-saasanamhi
Te pattipattaa amata"m vigayha
Laddhaa mudhaa nibbuti"m bhuñjamaanaa.
Those who, devoted, firm-minded,
Apply themselves to Gotama's message,
On attaining their goal, plunge into the Deathless,
Freely enjoying the Liberation they've gained.

Idam-pi sa"nghe ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Sangha.
By this truth may there be well-being."m"m nava"m n'atthi sambhava"m
Viratta-cittaayatike bhavasmi"m
Te aviru.lhi-chandaa
Nibbanti dhiiraa yathaa'yam-padiipo.
Ended the old, there is no new taking birth.
Dispassioned their minds toward further becoming,
They, with no seed, no desire for growth,
The wise, they go out like this flame.

Idam-pi sa"nghe ratana"m pa.niita"m
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Sangha.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Kara.niiya Mettaa Sutta [go to top]
The Discourse on Lovingkindness

    yanta"m santa"m pada"m abhisamecca,
This is to be done by one skilled in aims
Who wants to break through to the state of peace:

Sakko ujuu ca suhujuu ca
    suvaco cassa mudu anatimaanii,
Be capable, upright, & straightforward,
Easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,

Santussako ca subharo ca
    appakicco ca sallahuka-vutti,
Content & easy to support, with few duties, living lightly,

Santindriyo ca nipako ca
    appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho.
With peaceful faculties, masterful, modest, & no greed for supporters.

Na ca khudda"m samaacare kiñci
    yena viññuu pare upavadeyyu"m.
Do not do the slightest thing that the wise would later censure.

Sukhino vaa khemino hontu
    sabbe sattaa bhavantu sukhitattaa.
Think: Happy & secure, may all beings be happy at heart.

Ye keci
    tasaa vaa thaavaraa vaa anavasesaa,
Whatever beings there may be, weak or strong, without exception,

Diighaa vaa ye mahantaa vaa
    majjhimaa rassakaa a.nuka-thuulaa,
Long, large, middling, short, subtle, blatant,

Di.t.thaa vaa ye ca adi.t.thaa
    ye ca duure vasanti aviduure,
Seen or unseen, near or far,

Bhuutaa vaa sambhavesii vaa
    sabbe sattaa bhavantu sukhitattaa.
Born or seeking birth: May all beings be happy at heart.

Na paro para"m nikubbetha
    naatimaññetha katthaci na"m kiñci,
Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere,

Byaarosanaa pa.tiigha-saññaa
    naaññam-aññassa dukkham-iccheyya.
Or through anger or irritation wish for another to suffer.

Maataa yathaa niya"m putta"m
    aayusaa eka-puttam-anurakkhe,
As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child,

Evam-pi sabba-bhuutesu
Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.

Mettañca sabba-lokasmi"m
With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart:

Uddha"m adho ca tiriyañca
    asambaadha"m avera"m asapatta"m.
Above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without emnity or hate.

Ti.t.thañ'cara"m nisinno vaa
    sayaano vaa yaavatassa vigatam-iddho,
Whether standing, walking, sitting, or lying down,
    as long as one is alert,

Eta"m sati"m adhi.t.theyya
    brahmam-eta"m vihaara"m idham-aahu.
One should be resolved on this mindfulness.
This is called a sublime abiding here & now.

Di.t.thiñca anupagamma
    siilavaa dassanena sampanno,
Not taken with views, but virtuous & consummate in vision,

Kaamesu vineyya gedha"m,
    Na hi jaatu gabbha-seyya"m punaretiiti.
Having subdued desire for sensual pleasures,
    One never again will lie in the womb.

Khandha Paritta [go to top]
The Group Protection

Viruupakkhehi me metta"m
    Metta"m Eraapathehi me
Chabyaa-puttehi me metta"m
    Metta"m Ka.nhaa-Gotamakehi ca
I have good will for the Virupakkhas, the Erapathas, the Chabya descendants, & the Black Gotamakas.

Apaadakehi me metta"m
    Metta"m di-paadakehi me
Catuppadehi me metta"m
    Metta"m bahuppadehi me
I have good will for footless beings, two-footed, four-footed, & many-footed beings.

Maa ma"m apaadako hi"msi
    Maa ma"m hi"msi di-paadako
Maa ma"m catuppado hi"msi
    Maa ma"m hi"msi bahuppado
May footless beings, two-footed beings, four-footed beings, & many-footed beings do me no harm.

Sabbe sattaa sabbe paa.naa
    Sabbe bhuutaa ca kevalaa
Sabbe bhadraani passantu
    Maa kiñci paapam'aagamaa
May all creatures, all breathing things, all beings -- each & every one -- meet with good fortune. May none of them come to any evil. Buddho, Dhammo, Sa"ngho,
The Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha are limitless. siri"m-sapaani,
Ahi vicchikaa sata-padii u.n.naanaabhii sarabuu muusikaa,
There is a limit to creeping things -- snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards, & rats.

Kataa me rakkhaa, Kataa me parittaa,
Pa.tikkamantu bhuutaani.
I have made this protection, I have made this spell. May the beings depart.

So'ha"m namo Bhagavato,
Namo sattanna"m Sammaa-sambuddhaana"m.
I pay homage to the Blessed One, homage to the seven Rightly Self-awakened Ones.

Mora Paritta [go to top]
The Peacock's Protection

Udetayañcakkhumaa eka-raajaa pa.thavippabhaaso
Ta"m ta"m namassaami"m pa.thavippabhaasa"m
Tayajja guttaa viharemu divasa"m.
The One King, rising, with Vision,
Golden-hued, illumining the Earth:
I pay homage to you,
Golden-hued, illumining the Earth.
Guarded today by you, may I live through the day.

Ye braahma.naa vedagu sabba-dhamme
Te me namo te ca ma"m paalayantu.
Namatthu buddhaana"m namatthu bodhiyaa.
Namo vimuttaana"m namo vimuttiyaa.
Those Brahmins who are knowers of all truths,
I pay homage to them; may they keep watch over me.
Homage to the Awakened Ones. Homage to Awakening.
Homage to the Released Ones. Homage to Release.

Ima"m so paritta"m katvaa
    Moro carati esanaa.
Having made this protection, the peacock sets out in search for food.

Apetayañcakkhumaa eka-raajaa pa.thavippabhaaso
Ta"m ta"m namassaami"m pa.thavippabhaasa"m
Tayajja guttaa viharemu ratti"m
The One King, setting, with Vision,
Golden-hued, illumining the Earth:
I pay homage to you,
Golden-hued, illumining the Earth.
Guarded today by you, may I live through the night.

Ye braahma.naa vedagu sabba-dhamme
Te me namo te ca ma"m paalayantu.
Namatthu buddhaana"m namatthu bodhiyaa
Namo vimuttaana"m namo vimuttiyaa
Those Brahmins who are knowers of all truths,
I pay homage to them; may they keep watch over me.
Homage to the Awakened Ones, Homage to Awakening.
Homage to the Released Ones, Homage to Release.

Ima"m so paritta"m katvaa
    Moro vaasamakappayiiti.
Having made this protection, the peacock arranges his nest.

Va.t.taka Paritta [go to top]
The Baby Quail's Protection

Atthi loke
    Sacca"m soceyy'anuddayaa
Tena saccena kaahaami
There is in this world the quality of virtue,
Truth, purity, tenderness.
In accordance with this truth I will make
An unsurpassed vow of truth.

AAvajjitvaa dhamma-bala"m
    Saritvaa pubbake jine
Sensing the strength of the Dhamma,
Calling to mind the victors of the past,
In dependence on the strength of truth,
I made an unsurpassed vow of truth:

Santi pakkhaa apattanaa
    Santi paadaa avañcanaa
Maataa pitaa ca nikkhantaa
    Jaata-veda pa.tikkama
Here are wings with no feathers,
Here are feet that can't walk.
My mother & father have left me.
    Fire, go back!

Saha sacce kate mayha"m
    Mahaapajjalito sikhii
Vajjesi so.lasa kariisaani
    Udaka"m patvaa yathaa sikhii
Saccena me samo n'atthi
    Esaa me sacca-paaramiiti.
When I made my vow with truth,
The great crested flames
Avoided the sixteen acres around me
As if they had come to a body of water.
My truth has no equal:
Such is my perfection of truth.

Dhajagga Paritta [go to top]
The Top-of-the-Banner-Staff Protection

Itipi so bhagavaa araha"m sammaa-sambuddho,
He is a Blessed One, a Worthy One, a Rightly Self-awakened One, sugato lokaviduu,
consummate in knowledge & conduct, one who has gone the good way, knower of the cosmos,

Anuttaro purisa-damma-saarathi satthaa deva-manussaana"m buddho bhagavaati.
unexcelled trainer of those who can be taught, teacher of human & divine beings; awakened; blessed.

Svaakkhaato bhagavataa dhammo,
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One,

Sandi.t.thiko akaaliko ehipassiko,
to be seen here & now, timeless, inviting all to come & see,

Opanayiko paccatta"m veditabbo viññuuhiiti.
leading inward, to be seen by the wise for themselves.

Supa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced well,

Uju-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced straightforwardly,

Ñaaya-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced methodically,

Saamiici-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced masterfully,

Yadida"m cattaari purisa-yugaani a.t.tha purisa-puggalaa:
i.e., the four pairs -- the eight types -- of Noble Ones:

Esa bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho --
That is the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples --

AAhuneyyo paahuneyyo dakkhi.neyyo añjali-kara.niiyo,
worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect,

Anuttara"m puññakkhetta"m lokassaati.
the incomparable field of merit for the world.

AA.taanaa.tiya Paritta [go to top]
Homage to the Seven Past Buddhas

Vipassissa namatthu
    Cakkhumantassa siriimato
Sikhissa pi namatthu
Homage to Vipassii, possessed of vision & splendor.
Homage to Sikhii, sympathetic to all beings.

Vessabhussa namatthu
    Nhaatakassa tapassino
Namatthu Kakusandhassa
Homage to Vesabhuu, cleansed, austere.
Homage to Kakusandha, crusher of Mara's host.

Konaagamanassa namatthu
    Braahma.nassa vusiimato
Kassapassa namatthu
    Vippamuttassa sabbadhi
Homage to Konaagamana, the Brahmin who lived the life perfected.
Homage to Kassapa, entirely released.

A"ngiirasassa namatthu
    Sakya-puttassa siriimato
Yo ima"m dhammam-adesesi
Homage to A"ngiirasa, splendid son of the Sakyans,
who taught this Dhamma -- the dispelling of all stress.

Ye caapi nibbutaa loke
    Yathaabhuuta"m vipassisu"m
Te janaa apisu.naa
    Mahantaa viitasaaradaa
Those unbound in the world, who have seen things as they are,
Great Ones of gentle speech, thoroughly mature,

Hita"m deva-manussaana"m
    Ya"m namassanti Gotama"m"m
    Mahanta"m viitasaarada"m
Even they pay homage to Gotama, the benefit of human & heavenly beings,
Consummate in knowledge & conduct, the Great One, thoroughly mature."m
    Buddha"m vandaama Gotamanti
We revere the Buddha Gotama, consummate in knowledge & conduct.

A"ngulimaala Paritta [go to top]
Ven. Angulimala's Protection

Yato'ha"m bhagini ariyaaya jaatiyaa jaato,
Naabhijaanaami sañcicca"m jiivitaa voropetaa,
Tena saccena sotthi te hotu sotthi gabbhassa.
Sister, since being born in the Noble Birth,
I am not aware that I have intentionally deprived a being of life.
By this truth may you be well,
And so may the child in your womb.

Bojjha"nga Paritta [go to top]
The Factor-of-Awakening Protection

Bojjha"ngo sati-sa"nkhaato
    Dhammaana"m vicayo tathaa
    Bojjha"ngaa ca tathaapare
    Satt'ete sabba-dassinaa
Muninaa sammadakkhaataa
    Bhaavitaa bahuliikataa
Sa"mvattanti abhiññaaya
    Nibbaanaaya ca bodhiyaa
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi te hotu sabbadaa.
The factors of Awakening include mindfulness,
Investigation of qualities,
Persistence, rapture, & serentiy factors of Awakening, plus
Concentration & equanimity factors of Awakening.
These seven, which the All-seeing Sage
Has rightly taught, when developed & matured,
Bring about heightened knowledge, Liberation, & Awakening.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.

Ekasmi"m samaye naatho
    Moggallaanañca Kassapa"m
Gilaane dukkhite disvaa
    Bojjha"nge satta desayi
Te ca ta"m abhinanditvaa
    Rogaa mucci"msu ta"
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi te hotu sabbadaa.
At one time, our Protector -- seeing that Moggallana & Kassapa
Were sick & in pain -- taught them the seven factors of Awakening.
They, delighting in that, were instantly freed from their illness.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.

Ekadaa dhamma-raajaa pi
Cundattherena taññeva
    Bha.naapetvaana saadara"m
Sammoditvaa ca aabaadhaa
    Tamhaa vu.t.thaasi .thaanaso
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi te hotu sabbadaa.
Once, when the Dhamma King was afflicted with fever,
He had the Elder Cunda recite that very teaching with devotion.
And as he approved, he rose up from that disease.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.

Pahiinaa te ca aabaadhaa
    Ti.n.nannam-pi mahesina"m
Maggaahata-kilesaa va
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi te hotu sabbadaa.
Those diseases were abandoned by the three great seers,
Just as defilements are demolished by the Path
In accordance with step-by-step attainment.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.

Buddha-jaya-ma"ngala Gaathaa [go to top]
The Verses of the Buddha's Auspicious Victories

Baahu"m sahassam-abhinimmita-saavudhanta"m
Griimekhala"m udita-ghora-sasena-maara"m
Daanaadi-dhamma-vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani
[Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngal'agga"m].
Creating a form with 1,000 arms, each equipped with a weapon,
Mara, on the elephant Girimekhala,
uttered a frightening roar together with his troops.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of such qualities as generosity:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.
[By the power of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.]

Khantii-sudanta-vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Even more frightful than Mara making war all night
Was AA.lavaka, the arrogant unstable ogre.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of well-trained endurance:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Naa.laagiri"m gaja-vara"m atimattabhuuta"m
Daavaggi-cakkam-asaniiva sudaaru.nanta"m
Mett'ambuseka-vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Naa.laagiri, the excellent elephant, when maddened,
Was very horrific, like a forest fire, a flaming discus, a lightning bolt.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by sprinkling the water of good will:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Ukkhitta-khaggam-atihattha sudaaru.nanta"m
Iddhiibhisa"nkhata-mano jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Very horrific, with a sword upraised in his expert hand,
Garlanded-with-Fingers ran three leagues along the path.
The Lord of Sages defeated him with mind-fashioned marvels:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Katvaana ka.t.tham-udara"m iva gabbhiniiyaa
Ciñcaaya du.t.tha-vacana"m jana-kaaya-majjhe
Santena soma-vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Having made a wooden belly to appear pregnant,
Ciñca made a lewd accusation in the midst of the gathering.
The Lord of Sages defeated her with peaceful, gracious means:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Sacca"m vihaaya mati-saccaka-vaada-ketu"m
Vaadaabhiropita-mana"m ati-andhabhuuta"m
Paññaa-padiipa-jalito jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Saccaka, whose provocative views had abandoned the truth,
Delighting in argument, had become thoroughly blind.
The Lord of Sages defeated him with the light of discernment:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Nandopananda-bhujaga"m vibudha"m mahiddhi"m
Puttena thera-bhujagena damaapayanto
Iddhuupadesa-vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
Nandopananda was a serpent with great power but wrong views.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of a display of marvels,
sending his son (Moggallana), the serpent-elder, to tame him:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Duggaaha-di.t.thi-bhujagena suda.t.tha-hattha"m
Brahma"m visuddhi-jutim-iddhi-bakaabhidhaana"m
Ñaa.naagadena vidhinaa jitavaa munindo
Tan-tejasaa bhavatu te jaya-ma"ngalaani.
His hands bound tight by the serpent of wrongly held views,
Baka, the Brahma, thought himself pure in his radiance & power.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of his words of knowledge:
By the power of this, may you have victory blessings.

Etaapi buddha-jaya-ma"ngala-a.t.tha-gaathaa
Yo vaacano dinadine sarate matandii
Hitvaan'aneka-vividhaani c'upaddavaani
Mokkha"m sukha"m adhigameyya naro sapañño.
These eight verses of the Buddha's victory blessings:
Whatever person of discernment
Recites or recalls them day after day without lapsing,
Destroying all kinds of obstacles,
Will attain emancipation & happiness.

Jaya Gaathaa [go to top]
The Victory Protection

Mahaa-kaaru.niko naatho
    Hitaaya sabba-paa.nina"m
Puuretvaa paaramii sabbaa
    Patto sambodhim-uttama"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Hotu te jaya-ma"ngala"m
(The Buddha), our protector, with great compassion,
    For the welfare of all beings,
Having fulfilled all the perfections,
    Attained the highest self-awakening.
Through the speaking of this truth,
may you have a victory blessing.

Jayanto bodhiyaa muule
    Sakyaana"m nandi-va.d.dhano
Eva"m tvam vijayo hohi
    Jayassu jaya-ma"ngale
Victorious at the foot of the Bodhi tree,
Was he who increased the Sakyans' delight.
May you have the same sort of victory,
May you win victory blessings.

    Siise pa.thavi-pokkhare
Abhiseke sabba-buddhaana"m
    Aggappatto pamodati
At the head of the lotus leaf of the world
On the undefeated seat
Consecrated by all the Buddhas,
He rejoiced in the utmost attainment.

Sunakkhatta"m suma"ngala"m
    Supabhaata"m suhu.t.thita"m sumuhutto ca
    Suyi.t.tha"m brahmacaarisu"m kaaya-kamma"m
    Vaacaa-kamma"m"m"m mano-kamma"m
    Pa.nidhii te padakkhi.naa
Padakkhi.naani katvaana
A lucky star it is, a lucky blessing,
a lucky dawn, a lucky sacrifice,
a lucky instant, a lucky moment,
a lucky offering: i.e., a rightful bodily act
a rightful verbal act, a rightful mental act,
your rightful intentions
with regard to those who lead the chaste life.
Doing these rightful things,
your rightful aims are achieved.

Abhaya Gaathaa [go to top]
The Danger-free Protection

Yan-dunnimitta"m avama"ngalañca
    Yo caamanaapo saku.nassa saddo
Paapaggaho dussupina"m akanta"m
    Buddhaanubhaavena vinaasamentu
Whatever unlucky portents & ill omens,
And whatever distressing bird calls,
Evil planets, upsetting nightmares:
By the Buddha's power may they be destroyed.

Yan-dunnimitta"m avama"ngalañca
    Yo caamanaapo saku.nassa saddo
Paapaggaho dussupina"m akanta"m
    Dhammaanubhaavena vinaasamentu
Whatever unlucky portents & ill omens,
And whatever distressing bird calls,
Evil planets, upsetting nightmares:
By the Dhamma's power may they be destroyed.

Yan-dunnimitta"m avama"ngalañca
    Yo caamanaapo saku.nassa saddo
Paapaggaho dussupina"m akanta"m
    Sa"nghaanubhaavena vinaasamentu
Whatever unlucky portents & ill omens,
And whatever distressing bird calls,
Evil planets, upsetting nightmares:
By the Sa"ngha's power may they be destroyed.

"Sakkatvaa buddha-ratana"m..." [go to top]

Sakkatvaa buddha-ratana"m
    Osatha"m uttama"m vara"m
Hita"m deva-manussaana"m
    Buddha-tejena sotthinaa
Nassant'upaddavaa sabbe
    Dukkhaa vuupasamentu te.
Having revered the jewel of the Buddha,
The highest, most excellent medicine,
The welfare of human & heavenly beings:
Through the Buddha's might & safety
May all obstacles vanish,
May your sufferings grow totally calm.

Sakkatvaa dhamma-ratana"m
    Osatha"m uttama"m vara"m
    Dhamma-tejena sotthinaa
Nassant'upaddavaa sabbe
    Bhayaa vuupasamentu te.
Having revered the jewel of the Dhamma,
The highest, most excellent medicine,
The stiller of feverish passion:
Through the Dhamma's might & safety
May all obstacles vanish,
May your fears grow totally calm.

Sakkatvaa sa"ngha-ratana"m
    Osatha"m uttama"m vara"m
AAhuneyya"m paahuneyya"m
    Sa"ngha-tejena sotthinaa
Nassant'upaddavaa sabbe
    Rogaa vuupasamentu te.
Having revered the jewel of the Sa"ngha,
The highest, most excellent medicine,
Worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality:
Through the Sa"ngha's might & safety
May all obstacles vanish,
May your diseases grow totally calm.

"Dukkhappattaa ca niddukkhaa..." [go to top]

Dukkhappattaa ca niddukkhaa
    Bhayappattaa ca nibbhayaa
Sokappattaa ca nissokaa
    Hontu sabbe pi paa.nino.
May all beings:
    who have fallen into suffering be without suffering,
    who have fallen into danger be without danger,
    who have fallen into sorrow be without sorrow.

Ettaavataa ca amhehi
    Sambhata"m puñña-sampada"m
Sabbe devaanumodantu
For the sake of all attainment & success
May all heavenly beings rejoice
In the extent to which we have gathered a consummation of merit.

Daana"m dadantu saddhaaya
    Siila"m rakkhantu sabbadaa
Bhaavanaabhirataa hontu
    Gacchantu devataagataa.
May they give gifts with conviction, may they always maintain virtue,
May they delight in meditation, may they go to a heavenly destination.

Sabbe buddhaa balappattaa
    Paccekaanañca ya"m bala"m
Arahantaanañca tejena
    Rakkha"m bandhaami sabbaso.
From the strength attained by all the Buddhas,
The strength of the Private Buddhas,
By the power of the arahants,
I bind this protection all around.

"Bhavatu sabba-ma"ngala"m..." [go to top]

Bhavatu sabba-ma"ngala"m
    Rakkhantu sabba-devataa
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

    Sadaa sotthii bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Buddhas, may you always be well.

Bhavatu sabba-ma"ngala"m
    Rakkhantu sabba-devataa
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

    Sadaa sotthii bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Dhammas, may you always be well.

Bhavatu sabba-ma"ngala"m
    Rakkhantu sabba-devataa
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.

    Sadaa sotthii bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Sa"nghas, may you always be well.

Revised: Sun 3 October 1999